Have you ever wondered how many people in Regina are searching on Google for what you provide? From Pizza Regina (12,100 monthly local searches) to Yoga Regina (1,900 monthly local searches), some surprises and some obviously very popular searches (Hotel Regina).
Below you’ll finally get an idea of how many people actually Google Church Regina, Lawyer Regina, and Party bus Regina. We also solve the age old question, what do people from Regina Google more, Pizza or Chinese Food? (hint, pizza Regina wins by a long shot. Shocking.)
***Warning*** these numbers aren’t’ perfect, they are the average and they fluctuate just the same as local demand fluctuates. If you want to find the search volume of your own keywords check out Google Adwords Keyword Tool.
Listed below are 101 of the most searched Regina keyword terms in Google. Listed is the local search demand and the global search demand in Google.
The 101 Most Searched Regina Keywords in Google [Infographic]