Sunday, November 22, 2015


                              NIIT PLACEMENT PAPERS

                                            NIIT PAPER ON 6th MARCH AT KOLKATA

NIIT Technologies
On-Campus Recruitment Process
6th March 2007

PPT - Aptitude Test - Interview

*1st Part*
36 questions : 30 minutes
In a 3x3 square there were space for 9 figure. The last one(row=3, column=3) was missing. You have to find the last one from the 8 given options. e.g.

| | | | | | Options:-
| | | | | | 1) ||| 2) ___ 3) * 4) +++
| | | | | | *
____ ____ ____ 5) *+* 6) *** 7) |_* 8) XXX
____ ____

* ** ? Ans:- 6

*2nd Part*
36 questions : 30 minutes
It consisted of 5 sub-parts -----
i) Coding-Decoding (6 questions)
ii) An English seen passage (5 questions)
iii) English verbal : Grammar (5 questions)
iv) Maths : Quantitative aptitude (10 questions)
v) Technical : C, C++, Java, DBMS, OS, Networking (10 questions)

My interview lasted over 40 minutes. It was a mixed one of Technical+HR. As I am a guy from E.C.E. my technical questions were from C. But some E.C.E guys were also asked from Microprocessor, Digital Electronics & Data Structure. C.S.E were asked questions from C++, Java, DBMS, OS and Networking. There were two interviewer in my panel. The whole thing was like this ---
Me : May I come in sir ?
NIIT : Yes, come in. Sit down please. Give me your C.V ........ What is the meaning of your name ?
Me : I said.
NIIT : Give your self-introduction with your family background and hobbies.
Me : I mentioned that I am a guy from a simple middle class family.
NIIT : Why are u describing yourself as a guy from SIMPLE MIDDLE CLASS family ?
Me : I said that my dad,s earning is within that range.
NIIT : So will you consider your family as rich when your earning adds to your dad,s one ?
Me : No. I will like to call myself a guy from an upper middle class family.
NIIT : So earning is the only indicator to decide the class of the family ?
Me : In this case I am considering so .
Me : In my self-introduction I mentioned Chatting and Magic Item Collection as my hobbies.
NIIT : What are the kinds of magic you have collected so far ?
Me : Lots, from coin tricks to card magic. May I show you one sir ?
NIIT : Sure.
Me : I showed them a coin trick.
NIIT : hmm. You are a guy from E.C.E. But you are switching to software industry. Why ? Tell me from the core of your heart.
Me : I like C more than Analog Communication.
NIIT : You like C ? Why so ?
Me : I am fascinated about it. I try to think of every problem in C. I had Computer Science in +2. I wrote the KBC program for fun.
NIIT : So I can ask you questions from C ?
Me : Up to File and Structure.
NIIT : That,s enough. What is the difference between Structure and Array ?
Me : I explained it with diagram.
NIIT : Ok. Suppose I have put your name in a character array. Now you have to reverse it within it without using any other array. How will you do it ? Write the whole program.
Me : Can I use the string reverse function.
NIIT : No.
Me : I wrote the program.
NIIT : Try to reduce the complexity of the program.
Me : Can I say the logic only ?
NIIT : Sure.
Me : I described.
NIIT : Ok. Now tell me the difference between ,value passing, and ,address passing, of a variable as the argument of a function. What will be the effect if we do it at the time of ,swapping, ?
Me : I said.
NIIT : hmm. In your career objective you have described yourself as ,a computer lover with an electronics & communication background,. Why you are demanding that you are a COMPUTER LOVER ?
Me : I spend most of my spare time with my machine.
NIIT : What do you do then ?
Me : Mainly chatting and C programming.
NIIT : Where do you like to chat ?
Me: In Orkut.
NIIT : Ok You may go now

My Interview was over around 5 p.m. I was the last but two in my panel. Around 6:30 p.m. the final result was announced in the seminar hall. Out of 21 who cleared the aptitude 9 were selected. 5 from E.C.E. and 4 from C.S.E. I was one of those lucky ones.
Be confident ......... Best of Luck 2 U all ...
Provided by ,Kurukshetra University


