Sunday, December 27, 2015

Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Lab @ 1 Ans 3

Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Lab @ 1 Ans 3

In this exercise, you have to create Entity Framework wrappers for the Blue Yonder database.

To implement the required functionality, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Press the Windows logo key. The Start screen is displayed.
2. Start hyping Visual Studio 2012. The Search and Apps panes are displayed.
3. Click the Visual Studio 2012 tile in the Apps pane. The Choose Default Environment Settings dialog box is displayed.
4. Select Visual C# Development Settings in the Choose your default environment settings list box.
5. Click the Start Visual Studio button. The Microsoft Visual Studio splash screen is displayed for a while. Then, the Start Page - Microsoft Visual Studio window is displayed.
Note: If Help Content Manager dialog box is displayed, click the Yes button.
6. Select FILE—New—Project. The New Project dialog box is displayed.
7. Ensure that the Installed—Templates—Visual C# nodes are expanded in the navigation pane.
8. Select the Windows node.
9. Select Class Library from the list of templates in the middle pane.
10. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with BlueYonder.Model.
11. Select and replace the existing text in the Location drop-down list with D:\Exercises\Module_01\Exercise_02.
12. Ensure that the Create directory for solution check box is selected.
13. Click the OK button. The Classl .cs file is displayed in the BlueYonder.Model - Microsoft Visual Studio window.
14. Ensure that the Solution Explorer window is open.
15. Right-click the Classl.cs file, and then select Delete from the context menu. The Microsoft Visual Studio message box is displayed.
16. Click the OK button.
17. Right-click the BlueYonder.Model node in the Solution Explorer window, and then select Add—New Item. The Add New Item - BlueYonder.Model dialog box is displayed.
18. Ensure that the Installed—Visual C# Items nodes are expanded in the left pane.
19. Select the Data node from the left pane.
20. Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model from the list of templates available in the middle pane.
21. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with EntityModel.
22. Click the Add button. The Choose Model Contents page of the Entity Data Model Wizard is displayed.
23. Ensure that the Generate from database option is selected under the What should the model contain section.
24. Click the Next button. The Choose Your Data Connection page is displayed.
25. Click the New Connection button. The Choose Data Source dialog box is displayed.
26. Select the Microsoft SQL Server option from the Data source list box.
27. Ensure that the Always use this selection check box is selected.
28. Click the Continue button.
29. Type (replace SQLServerName with your server name) in the Server name text box.
30. Select the Use SQL Server Authentication option.
31. Type SQLAdmin in the User name text box.
32. Type PaSSwOrd in the Password text box.
33. Select the Save my password check box.
34. Click the Test Connection button. The Microsoft Visual Studio message box is displayed.
35. Click the OK button.
36. Select BlueYonder from the Select or enter a database name drop-down list.
37. Click the OK button. The Choose Your Data Connection page of the Entity Data Model Wizard is displayed.
38. Select the Yes. include the sensitive data in the connection string option.
39. Click the Next button. The Choose Your Database Objects and Settings page is displayed.
40. Expand the Tables—dbo nodes.
41. Select the Locations and Travelers check boxes.
42. Click the Finish button. The Security Warning dialog box is displayed.
43. Selec the Do not show this message again check box.
44. Click the OK button. The EntityModel.edmx file is displayed.
45. Select FILE-Save All.
46. Close the BlueYonder.Model - Microsoft Visual Studio window.

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