Saturday, January 02, 2016

Host your own ASP.NET Website on a Live Web server

Host your own ASP.NET Website on a Live Web server

When u are developing a website in Visual Studio, and you press F5 to build and run, visual studio creates a local development web server instance. That is NOT a real web server.

Now, for a real webserver you will have to find a web host . Over the net, you will probably find plenty of free php web host, and very few free hosts. This is because php is open source, while is proprietory. Also the former demands less resources overall.

Fortunately, there is a trusted site, that offers free hosting ( 4.0 and SQL 2008), but its features are only good for building and testing, not enough to run a production website. Anyways, for now thats all we want right ?
Heres the link AspSpider Website
Heres the registration link Registration Link

Note: Some users register on that site and dont actually use the hosting, so to prevent this they have kept a mandatory waiting time of 30 minutes, before you can upload your site . So after registration just wait for 30 minutes.

Uploading your files:
 Go to My Profile and click on the link Create Web Site. You can do this 24 hours after registration.

==> Enter the required details and press Create Site. Now a web site has been created for you with some default folders and files.

==> Click on the tab Control Panel

==> Click on File Manager.

==> You will see 2 default folders in File manager - database and webroot. All database files must be uploaded to the folder database. All web site files must be uploaded to the folder webroot. You should not delete or rename these folders.

==> If you upload any files directly in your root folder, they will not be accessible in your site.

==> For SQL Server database, upload your database file (.MDF) to the database folder. Dont upload the log file (.LDF). Use Database Manager to attach the file to the SQL Server.. MS Access is also available. But I have not used it on this site before.

Running your site:
After all files are uploaded, just go to your site's url in a browser and then will do its magic.

If you have any further questions, please ask them in the comments below or at The Coder Base Forums




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