Place : Kurukshetra University (Venue)
Date : 10-April 2007
Batch : 2008
Elligible Streams : MCA, M.Tech, B.Tech
Criteria : Throughout 60 % (Not even a single relaxation)

Total Appeared : Near abt 100
Written Cleared : 23 (10 MCA , 3 M.Tech , 10 B.Tech)
Selected Candidate : 11 (4 MCA , 2 M.Tech , 5 B.Tech)

Hi Friends !
This is Harish Verma doing MCA frm KU (4th sem).This was my 5th company and before this i have just cleared the test of L&T company where i was out in GD........and I want to share all my experience with u........

Well, we reached at the venue by the 8:30 AM , and took seat in the Auditorium and waited there for the company. The company people reached there about 10:15 AM.. Just after coming there the comp. people took the test. Our test started about 11 AM

The test pattern was quite simple as was mentioned in the earlier experience posted by the two persons before me , it contain :
2 Test (30 minutes each)

(1) 30 Minute 36 questions and all were based on figure type questions , like what will be the next image.... as u may have seen in the non-verbal part of our R.S.Aggar. Book they were quite easy and any avg. student with logical mind can do that part without facing any kind of difficulty...........

(2) 30 minutes 36 question conataining 4-5 sections like aptitude , english , Technical ( Mostly based on c like what will be the output , inoreder traversal of given tree , Normal forms , etc...), Logical based questions and resonings.......

No negative marking was there... I don,t know that what was the actual cut-off but my idea is abt it was 70% i.e. 25 marks atlest in each test , if u secured this marks then u will be at safe position........

After we have given the test they started PPT and it lasted for atlest 1 hour and side by side our test was being checked by other people of that company in other room..PPt was given in a very good manner and i have noted down main points on the page so that i can prepare myself for the question.. What do u know abt our company ? So , i suggest u to plz lend ur ears for 1 hour to their PPT........

Just after finishing the ppt our result was announced , I got happy when my name was announced and total 23 students cleared the written test...after that they gave us a form to fill it up and stick 1 photo and 1 copy of resume with that..

After that they started the process of interview by the 2:30 PM...I was the very first student to be interviewed....although that was my ever first interview that I was facing , I was mentally prepare for the interview so I was not in tenseas we have practisized a lot for the interview in our interview was both HR & Technical as well taken by the single interviewer.3pannel were there for taking interview in 3 diff. is the scene of my interview

Harish : Shall I come in sir !
Interviewer : Yes Mr. Harish ! Take a seat plz
Harish :Thank u Sir ..

Interviewer : Well Harish will u plz tell me smth abt ur self..
Harish : I introduce my self by starting from my MCA, then to graduation, then 10+2 and at last 10th class with percentage. After that I told abt my family. And then I told abt my hobbies(u may also add ur strengths as well)

Interviewer : Can u plz tell me who r these Manmohan & Sourabh..(As I have mentioned their names while filling up the form after clearing the test that the person whom I know in the NIIT as they were our seniors..)
Harish : I told them

Interviewer : where they r and what project they have undertaken..?
Harish : I told abt them and said that I just talked with them yesterday night

Interviewer : What they told abt the NIIT ?
Harish : Sir they told me that it is a very good company for getting started as a fersher and it provides a lot of opportunities to improve urself and they tell me much more abt thatjust after that I have made my mind set that I will go for this company and thats why I m here .... (he gave me a smile , as he knew that I was saying all these things just for impressing him)

Interviewer : Have u ever heared smth bad or negative abt our company ?
Harish : Sir, as such i didn,t hear any negative abt this company but rumour were there..

Interviewer : What kind of rumours
Harish : Sir, few students were saying that it is a BPO and dealing in single type of s/w i.e. teaching s/w. But, I ignored them and i explored abt the company more from the net and frm my seniors also.

