Network Essentials lab@ home 4
1. Acme Inc. develops security software for various types of servers. The company currently has only one server that is used for testing the new software. This prevents the testing engineer from testing multiple software applications simultaneously. To overcome this limitation, the company wants to use virtualization to run multiple instances of servers on a single machine. To reduce the amount of disk space used by the virtual servers, all the servers should use the same virtual hard disk for their base operating system. You are the system administrator at the company and need to implement the virtual server on the network.To create and configure the virtual server, you need to perform the following tasks:
Create the Base_OS_Image VHD.
Configure the Base_OS_Image VHD.
Create the SVR1_VM virtual machine.
Create the SVR1_VM VHD.
Configure the SVR1_VM virtual machine.
Task 1. Creating the Base_SO_Imane VHD.
1. Create the base and Virtual_Machine folder in the D:\ drive of your host machine.
2. Create the image folder in the D:\ virtual machine.
3. Switch to the Hyper-V manager window.
4. Select new—Hard disk in the Actions pane. The befoer you begin page of new virtual Hard disk wizard is displayed.
5. Click the next button. The choose disk folmat page is displayed.
6. Select the VHD option.
7. Click the next button. Choose disk type page is displayed.
8. Select the dynamically expanding option.
9. Click the next button. The specify name and location. Page is displayed.
10. Type Base_OS_image in the name text box.
11. Type D:\Base in the Location text box.
12. Click the next button. The configure disk page is displayed.
13. Ensure that the create a new blank virtual hard disk option is selected.
14. Select and replace the existing value with 64 in the Size text box.
15. Click the next button. The confogure the new virtual hard disk wizard page is displayed.
16. Click the finish button. After a few moments, the base hard disk is created.
Task 2. Configure the Base_OS_image VHD.
1. Select new virtual mkachine in the Actions page. The Before you begin page of the virtual machine wizard is displayed.
2. Click the next button. The specift name and location page is displayed.
3. Select and replace the text in the name text box with the Base_OS_Image text.
4. Click the Browse button. And then select the D:\Virtual machine\Images folder.
5. Click the selct Browse button. And the virtual machine.
6. Click the select folder button.
7. Click the next button. The assign memory page is displayed.
8. Select and replece the existing value with the 1024 valus in the startup memory text box.
9. Click the next button. The configure networking page is displayed.
10. Click the next button the connect virtual hard disk page is displayed.
11. Select the use an existing virtual hard disk option.
12. Type D:\base\base_OS_image.vhd in the location text box.
13. Click the next button. After a few moments, the completing the new virtual machine wizard page is displayed.
14. Click the finish button. After a few moments, the virtual machine page of the base_os_image vitual machiunes pane of the Hyper-V manager window.
15. Ensure that the base_os_image vritual machine is selected tn the vritual machines pane.
16. Select the setting option in the base_os_image section of the actions pane. The setting for virtual machine dialog box is displayed.
17. Ensure that the add harddware option is selected in the hardware section in the left pane.
18. Select the Legacy network adapter page is displayed.
19. Click the add button.The legacy adapter page is displayed.
20. Select the internal network 1 option from the virtual switch drop –down list.
21. Select the dvd drive option under the ide controller 1 node is displayed.
Task 3. Craeting the SVR1_VM vritual machine.
1 Ensurethat the ->hyper-v manager windows is active.
2 seelct new-virtual machine in the action pane .The before you begin page pf the new virtual machine wizard is displayed.
3 click the next button .The secify name and location page is dispalyed.
4 select and relace the text in the name text box with the srv1_vm text.
5 select the store the virtual machine in a different location check box
6 click the browse button and then select the d:\virtual machine\image folder
7 click the select button.
8 click the next button. The assign memory page is displayed.
9 select and replace the existing value with the 1024 value in the startup memory text box.
10 click the next button .
11 click the next button . the connect virtual hard disk page is displayed.
12 select the attach a virtual hard disk latter option.
13 click the next button .the completing the new virtual machine wizard page is displayed.
14 click the finish button.
Task 4. Creating the SVR1_VM VHD.
1. Ensure that the Hyper-V Manager window is active.
2. Select new –hard disk in the adtions pane.
3. Click the next button.
4. Select the VHD option.
5. Click the next button.
6. Select the Differencing option.
7. Click the next button.
8. Type SVR1_VM in the name text box.
9. Type D:\Vritual_Machine\Images\SVR1_VM in the Location text box.
10. Click the next button.
11. Type the D:\]Base\Base_OS_Image.vhd location of parent or base disk in the location text box.
12. Click the next button.
13. Click the finish button.
Task 5. Configuring the SVR1_VM Vritual machine.
1. Ensure that the SVR1_VM vritual machine is selected.
2. Select the seeting option.
3. Ensure that the add Hardware option is selected in the Hardware section in the left pane.
4. Select the Legacy Network Adapter option in the select the devices you want to add and click the add and click add button list box in the right pane.
5. Click the add button.
6. Select the Internal network 1 option from the virtual switch drop-down list.
7. Select the IDE controller 0 option in the Hardware section in the left pane.
8. Ensure that the Hard drive option is selected in the IDE controller section.
9. Click the add button.
10. Click the Browse button.
11. Locate the D:\Virtual_VM\SVR1_VM.vhd file on the host machine.
12. Click the open button.
13. Click the ok button.
14. Select the start option in the SVR1_VM section of the Actions pane.
15. Select the Connect option in the SVR1_VM section of the Actions pane.
16. Switch to the Virtual machine connection window.
17. Press the Ctrl+Alt+End keys.
18. Type Pa$w0rd in the password text box.
19. Press the enter key.
20. Select local server in the left pane.
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