
 24*7CabServices is a popular name in Europe that provides cab services for personal as well as corporate use. Currently, to book a cab, a user has to either call the customer care or visit the nearest office. This proves to be a time-consuming task for the user. The management identifies this problem and decides to create a website where users can book cabs from anywhere, anytime.
The home page of the website includes certain menu items, such as Home, About Us, Reservations, and Special Offers. When any of the menu items is clicked, the corresponding Web page appears on the right-side of the same Web page and the menu items appear on the top of every page. In addition, the left-side of the home page displays the images of cars that the organization provides. 
When a user clicks the Reservations link, the Cab Reservation form is displayed. It accepts the name, address for pick up and drop, user’s phone number, date and time when the cab is needed, number of passengers, and type of cab (AC/Non AC). In addition, the form contains the submit button. Once this button is clicked, an alert message appears specifying whether the cab is booked or not.
A team of Web developers at InfoDesigners has been asked to develop the required website. Being one of the developers in the team, you have been assigned the task to analyze the requirement and implement the required features on the website.

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Jobsee is an organization that renders employment services to job-seekers. The organization wants to create a website that allows job-seekers to search the current job openings that suit their profile. Apart from enabling a user to search the desired job, the website should also allow the user to apply for the job online. However, to apply for a job on the website, the user first needs to register on the website. To register, the user needs to provide the details, such as name, address, phone number, email ID, password, total experience, relevant experience, and educational details. In addition, the user needs to upload the resume. Once registered, the user can apply for any number of jobs.
A user can register by clicking on the navigational link, JobSeekers Register, which is available at the menu bar on the home page of the website. Apart from the JobSeekers Register link, the menu bar also contains links for the JobSeekers Login, Search Jobs, and Learnings page. The menu item, Search Jobs, contain sub-menu items, such as Jobs by Company, Jobs by Category, and Jobs by Skills.
The home page of the website also displays logos (in the form of images) of various organizations. By clicking on the image, the user can visit the organization’s website and can easily explore the organization, such as organizations’ services, clients, and job profile.
A team of web developers at SoftTech Inc. has been assigned the task to create the required website. Being one of the Web developers in the team, you have been assigned the task of analyzing the scenario and creating the required website.

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Karishma Assignment

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My Baby Assignment

MyBaby Inc. is a leading company in Texas that sells baby products under various categories, such as baby skin care products, toys, and baby food. Currently, the customers of the company need to visit the company stores to buy these products. The company does not have stores worldwide. Therefore, the company is unable to serve customers all over the world. In addition, a customer visiting the store, at times, has to wait due to heavy rush. Therefore, to overcome the preceding limitations, the company has decided to create a website where a customer can view and order the products online. 
At WorldTech Inc., Alice and her team have been assigned the task of creating the required website. The home page of the website should be designed by the team in a way that it contains the company’s name or logo at the top left corner of the page. Below the company’s name or logo, a horizontal menu bar containing links for the Health and Safety, Clothing and Shoes, and Toys page should be displayed. The menu item, Toys, should contain sub-menu items, such as Infant Toys, Dolls and Soft Toys, Cars and Automobiles, Games and Puzzles, and Educational Toys. 
Below the navigational links, an image gallery displaying the hot deals and offers should be added. In addition, the home page should display the images of the products. A user can click any of these images and view the product details, such as price, availability, and shipping details. At the bottom of the page, a widget named Customer’s Feedback should be created to display the customer’s feedback.
To make the Web page appealing to the customers, the design team has been asked to apply the color, red, on the background of the menu items and the color, ivory, to the rest of the page. Either the font family, Times New Roman, or the font family, Arial, in case Times New Roman is not supported by the browser, should be applied on the text along with the italic style. The text color for the menu items should be set to white and for the rest of the page it should be black. 

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Atlanta football Club assignment in core java solved

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Core java assignment Booking Car Full Assignment

1.You need to analyze the object and information structure in the given scenario and perform the following tasks: Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the car categories, cars, bookings, and drivers. Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

2.Once the primary classes are created, you need to perform the following tasks: Create the database tables in Derby and populate the tables with the sample data. The following figure shows the structures of the tables that you need to create. 