Interviewer : What u saw more on the internet?
Harsih : I go through the experiences posted by the persons on, who have already been placed in NIIT . They mentioned the paper pattern and abt their interview also. and i prepared myself according to that. And that,s why i m here before u.

Interviewer : What r ur favourate subjects?
Harish : Sir, C, C++ and Data Structure.

Interviewer : Ok, What is Data Structure ?
Harish : Told

Interviewer : What are the various type of sorting technique ?
Harish : Told

Interviewer : Now, should I ask u simple or tough question ?
Harish : Sir, whatever u think u may ask abt that ..!

Interviewer : Ok, can u make a program of In-order /pre-order/ post-order(any of these) using recursion ?
Harish : Yes Sir . I can do..!

Interviewer : Make this program and write also what data structure will be well suited for storing for the data abt telephone directory according to the name and the telephone number.and why ?
Harish : I write abt the theory first and then make a program of in-order traversal of tree by making a structure (global declaration) with variable int info, left and right pointer and then in main I call in-order function . Define this function outside the class

Meanwhile, to check the presence of mind he asked me in between, What is the Date Today? I told, 10th of April.

Interviewer : Tell me abt this program , how itll work ?
Harish : Told and explain with the help of a figure..

Interviewer : What are ur subjects in the 4th semester?
Harish : I told , but I could remember my 4 subjects only , but no objection frm interviewer side.

Interviewer : Can u tell me what is Foreign Key?
Harish : I told.

(I didnt prepared for the DBMS and ORACLE/SQL, so I was not felling well at that time, I was praying that he should not ask tough question to me.)
Interviewer : What r the types of Normal forms and which is best among them?
Harish : I told abt the types but, I told worng abt the best normal form..!

Interviewer : Then he proved by taking an example that u told wrong answer.
Harish : Sir, I am not too much good in DBMS and SQL. Ive practice a lot in C,C++ and data structure.

Interviewer : What is referential integrity and asked an example from his own side and asked me what will happen if I delete some row of first table which is containing the reference of second table rows?
Harish: I could not give the satisfactory answer to him..

Interviewer : Ok, u attended our ppt in the morning , can u plz tell me abt whatever I said abt our company
Harish: I told right from beginning from their foundation date to the year 2004 , whatever I have remembered including their ISO certification, their clients , what kind of talent they are looking for, when they started the education centers and when they started to deal in software, where r the branches located throughout the world(USA, UK, INDIA, Australlia and etc.. and where in INDIA also ), who r the clients of this company and etc..

Interviewer : Ok now u can go and it is over , thank you
After coming outside the room , i feel that if they r not looking for just DBMS and ORACLE then my iterview may be cleared. And finally our result was announced at 5:15 PM. I got happy when my name was announced at last..Really , that was my ever first achivements in my life.

I found that the NIIT was mainly loking for consistency, Communication, Confidence and ur basic knowledge .....So, be prepare for that, rest is ur luck and meet with us in NIIT.......

BYE..... And Best of Luck.........
Provided by - IPS Academy Indore ,10 September 2007

Hi friends I have selected in NIIT Technologies. I am pursuing MCA from MRSC Indore.I am describing the overall selection procedure.
Criteria: Throughout 60% in 10th,12th,graduation and PG.

package: 2.7 lakhs per annum.

Written Exam:
There was two papers:
1) Non-verbal reasoning(Matrix type i.e. in a matrix of 3X3 eight figure was given and you have to select ninth from given choice)
36 questions in 30 minute. Prepare from R.S.Agrawal.

2)In second paper there was 38 questions in 30 minute.
a) 5 questions from English
b)10 questions from Technical(C,C++,fundamental)
c)15 questions from Aptitude(profit & loss,percentage,average etc.)
d) 8 questions from Reasoninig
There was no negative marking. the questions were not very tough.

