The Masters of Computer Applications or MCA has been mainly designed to meet the growing demands of qualified IT professionals. This post graduate course can be undertaken by students once they have completed their Bachelor’s degree in computer science. The course focuses primarily on most advanced programming languages and the tools needed to create improved and faster applications. You should ideally select a topic which has high job potential. It is necessary for students to take up projects in this course to widen their knowledge about the topic and hone their presentation and communication skills. Below is a list of MCA projects which can help students improve their placement prospects:
- Hardware Accessories Management System
- Wholesale management system
- Desktop Organizer /Sticky Notes
- Color Scheme Authentication
- Color scheme authentication: In this a new authentication scheme called Color Scheme Authentication is proposed for PDAs. These schemes authenticate the user by session passwords. Session passwords are passwords that are used only once and after the session expires, the password becomes invalid.
- Patient Management System
- Blood Bank Management System
- Human Resource Management System
- Prescription Viewer App: Prescription Viewer App is an easy-to-use app that is designed to monitor and keep track of your medication. It is an Android-based app which helps you to view your medication anytime and anywhere through your phone. A website is created for the doctor to enter the prescription details. The prescription is then sent to the Prescription Viewer App, installed in the patient’s phone, using Google cloud messaging (GCM). The app stores the prescription and displays it on the patient’s phone.
- Piracy Protection Security Component AES based Energy efficient Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Wireless sensor networks can sense changes in environment and send it across to control center for various analysis.
- Online Task Management
- Text Based Search Engine Development Web Crawler Search engine using Apache Lucene API
- Remote Desktop Communication
- Video and Audio Conversation over VOIP Protocol
- FTP Client Application Development
- Email Sending Utility development using POP/IMAP/SMTP Protocol
- System Advisor tool
- Web based UI Component development
- Desktop UI Component Generation
- Project Validation Component Generation on Desktop technologies
- Project Validation Component Generation on Web technologies
- Web server and Client Development for HTTP Protocol using Multithreading
- Private/Propriety Protocol development and its implementation using Java Servlet
- Online Parallel Examination
- Remote Database Admin TOOL on WEB or Desktop
- Database Migration tool
- Online NEWS Publication System(e-Paper publication and Display)
- Network Firewall implementation
- Website designing tool from existing website
- Online Banking
- File Comparison and Merging tool
- Website Broken Link Detector
- Website Organic Compliance Checker
- DNA Microarray image processing: is used in research and development of Microarray image analysis, data cleaning, per processing, semantic integration of distributed biomedical databases, exploration of existing data mining tools for bio-data analysis and development of advanced and scalable data mining methods in bio data analysis
- CMS-Template based web page generation
- Railway Prepaid Auto Management System
- Android Suburban Railway Ticketing with GPS as Ticket Checker: This project eliminates the need to stand in queue for buying tickets. This particular system enables any user to buy the suburban railway ticket on the smart phone itself, and also provides a reference code for the ticket.
- Android System Design and Implementation for Telemetric Services
- Automatic Brightness Control of the Hand-held Device Display with Low Illumination: This project reduces the need to set up brightness of the smart phone based on the ambient light intensity.
- Remote Web Based Java Executor
- Color Palate –Interior Color Theme Chooser
- Website Hosting cPanel for Any Web Server
- IDE with Drag and Drop Based Application Development
- Ticket Based Support System
- Payroll System
- Website Performance Evaluation System
- Job Portal and Recruitment Engine
- Multi user Detection for the MIMO-OFDM System Based on the Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- Speedy detection algorithm of underwater moving targets
- Personalized Mobile Search Engine (PMSE): different from the conventional search engines as it provides the ease of searching based on user preferences.
- MySQL to DSpace Data Mapping: open source repository software package typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly and/or published digital content.
- Online Product Recommendation on Shopping Portal: recommendation systems or engines work from a specific type of information filtering system technique that attempts to recommend items like films, television, video on demand, music etc that are likely to be of interest to users
- Optical Character Recognition: Often abbreviated OCR, optical character recognition refers to the branch of computer science that involves reading text from paper and translating the images into a form that the computer can manipulate.
- Bus reservation system
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Handwritten Document Analysis using DIP
- Image Viewer and Editor
- Library Management System
- Matrix Calculator
- Media Player Classic
- Program with 3d array and logic to solve rubric cube.
- Proxy
- Student Information system
- An XML interface to the Java Object Library Toolkit (JOLT) Spreadsheet
- Day Planner
- Electronic voting System
- Home banking system
- Hospital Information System
- Library management System
- Online Web Conferencing
- Video Rental System
- Web-based Photo Album Viewer
- Easy Web Browser
- Hotel Management System
- Meta Search Engines
- Voxx Speech Recognition project
- Web loan Calculator
- Advanced Ticketing System
- Attendance Management System
- Blogging Platform With PHP
- Build Auction Site or Site That Interact With Online Users.
- Discussion Forums
- Leave Application Management System
- Movie Rental Systems
- Online Banking System
- Online Hospital Management
- Online Movie Ticket Reservation System
- Online Photo Gallery System
- Online Shopping
- Reservation Systems
- Scrapbook
- Shop Management System
- Simple PHP Blog Without Database
- Speech Enabled Airline Reservation System
- Voice – xml-Based Address Book Access Using PHP
- JAVA Based Online Shopping to improve services for vendors and buyers
- Syntax tree based clone detection for Java
- Interactive Web-based Guideline for the Efficiency of Household Electric Power Consumption to build electric energy calculator
- Online Course Registration System in JAVA which is a software to help students register for courses online
- Children Tracking System Using Bluetooth MANET Composed of Android Mobile Terminals
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