The Structure of the Tables 

Implement the following classes that use JDBC to interact with the database tables: Implement a class that inserts the record of a car booking into the BOOKING table. Implement a class that inserts the driver and car assignment records for a booking into the ASSIGNMENT table. Implement a class that queries the database tables to retrieve booking records based on client name, driver name, and travel date.

3.After creating the JDBC classes, you need to implement the customer payment module of the application. To implement this module, you will need to perform the following tasks: Create a class to model a customer payment file. Create a class that manages customer payments by implementing the following functions: The class should create a customer payment file of a driver on the file system in the following directory structure format: 

EarnestCabs/<Car Category>/<driver ID>.txt 

In the preceding format: <Car Category>: Represents the category of a car, such as Economy, Standard, and Premium. <driver ID>: Represents the unique identifier of a driver. 

For adding information about customer payments, the class should search the file system for the customer payment file of the driver and add data to it. For querying customer payments, the class should search the file system for the customer payment file of the driver and display the recorded details. 

4.You need to test and debug the application. You need to use the console to input test data and verify the outputs based on the requirement of the system. You also need to validate that the input data conforms to the data format used in the application

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Core java assignment Maryland PM University Scenario5

Maryland PM University, often called MPM, is a private research university in the field of engineering located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. MPM is regarded as an engineering university that performs quality research activities. MPM provides an extensive collection of study materials that include books, research articles, and reference materials through the MPM Research Library located in the university campus. The library remains open from 9 am to 8 pm throughout a week. Students and staff members having an MPM University ID card can visit the library to study books.  

The management of MPM, after receiving several requests and feedbacks from students and staff members, has decided to allow borrowing of a section of study materials. The management has framed policies for identifying study materials that can be borrowed and taken out from the library. Based on the policies, the library staff has created and categorized the list of study materials that can be borrowed.  

The management now wants to create a Library Management System (LMS) that will automate the process of issuing study materials to be taken out from the library and receiving them back. To create the LMS, the management has asked the Computer Science department to create a team of developers who will analyze and develop the system. As a senior university student, you have been assigned to lead the team to create the LMS. 

Based on your initial meeting with the library staff, you have analyzed that the study materials of the library are divided in the following eight categories:   

 General Studies  Aerospace Engineering  Agricultural and Biological Engineering  Civil and Environmental Engineering  Computer Science  Electrical Engineering  Materials Science and Engineering  Mechanical Science and Engineering 

The library staff has assigned each study material that can be borrowed with one of the following three borrowing periods:  

 Small Period: 3 days  Mid Period: 7 days  Long Period: 15 days 

In subsequent meetings, you have collated the requirements of the LMS. The LMS will be a standalone application used by the librarian at the issuing desk. The LMS should allow a librarian to check the availability of a study material and also issue an available study material.  

In addition, the LMS should allow a librarian to generate a Daily Defaulter Report (DDR) for each category of study material and store it in the file system as a text file. A DDR will contain information of staff members and students who have not returned a borrowed study material within the stipulated period.  

A DDR file will contain the following pieces of information:  

 DDR generation date   MPM University ID, name, and phone number of the defaulter  Study material ID and name 

 Issue date  Number of defaulting days 

The LMS should also allow the receptionist to merge all the DDR files to create a single Consolidated Defaulter Report (CDR) file at the end of each working day. The receptionist will share the CDR file with the library head on a daily basis.  

You have been assigned the task of analyzing the scenario and lead the team in creating the LMS. 

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Core java assignment restaurant’s resources 68024_Scenario7