Total students appeared in written:120(approx)
Students cleared written: 31


There was three panels. Two of them were taking interview 20-30 minute long and third panel was taking interview upto 1 hour long.
My interview was 20-25 minute long.
He asked me questions like:

1) About yourself,family background,acheivements,objective
2) Your strong subjects(I answered Networking,C,C++)
3) He asked me about OSI model,layers,functions,TCP/IP model, layers,protocols
4)Then he asked questions from database:Normalization,All normal forms with example,convert a table into another normal form,referential integrity.
5) Array and Pointer
6) About your project
7) Two puzzles
8) Some current affair questions because I had mentioned about Quiz contest in my extra curr. activity
9) About the company(NIIT Tech.)
10)Any questions u want to ask.

They were asking most of the questions from DBMS. A panel was asking questions from all the subjects studied upto your current semester.
Prepare basics very well and be confident.

And finally result was declared and total 14 students were selected from 31 students.
I am one of them.This was my 16th company and finally I got selected by the wishes of my friends,parents and teachers and I want to thank Freshers world because I had read the experience of
previous selected students which helped me very much. And in last I want to thank all my friends who supported me in every condition.
Best of luck for all the reader. See you soon in NIIT.
Provided by  - 14 February 2008


NIIT Technologies: written exam pattern.
Approximately 700 students appeared for the exam and 70 were selected.
There was high sectional cut-off.
Prepare well for the written exam and this document will surely help you.
This is my experience of NIIT written exam held on 14-02-08 at JIMS, rohini, New Delhi.

The written exam was held in two sessions each of 30 minutes.
(i) CIA 36 questions
(ii) Aptitude 38 questions

It consists of 36 question based on pattern. Figures were given in a 3X3 matrix form.
In which 8 figures were provided and we have to get the 9th one from the options provided against them.


Right Answer is: 1
* Questions were not as simple as the above question. This question is just an example.
There were 36 such questions to be answered in 30 min.
Immediately after completing it, second question paper of Aptitude was distributed to us.

(II) Aptitude -It consists of 4 parts:
(a) English 5 questions
(b) Critical reasoning 5 questions
(c) Mathematical ability 10 questions
(d) Aptitude 10 questions
(e) Technical questions 5-8 questions

(A) English
It consists of synonyms, antonyms in the form of fill in the blanks.

(B)Critical Reasoning
There was one critical reasoning question from GRE Barrons book.
Information/clues in the form of paragraph was given:
Somewhat like:
A committee of 3 is to be made from two different universities..
Committee members cannot be from the same field..
And 5 questions based on it.

(C)Mathematical reasoning
Four options were provided:
A: if A is greater then B
B: if B is greater then A
C: if they both are equal.
D: if detail provided is not sufficient.
And questions were like:







Given number is a even number and a multiple of 3

Remainder when the number is divided by 12.



5-6 such questions were there.
(D) Aptitude
It consists of:
Mathematical Aptitude questions from R.S. Aggarwal.
Questions were based on:
Work and wages: A printing machine prints 3000 pages in 4 hours
Profit and Loss: retailer buys certain product from wholesalers with --% in marked price. Customer buys the same produce from retailer with --%........
A simple equation in two variable question:
Compound Interest: if cost of petrol and diesel now is Rs X and Rs Y then if increasing rate of petrol is R%. Then in how much time there cost would be equal?

Technical questions:
DS: print in-order rep. of a given tree.
OS: A question based on virtual memory.
DATABASE: A question on normalization.
C: simple output based questions.

Provided by  - 20 April 2007 ,NIIT technologies

Hello friends. I would like to share my experience about NIIT technologies paper.

The paper consisted of 2 sections :

1 st was picture series and the 2 nd section consisted of aptitude , logical and tech questions.

The picture series section consisted of 36 questions and the allotted time was 30 min.
U can practise that questions from RS aggarwal. The section was not as much tough.
There was no negative marking in the paper.The figure matching section was exactly the
same as that of L&T core paper. U can also go through L&T core papers.

