The C language is a high level computer programming language. This was first developed by Dennis Ritchie during the seventies at Bell Labs. It was originally founded for programming purposes but since it was rather flexible and strong as a programming language, it started to be used in a variety of other applications, ranging from engineering to business related programs. C has always been a very popular computer language. It is always used by computer users because it is easy to use and takes up less memory as compared to other types of languages. Students enrolled for computer science should ideally learn this language and can take up projects using this particular language. You can borrow from some of the easy-to-do projects enlisted below to get a better understanding of the language and its applications:
- Railway Reservation System Program
- Mini Project in C Hotel Reservation and management System
- Library Management System: Mini project Library management system is simple project on C made using file handling. Database of the project is simple C files. This project is very useful for those who are stepping in creating a project using C. Especially the whole project is based on file handling. Adding record, view saved record, modify record and deleting record are core part of the project. Besides the program is password protected. So to change the content of the project you need password.
- A Car Rental System
- Accounts Management System
- Airline Reservation System
- Army Management System
- ATM System C mini Project
- Quiz Application: This is a simple project made using C. It is most useful for those who are new to C and don’t know how to start to make a mini project on C. The source code of the project is divided in many header files so as to make it more manageable. The whole project is divided into two parts: administrator mode and player mode. The questions can be added, modified or deleted via administrator mode and one can play the Quiz game via player mode. Although no graphics are included, the project may use some functions in Windows to make it colorful.
- Program to get Group ID information
- Simple digital clock program
- Medical Store Inventory System: This is large and complete c project built for medical store management system. In this project you can keep details of customer, suppliers and medicine. You can view the report and billing information also. You can add, edit, delete and search the record also.
- Creating a 8 way symmetry cycle using C
- Program of falling characters
- Using Structures to create the EB Bill
- Writing a port scanner
- An alphabet case conversion program
- TSR Clock Program
- Fork system call implementation
- Finding the cos series
- Medical Record Monitor program
- Brick Game
- Showroom database management system
- Auto Repair Shop Management System
- Automotive Store Management System
- Banking System : This program may be done to carry out the following tasks: Create new account, Cash Deposit, Cash withdrawal, Fund Transfer, view Account information and Transaction information and finally to Log out
- Cafeteria Ordering System
- Car Insurance
- Clothing Store Management
- College Management System
- E-book Shopping
- Decimal to roman number conversion
- Simulation of Railway reservation system
- Program on permutation and combination
- Example project on comparison operators
- Egg game
- Sudoku Game
- Example program on E-num
- Circular linked list implementation
- Life simulation program
- Program to reverse the given input string
- Setting different display modes by program
- Assembly Chain Scheduling
- Video Library management system
- Calculating the area of polygon using the C language
- Tree operations in C
- Graphical show of a moving ball
- Screen saver password cracker
- Event Organizing, Planning and Management System
- Football Updates Information System
- Gym Management System
- Hostel Accommodation System
- Hotel Management System with the C language
- Household Budget Management System
- Human Resource Management
- Medical Store System
- Mess Management System
- Online Admission System
- Online Auction System
- Online Course Registration System
- Encryption and decryption of files
- PC Based device controller
- Building a game engine
- Ethernet based temperature controller
- Finding the determinant of a matrix
- Sum of Taylor’s series
- WAV file player
- Converting IP address to its base10 form
- Finding LCM and GCD
- Binary Search
- Recursive balanced quick sort
- A program to launch notepad
- Implementing rot13 algorithm
- 3D Diagram of an IC
- A folder protection program
- Creating a message box
- Online Education System
- Online Examination System
- Online Food Ordering
- Online Movie Ticket Booking System
- Online Recruitment System
- Online Voting System
- Police Management System
- Prison Management System
- RTO Management System
- School Management System
- Sports Shop Management
- Student Attendance Management System
- Super Market Management System
- Vehicle Tracking System
- Stock Management System
- Recharge Coupon System
- Vehicle Tracking System
- Employee Record System
- Calendar Application: Mini project “Calendar Application” is also a simple project made using C. http://sonugiri.blogspot.in It uses many windows properties to make it colorful, for example, to indicate the vacation, it uses the red foreground color. The calendar can be used for two purposes. First for viewing the date and month as usual calendars and second to find out the day corresponding to given date.
- Student Record System: Mini project student record system is another project based on programming language C. It also uses files as database. This project has unique style of coding and presentation so that reader is clear about all aspects of programming. In this project, a console window is virtually split into two parts, one is static which doesn’t change and another is dynamic which changes time to time. The text is written using various colors to make them static.
- Digital Voltmeter
- Matrix Calculator
- Media Player Classic
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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