Foodies Delight is a restaurant chain that has its head office in Denver, Colorado. Foodies Delight has 25 restaurants across seven major cities nationwide and plans to add more restaurants to its chain. Because of the quality of food and service that Foodies Delight provides, almost all their restaurants attract a good number of customers.
To dine in a restaurant, customers need to reserve a table either by calling the restaurant over the phone or by visiting the restaurant. Currently, table reservation details of a customer are recorded and processed manually. This manual process often leads to errors that result in customer disappointment. A common complaint is regarding a customer who is not able to get a table, which he has already reserved, on time. In addition, tables, at times, remain unused despite customer’s availability, which results in wastage of restaurant’s resources.
Based on the feedbacks received from the customers and restaurant staff, the management of Foodies Delight has decided to automate the table reservation process through a Reservation Management System (RMS).
To create the RMS, the management has approached Tech Force, a software development organization. As a software developer of Tech Force, you have been assigned the task to lead the team creating the RMS.
Based on your initial meeting with the management and restaurant staff of Foodies Delight, you have analyzed that each restaurant has the following types of tables:   Single  Double  Family
The restaurant receptionist reserves tables for customers. To reserve a table, the receptionist checks for the availability of tables, whenever there is a reservation request. When customers leave a table after paying the bill, the receptionist marks each such table as unreserved.
In subsequent meetings, you have collated the requirements of the RMS. The RMS will be a standalone application used by the receptionist of a restaurant. The RMS should allow a receptionist to check the availability of a table and to reserve a table for a customer. The RMS should allow the receptionist to generate Table Reservation Report (TRR) files for each table category and store the same in the file system as text files. A TRR will contain the following pieces of information:  The date and time on which the report is created  The table ID and the duration for which the table is occupied
The RMS should also allow the receptionist to merge all the TRR files of a week to create a single Weekly Reservation Report (WRR) file. At the end of the week, the receptionist will share the WRR file with the Restaurant Manager.
You have been assigned the task of analyzing the scenario and lead the team in creating the RMS. 

Core java assignment patient with a doctor 67854_Scenario1

NemCare is a leading health care provider in the US and has multispecialty hospitals in seven cities nationwide. In its effort to reach out to people who do not have access to medical facilities, NemCare has decided to operate Out Patient Clinics. Each NemCare clinic will have a qualified medical team that provides consultations to patients visiting the clinic. NemCare has already started work to make two clinics operational within six months. Having realized the need to automate the operations of the clinics, the management of NemCare has hired ProDev, an IT consultancy firm, to design and automate the processes common to each clinic. In the first phase, NemCare has assigned ProDev to create Patient Management System (PMS).
You have been assigned to lead a team to design and develop PMS. Based on the initial requirement, you have documented that each clinic will initially have the following departments with more departments likely to be added in a phased manner:
 General Medicine  Cardiology  Neurology  Gastroenterology
Each department will have a team of doctors with different consultancy timings.
In subsequent meetings, you have gathered the requirements of PMS. Initially, PMS will be a single user application that allows an employee of a clinic to register a new patient visiting the clinic and generate a unique patient ID for the patient. The clinic will provide a printed registration card to the patient. During subsequent visits to the clinic, the patient will be required to provide the registration card for appointments or any other transactions.
The system should allow an employee to create an appointment for a registered patient with a doctor. The system should create a unique appointment file for each patient that will be updated when the patient revisits the clinic. Each appointment file should be stored categorically by the departments of the clinic. For a revisiting patient, the system should allow an employee to view the appointment file of the patient.     Being the team leader at ProDev, you have been assigned the task of analyzing the scenario and lead the team in creating PMS.


Full Assignment Atlanta football Club 

Sem 3

1.You need to analyze the object and information structure in the given scenario and perform the following tasks: Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the positions, players, and matches. 
Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

2. Once the primary classes are created, you need to perform the following tasks: Create the database tables in Derby and populate the tables with the sample data. The following figure shows the structures of the tables that you need to create:   
                                     The Structure of the Tables 
Implement the following classes that use JDBC to interact with the database tables:  Implement a class that performs the following functions:  Insert the record of a new match into the MATCH table.  Insert the record of a team for a match into the TEAM table.  Implement a class that queries the database tables to retrieve information of a match and the team.

3. After creating the JDBC classes, you need to implement the player performance module of the application. To implement this module, you will need to perform the following tasks:  Create a class that generates a MPR file by implementing the following functions: 
The class should create the MPR file for a match in the following directory structure format:     
In the preceding format:  <DD-MM-YYYY>: Is the date, month, and year on which the MPR report is created. Create a class that creates the CDR file by implementing the following functions.  The class should merge the contents of MPR files for each match to create a TPR file for the tournament in the following location and format: 
Once a new TPR file is created, the class should move the existing MPR files to the following location: 
The class should perform the operations to copy from each MPR file to the TPR file using separate threads.

4. You need to test and debug the application. You need to use the console to input test data and verify the outputs based on the requirement of the system. You also need to validate that the input data conforms to the data format used in the application.

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kali said...

please provide the link to the assignment scenario 7 asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kali said...

I am having troube with assignments in java.please provide me with solution for the scenario7 question in your blog.



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