In the second section there were
10 aptitude ques( speed, time , distance, % age ): they all were easy
10 technical ques(C++, DBMS, OS)
also there was one puzzle and 5 ques were asked from that
5 ques were of english
and 5 more ques were there which i don,t remember

After the written test , there was ppt. Then after that the results were announced.
Then they started calling students for TECH-HR interview.5 panels were taking
the interview. My interview lasted for 15 minutes.The questions they asked from
me were:
1st :Tell me something about urself
2nd:Ur favourite subject other than C and C++. I said Data structures. Then he asked
questions from data structures like What is a data structure, types of data structure,about stack and queue,
about binary search trees that whats the difference b/w Binary tree and Binary search tree.
Then he asked about PREorder and POST order taversal. After that he asked questions from
DBMS (what is a trigger, one sql query) .
3rd: Then he asked "WHY I SHOULD HIRE U" ?????

Then he said thats over from my side. DO u want to ask any questions???
Always try to ask some question regarding the company,s clients, future aspects etc.

Then after 2 hours of my interview the results were announced and finally(after sitting in 13 other companies)
I got selected.
BEST of LUCK to all of u.


Good news my frndz that me got selected for NIIT Technologies.

It consist of 3 round
1. PPT
2. aptitude test(written)
3. personal interview(technical+HR)

SECTION1>> Pre placement talk

SECTION2>>aptitude test

1. CAI round consist of 36 figs u have to do it with in 30 minutes. There was a fig and for that fig 8 option. U has to choose 1option. There were no negative marks.

2. Consist of 5 section.(verbal, reading comprehension, puzzle, analytical, technical )

Aptitude test was easy but some question was tough. For technical C , DBMS, OS

In our college appeared 65 students among them 21 was selected for personal interview.

SECTION3>> personal interview

ME : may I come in sir?

NIIT: yes come in. sit down plz.

ME: I wish them (there was 2 men in every pannel)

NIIT: they asked me questions frm my mail id.(why u give this ?)

ME: answered.

NIIT: asked from my hobbies, interests, and from positives.

ME: asked technical question from N/W, C, Data structures.(array, linked list, binary search algo, N/W layers, func of the layers, telnet, ftp, smtp)

My interview lasted for 35 minutes. Atlast at 6:30 pm they announced result. Among 21 they took only 8 students. And I was the lucky one.

All the best my frndz.

Provided by - 22 January 2008


HI,This is prince here.I was selected in NIIT Tech. on 22nd Jan,2008.

The pattern is as follows:-
(1)NON-VERBAL REASONING 38 ques(30 min.)
(2)APTITUTE(MATH,C,C++,DBMS,OS,PUZZELS) 36 ques(30 min.)

NO NEG. marking.
the figurative ques were in incresing order of difficulty.Speed matters here.
apti had all sorts of ques.Some were easy ,some were very good.

There were about 250 students(MCA,c.s.,i.t.) ,27 cleared the written.
There were two interview tech,hr.
it was a nice experience.i was quite confident after clearing written.
Tecnical ques were mostly from dbms:
how 2 retrive second highest salary,index,ERD,join.
some conceptual ques from core java,c++,c.

It lasted for 30 min.
the hr asked simple ques like what will u do if not interview lasted for 10 min.
Finally 12 were selected.


Provided by - 10 May 2007,A.B.E.S College, Ghaziabad


hi friends, here i,m sharing my experience of NIIT Technologies placement schedule with you.

there was a written test.... no sets were comprises of 2 papers--

picture series were comprises of 36 series n time limit was 30 min
2nd paper comprises of english--5quest
logical--5 quest ( puzzels)
relational--5 quest (mathematical relations)
technical--10 quest ( languages n general quest 4m sub lik O.S, D.S etc.)
apti-- 10 quest ( easy ones salary, speed, simple interest , %age)

...its more den enough....written is easy...all u hv to do is to manage as much as u negative marking is there.... n as told also there is no sectional cut-off then, those who qualified written went 4 PPT
after dat there was TECH-HR interview...... interview was ok...dey asked gud technical quest...mostly 4m DBMS..... hv a firm hold on ur resume...dey just refer it n ask....

finally i got of luck to u all....

