Monday, November 23, 2015

Group Discussion Topics

Group Discussion Topics

Business meeting.
Business meeting.
Group Discussion or GD has been introduced to judge a candidate’s personality; it evaluates the behavior and personality traits of an individual in terms of his or her communication skills, analytical skills, team building skills, problem solving and decision making skills. This is an exercise in which about 8-10 members participate. They are usually strangers and might not have interacted earlier. The discussion is held on a topic which is given to the entire group and every member is expected to think and deliver his viewpoint on that topic. The topic is debated and analyzed during the group discussion and the members are judged on the basis of their contributions and level of participation in this exercise. Although it involves teamwork, each person is judged individually and it helps to bring out individual traits. Below is a list of interesting GD topics which you can choose from when you are preparing for GD:
  1. Harsh punishments can effectively reduce crimes
  2. Saving Wildlife is the need of the hour
  3. Flexibility of labor laws is the key to attracting more FDI
  4. Engineers Joining Management Is A National Waste
  5. MBA in India is overrated
  6. Reservation should be removed
  7. Quota System should be abolished
  8. Maintaining brotherhood is a social obligation
  9. Beauty Pageants give a wrong impact on the women of India
  10. Winning matters whatever the cost
  11. Reality shows- Should children be banned from coming in such shows?
  12. Liberalization is leading to jobless growth
  13. Business Ethics
  14. How can you deal with International Terrorism?
  15. Is Management An Art or Science?
  16. Religion is an entirely private affair
  17. The Objective of Management is to maximize profits
  18. Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience
  19. Are co-operatives relevant in today’s globalized environment
  20. Peace and Nonviolence is an outdated concept?
  21. Foreign Aid works like An Addictive Drug
  22. Economic freedom is the road to growth and prosperity
  23. Is the budgeting exercise of any use?
  24. Utilization of Privatization Proceeds
  25. What Football Means To India
  26. Machine Over Man Or Man Over Machine
  27. Indian Premier League- Has cricket lost its essence?
  28. Cold War
  29. Is terrorism the price we have to pay for democracy?
  30. Should voters be given a NOTA choice?
  31. Is our Political System Reason for our Backwardness?
  32. Educational qualification for Politicians
  33. Necessity of Women Quota Bill for Women Empowerment
  34. Voters, not Political Parties, are Responsible for the Criminalization of Politics
  35. Should We Pursue our Policy of Dialogue with Pakistan?
  36. The Way Forward for India is to Join Hands with Pakistan on Nuclear Matters
  37. Need for Good Leaders in India
  38. Politics is run by the Barrel of Gun
  39. Retirement Age for Politicians
  40. Corruption is the Price we pay for Democracy
  41. What India needs is a Dictatorship?
  42. Value-based Politics is the Need of the Hour
  43. Religion should not be mixed with Politics
  44. Democracy is Hampering India’s Progress
  45. Should Tainted Ministers Allowed to Contest Elections?
  46. Presidential v/s Parliamentary Form of Government in India
  47. Reservations in the Private Sector
  48. Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour
  49. India should opt for the presidential form of democracy
  50. Globalization and Privatization
  51. Is Mixed Economy preferred?
  52. MBA or PGDM?
  53. Privatization of Universities/colleges/schools
  54. Does India need a dictatorship?
  55. Individual accountability or Collective accountability – Which one do you value more?
  56. Integrity or Knowledge – what is more important?
  57. Hindi or Sanskrit – Which language should get the priority?
  58. Politics and Ethics cannot go together
  59. Credit rating agencies – Are they useful?
  60. Values – Do they change with time or they are eternal & universal?
  61. Crisis of conscience or Crisis of confidence
  62. Divorce and remarriage should be encouraged
  63. Reservation for women would help the society
  64. Hindi movies are harming our society
  65. Live-in relationships should be encouraged
  66. How to deal with terrorism
  67. Adversity or Power – Which trait defines a person’s character better
  68. Are eBooks better than print books?
  69. English should be made the Official Language
  70. Arranged marriage is better than love marriage
  71. Younger generation is more practical than older
  72. Joint family is a blessing in disguise
  73. Brain-Drain has to be stopped
  74. Water resources should be nationalized
  75. Should euthanasia be legalized?
  76. Parents don’t understand children most of the times
  77. Daughters are more caring than sons
  78. TV Commercials should be banned
  79. Abortion and Euthanasia – Is it morally right for society?
  80. Journalism should be out of the premises of censorship
  81. Life imprisonment should be seen as an alternative to capital punishment
  82. NGOs – Do they serve people’s interests?
  83. Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry
  84. Universal Disarmament Is a Must
  85. Rules are made to be broken
  86. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet
  87. A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years
  88. Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy
  89. Parenthood- only thing that makes a difference to everything in life?
  90. Blood test to reveal life span should be welcome.
  91. Women are better managers    The test of a successful man is not an ability to eliminate the problem before it exists, but to meet and resolve it whenever it arises
  92. Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment
  93. Mothers should be listed as first guardians.
  94. Education is what remains after one forgets what one has learnt in school
  95. Law is the creation of the strong to rule the weak
  96. A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds
  97. If you give a man a fish, he eats it once. You teach a man to fish, you lose a business opportunity
  98. Nuclear power is a safe source of energy
  99. Impact of globalization
  100. Is the Chinese market a threat to the Indian market?




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