Mechanical engineering refers to the branch of engineering which focuses on the principles of physics, engineering, materials science etc for designing, analyzing, producing and maintaining mechanical systems. The students enrolled in this disciple are engaged in designing and producing, running and maintaining machinery of different types. It is therefore important for students of mechanical engineering to take up projects during the course to gain an in-depth understanding of concepts and learn ways to put these to real world use.
- Energy saving light arrangement
- Power saving system for lathe
- D & f of pneumatic reciprocating water pumping system
- Fabrication of electronic hack saw machine
- Automatic pressure controller cum valve open/close arrangement
- Automatic gate open/close system
- Robot controlled vacuum cleaner
- Automatic acrylic sheet bending machine
- Automatic lamination machine
- Mini crushing machine
- Electrical spot welding machine
- Automatic plant water moistening system for gardens
- Automatic water level indicator and controlling system
- Aero plane controlling system (glider model)
- Digital controlled coil winding machine
- Fabrication of air leak detector
- Temperature controller with cooling system
- Spark plug tester
- Automatic pneumatic gear changer
- Automatic dam shutter control system
- Automatic moisture and light controlling system
- Automatic vulcanizing machine
- Aircraft Maneuverability
- Aircraft Propeller
- All- wing Technology
- Alternate Fuel Cells for Automobiles
- Alternative Abrasive To Diamond
- Alternative Fuel
- Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Alternative Fuels Hydrogen in internal combustion engines
- Alternative system to home refrigerating system
- Paper counting machine
- Industrial boiler flame remote adjustment system
- Development Of An Ultrasound Sensor For High Energy Medical Applications
- Development Of Coated Electrodes For Welding Of HSLA Steels
- Development Of High
- Fabrication of motorized crane
- Remote control dish antenna tracking system
- Line tracer industrial vehicle: A material handling vehicle to carry goods in industry and that follow black line to follow. Any obstacle in front will stop the vehicle to avoid any accident by using IR or ultrasonic sensors.
- Robotic radar system
- Robotic fire brigade trolley: – This robotic motorized trolley carries with water tank with it and work automatically if finds the fine in its route.
- Robotic lift/ escalator: – This electromechanically System controls the model with keys operation for its clockwise and antilock movement.
- Fabrication of mosaic polishing machine
- Fabrication of sensor operated automatic ramming machine
- Fabrication of pneumatic multipurpose grinder
- Pedestal spot welding machine
- Influence of an iron fuel additive on the performance and emissions of a DI diesel engine
- Influence Of An Iron Fuel Additive On The Performance And Emissions Of A DI Diesel Engine
- Information Technology And The Analysis Of A Complex System
- Gas kit for two wheeler
- Green nanotechnology in automobiles
- GPS and weapon Technology
- Future Electrical Steering System
- Robotic ARM Control Through Internet LAN for Patient Operation
- Robotic Arm: A three-geared motor setup of robotic arm is an interesting project under material handling.
- Robotic crane
- Remote operated fork lift
- Remote controlled electrically operated hydraulic jack
- Regenerative Braking System Project For Mechanical Students
- Wind mill: The actual wind mill model that produces electrical energy from wind and charge the battery to run inverter directly.
- solar sun seeker: – It actually track the sun as per its position and move the solar cell/water heating plates accordingly so as to get maximum power from sun light.
- Thermal power plant using steam: Steam energy is alternatively used to generate electrical energy. A traditional arrangement commonly used by any thermal plant but still very useful to display as teaching aid.
- Hydel power dam: A device installed to generate electrical energy from running water. The model comprises a pump, a water reservoir, an alternator in order to produce electrical energy.
- Electrical energy from amusement park rides: The different amusement rides can be designed to generate electrical energy while children are using actually the park.
- Electrical energy from speed breaker: This can be designed to generate electrical energy when vehicles cross the breaker and roll the roller based speed breakers connected with an alternator.
- Paddle controlled mobile charger cum emergency light: – It works as cycling during exercising. Besides charging the mobile battery, it helps to burn the extra calories too.
- Hybrid chimney: The dual natural energy sources hold that solar and wind energy can be used to generate electrical energy. A good alternate source of energy for areas like deserts or barren land where sun light is available but the speed of wind flow is low.
- Real time sequence control system for machines
- Radial piston engine
- Automatic stamping and sorting machine for post card
- Locomotive coach cleaner: The model shows how locomotives can be washed from both sides by using brush arrangement with motors.
- Exercise/physiotherapy machines
- Gas burner type water heater: The modified arrangement to heat water with burner and gas cylinder.
- Compressor less thermo-EMF refrigerator: The fiber made box is being modified as simple compressor less refrigerator to provide 12-15 degree temperature while cooling and is also used to heat if required with the same Thermo- EMF peltier junction based system.
- Deep freezer using compressor: A simple compressor based food stuff storage system having a top-opening glass lid. The project shows the use of compressor in practical shape with voltmeter, ampere meter at display.
- Cooling tower: The multi layer cooling tower will cool the liquid or water with water pump.
- Compressor based spray gun: The mini electric compressor is used to spray water colors.
- Paper shredding machine: The project will cut the papers in small pieces to make use for packing etc.
- Pneumatic Punching Machine
- Automatic Coil Winding Machine
- Gas Monitoring System
- CNC Bar Feeding Machine
- Fabrication of Spring Rolling Machine
- Fabrication of Sheet Metal Cutting
- Fabrication of Drilling M/C with Key Way Attachment
- Indexing Table for Drilling Machine
- Pneumatic Cylinder
- Hydraulic Cylinder
- Design of Effluent Treatment Plant
- Automatic filing system
- Single Cylinder Double Acting Pump
- Solar Based Oven
- CNC Thermo Coal Cutting Machine
- Paint Mixing Machine
- Remote Material Handler
- Hydraulic Noodles Machine
- Automatic Bar Feeding Mechanism
- Hydraulic Scissor Jack
- Bottle Vending Machine
- Hydraulic Power Pack
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