Provided by - Whole Testpaper IPS Academy Indore - 10 September 2007

Hi friends I have selected in NIIT Technologies. I am pursuing MCA from MRSC Indore.I am describing the overall selection procedure.

Criteria: Throughout 60% in 10th,12th,graduation and PG.

package: 2.7 lakhs per annum.

Written Exam:
There was two papers:
1) Non-verbal reasoning(Matrix type i.e. in a matrix of 3X3 eight figure was given and you have to select ninth from given choice)
36 questions in 30 minute. Prepare from R.S.Agrawal.

2)In second paper there was 38 questions in 30 minute.
a) 5 questions from English
b)10 questions from Technical(C,C++,fundamental)
c)15 questions from Aptitude(profit & loss,percentage,average etc.)
d) 8 questions from Reasoninig
There was no negative marking. the questions were not very tough.

Total students appeared in written:120(approx)
Students cleared written: 31


There was three panels. Two of them were taking interview 20-30 minute long and third panel was taking interview upto 1 hour long.
My interview was 20-25 minute long.
He asked me questions like:

1) About yourself,family background,acheivements,objective
2) Your strong subjects(I answered Networking,C,C++)
3) He asked me about OSI model,layers,functions,TCP/IP model, layers,protocols
4)Then he asked questions from database:Normalization,All normal forms with example,convert a table into another normal form,referential integrity.
5) Array and Pointer
6) About your project
7) Two puzzles
8) Some current affair questions because I had mentioned about Quiz contest in my extra curr. activity
9) About the company(NIIT Tech.)
10)Any questions u want to ask.
Provided by - Whole Testpaper - 20 April 2007

Hello friends. I would like to share my experience about NIIT technologies paper.

The paper consisted of 2 sections :

1 st was picture series and the 2 nd section consisted of aptitude , logical and tech questions.

The picture series section consisted of 36 questions and the allotted time was 30 min.
U can practise that questions from RS aggarwal. The section was not as much tough.
There was no negative marking in the paper.The figure matching section was exactly the
same as that of L&T core paper. U can also go through L&T core papers.

In the second section there were
10 aptitude ques( speed, time , distance, % age ): they all were easy
10 technical ques(C++, DBMS, OS)
also there was one puzzle and 5 ques were asked from that
5 ques were of english
and 5 more ques were there which i don,t remember

After the written test , there was ppt. Then after that the results were announced.
Then they started calling students for TECH-HR interview.5 panels were taking
the interview. My interview lasted for 15 minutes.The questions they asked from
me were:
1st :Tell me something about urself
2nd:Ur favourite subject other than C and C++. I said Data structures. Then he asked
questions from data structures like What is a data structure, types of data structure,about stack and queue,
about binary search trees that whats the difference b/w Binary tree and Binary search tree.
Then he asked about PREorder and POST order taversal. After that he asked questions from
DBMS (what is a trigger, one sql query) .
3rd: Then he asked "WHY I SHOULD HIRE U" ?????

Then he said thats over from my side. DO u want to ask any questions???
Always try to ask some question regarding the company,s clients, future aspects etc.
Provided by  - Whole Testpaper HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, HALDIA. - 11 April 2007


Good news my frndz that me got selected for NIIT Technologies.

It consist of 3 round
1. PPT
2. aptitude test(written)
3. personal interview(technical+HR)

SECTION1>> Pre placement talk

SECTION2>>aptitude test

1. CAI round consist of 36 figs u have to do it with in 30 minutes. There was a fig and for that fig 8 option. U has to choose 1option. There were no negative marks.

2. Consist of 5 section.(verbal, reading comprehension, puzzle, analytical, technical )

Aptitude test was easy but some question was tough. For technical C , DBMS, OS

In our college appeared 65 students among them 21 was selected for personal interview.

SECTION3>> personal interview

ME : may I come in sir?

NIIT: yes come in. sit down plz.

ME: I wish them (there was 2 men in every pannel)

NIIT: they asked me questions frm my mail id.(why u give this ?)

ME: answered.

NIIT: asked from my hobbies, interests, and from positives.

ME: asked technical question from N/W, C, Data structures.(array, linked list, binary search algo, N/W layers, func of the layers, telnet, ftp, smtp)

Provided by  - Whole Testpaper HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, HALDIA. - 11 April 2007

NIIT Technologies
On-Campus Recruitment Process
6th March 2007

PPT - Aptitude Test - Interview

*1st Part*
36 questions : 30 minutes
In a 3x3 square there were space for 9 figure. The last one(row=3, column=3) was missing. You have to find the last one from the 8 given options. e.g.

| | | | | | Options:-
| | | | | | 1) ||| 2) ___ 3) * 4) +++
| | | | | | *
____ ____ ____ 5) *+* 6) *** 7) |_* 8) XXX
____ ____

* ** ? Ans:- 6

*2nd Part*
36 questions : 30 minutes
It consisted of 5 sub-parts -----
i) Coding-Decoding (6 questions)
ii) An English seen passage (5 questions)
iii) English verbal : Grammar (5 questions)
iv) Maths : Quantitative aptitude (10 questions)
v) Technical : C, C++, Java, DBMS, OS, Networking (10 questions)

My interview lasted over 40 minutes. It was a mixed one of Technical+HR. As I am a guy from E.C.E. my technical questions were from C. But some E.C.E guys were also asked from Microprocessor, Digital Electronics & Data Structure. C.S.E were asked questions from C++, Java, DBMS, OS and Networking. There were two interviewer in my panel. The whole thing was like this ---
Me : May I come in sir ?
NIIT : Yes, come in. Sit down please. Give me your C.V ........ What is the meaning of your name ?
Me : I said.
NIIT : Give your self-introduction with your family background and hobbies.
Me : I mentioned that I am a guy from a simple middle class family.
NIIT : Why are u describing yourself as a guy from SIMPLE MIDDLE CLASS family ?
Me : I said that my dad,s earning is within that range.
NIIT : So will you consider your family as rich when your earning adds to your dad,s one ?
Me : No. I will like to call myself a guy from an upper middle class family.
NIIT : So earning is the only indicator to decide the class of the family ?
Me : In this case I am considering so .
Me : In my self-introduction I mentioned Chatting and Magic Item Collection as my hobbies.
NIIT : What are the kinds of magic you have collected so far ?
Me : Lots, from coin tricks to card magic. May I show you one sir ?
NIIT : Sure.
Me : I showed them a coin trick.
NIIT : hmm. You are a guy from E.C.E. But you are switching to software industry. Why ? Tell me from the core of your heart.
Me : I like C more than Analog Communication.
NIIT : You like C ? Why so ?
Me : I am fascinated about it. I try to think of every problem in C. I had Computer Science in +2. I wrote the KBC program for fun.
NIIT : So I can ask you questions from C ?
Me : Up to File and Structure.
NIIT : That,s enough. What is the difference between Structure and Array ?
Me : I explained it with diagram.
NIIT : Ok. Suppose I have put your name in a character array. Now you have to reverse it within it without using any other array. How will you do it ? Write the whole program.
Me : Can I use the string reverse function.
NIIT : No.
Me : I wrote the program.
NIIT : Try to reduce the complexity of the program.
Me : Can I say the logic only ?
NIIT : Sure.
Me : I described.
NIIT : Ok. Now tell me the difference between ,value passing, and ,address passing, of a variable as the argument of a function. What will be the effect if we do it at the time of ,swapping, ?
Me : I said.
NIIT : hmm. In your career objective you have described yourself as ,a computer lover with an electronics & communication background,. Why you are demanding that you are a COMPUTER LOVER ?
Me : I spend most of my spare time with my machine.
NIIT : What do you do then ?
Me : Mainly chatting and C programming.
NIIT : Where do you like to chat ?
Me: In Orkut.
NIIT : Ok You may go now

Provided by - Whole Testpaper KOLKATA - 6 March 2007




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