Monday, January 04, 2016

Network Essentials lab@ home 9

Network Essentials lab@ home 9

1. You are the Network Administrator at ABC-Solutions, which has its offices in Los Angeles. The company has set up two more offices in Texas and New York. You have been assigned the task to set up Frame Relay packet switching between all the offices so that users in these offices can communicate with each other. How will you perform the preceding task?

To configure packet switching in the three sites, you need to perform the following tasks:
Implement the Frame Relay packet switching technology.
Configure a Frame Relay connection between R1 and R2 and R1 and R3.
Configure a Frame Relay connection between R2 and R3.

Task 1: Implementing the Frame Relay Packet Switching Technology To implement the Frame Relay packet switching technology, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
2. Type GNS3.
3. Right-click the GNS3 tile, and then select the Run as administrator option. The User Account Control dialog box is displayed.
4. Click the Yes button. The GNS3 window with the New Project dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the Cancel button.
6. Click the Browse Routers icon in the left pane.
7. Drag and drop Router c3700 to the center of the window three times and arrange them in a triangular sin
• e, as shown in the following figure.
S 410 Router Placement
8. Close the Routers pane.
9. Click the Browse Switches icon in the left pane.
10. Drag and drop Frame Relay switch to the center of the window inside the triangular shape formed by routers, as shown in the following figure.
a Frame Relay Switch Placement
11. Close the Switches pane.
12. Right-click FR1 in the workplace pane, and then select the Configure option.
13. Click FR1 in the left pane under Frame Relay switches.
14. Click the Add button in the FR1 node pane CoepIguration appears under the Mapping list
15. Change the existing value to 1 in the Port spin box in the Source section.
16. Click the Add button.
17. Click the Apply button.
18. Click the OK button.
19. Press and hold the Shift key, click the Add a link ail) icon in the left pane, and then select the Serial option. You will notice that a red cross mark appears beside the Add a link icon.
20. Click the R1 icon in the workplace pane.
21. Click the FRI ioon, and then select
22. Click the R2 icon.
23. Click the FR1 ioon and then select 10.
24. Click the R3 icon.
25. Click the FR1 icon, and then select 11.
26. Move the mouse pointer over the FR1 icon, and note down the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) for all the ports.
• Port 1: - Incoming dlci 101 is switched to port 10.
• Port 10: - Incoming dlci 202 is switched to port 1.
• Port 11: - Incoming dlci 203 is switched to port 1.
27. Click the Add a !laic (IN) icon in the left pane to remove the red cross mark.
28. Click the Start/Resume all devices button on the toolbar at the top.
29. Right-click the R1 icon, and then select the Console option in the workplace pane. The R1 console window is displayed.
30. Run the following commands in the R1 console window:
a. Type enable, and then press the Enter
b. Type configure terminal, and then press the Enter key.
c. Type hostaame LA-Router, and then press the Enter key.
d. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
e. Type ip address, and then press the Enter key.
f. Type no shutdown, and then press the Enter key.
31. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R1 console window
32. Right-click the R2 icon, and then select the Console option in the workplace pane. The R2 console window is displayed.
33. Run the following commands in the R2 console window:
a Type enable, and then press the Enter key.
b. Type configure terminal, and then press the Enter key.
c. Type hostname TX-Router, and then press the Enter key.
d. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
e. Type ip address, and then press the Enter key.
£ Type no shutdown, and then press the Enter key.
34. Click the Minimize button to iraMmin the R2 console window
35. Right-click the R3 icon, and then select the Console option in the workplace pane. The R3 console window is displayed.
36. Run the following commands in the R3 console window:
a Type enable, and then press the Enter key-
b. Type configure terminal, and then press the Enter key.
c. Type hostname NY-Router, and then press the Enter key.
d. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
e. Type ip address, and then press the Enter key.
f. Type no shutdown, and then press the Enter key.
37. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R3 console window
38. Click the computers icon on the taskbar, and then click the R1 thumbnail to switch to the RI console window
39. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key. Note Even though all the sites on connected together physically, the Frame Relay is not set up and the ping command fails on the routers.
40. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key. fQ/ Note The ping command fails again because Frcrme Relay is not set up.
41. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R1 console window.
42. Click the computers icon on the taskbar, and then click the R2 thumbnail to switch to the R2 console window
43. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key. rre ti Note The ping command fails again because Frcrme Relay is not set up.
44. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R2 console window
45. Click the computers icon on the taskbar, and then click the R3 thumbnail to switch to the R3 console window.
46. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key.
47. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R3 console window.

Task 2: Configuring a Frame Relay Connection Between R1 and R2 and R1 and R3 To configure a Frame Relay connection between R1 and R2 and RI and R3, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Switch to the RI console window.
2. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key
3. Type encapsulation frame-relay, and then press the Enter key.
4. Type frame-relay map ip 101 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
5. Type frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
6. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R1 console window
7. Switch to the R2 console window
8. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
9. Type encapsulation frame-relay, and then press the Enter key.
10. Type frame-relay map ip 202 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
11. Click the Minimize button in the R2 console window.
12. Switch to the R3 console window.
13. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
14. Type encapsulation frame-relay, and then press the Enter key.
15. Type frame-relay map ip 203 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
16. Click the Minimize button to nlitlinthe the R3 console window.
17. Switch to the R1 console window
18. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key.
19. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key.
20. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R1 console window.

Task 3: Configuring a Frame Relay Connection Between R2 and R3 To configure a Frame Relay connection between R2 and R3, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Switch to the R2 console window
2. Type do ping, and then press the Enter keys Note The ping command fails again because Frame Relay is not set up.
3. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
4. Type frame-relay map ip 202 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
5. Click the Minimize button to minimize the 142 console window
6. Switch to the R3 console window
7. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key.
8. Type interface serial 0/0, and then press the Enter key.
9. Type frame-relay map ip 203 broadcast, and then press the Enter key.
10. Type do ping, and then press the Enter keys Note The ping command is successful because the NY-router has connectivity to the 2X-router.
11. Click the Minimize button to minimize the R3 console window
12. Switch to the R2 console window
13. Type do ping, and then press the Enter key.
14. Close all the open windows without sating any changes. 


2. There are some roaming employees in your company who need to travel on official duties and connect to the company's network while out of office. Therefore, you need to configure a Routing and Remote Access Services (RRAS) server to support these remote users. How will you configure RRAS?

To implement the desired solution, you need to configure Windows RRAS as a dial-up server. To
configure Windows RRAS as a dial-up server, you need to perform the following tasks:
Install RRAS.
Configure the computer to act as a dial-up RRAS.
Install and verify the dial-up configuration.

Task 1: Installing RRAS To install RRAS, you need to perform the following steps in the Image_DC1 virtual machine:
1. Ensure that the Server Manager window is open and active.
2. Select Dashboard in the left pane.
3. Click the Add roles and features link in the right pane.
4. Click the Next button. The Select installation type page is displayed.
5. Click the Next button. The Select destination server page is displayed.
6. Click the Next button. The Select server roles page is displayed.
7. Select the Remote Access check box. The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box is displayed.
8. Click the Add Features button. The Select server roles page is displayed.
9. Click the Next button. The Select features page is displayed.
10. Click the Next button. The Remote Access page is displayed.
11. Click the Next button. The Select role services page is displayed.
12. Ensure that the DirectAccess and VPN (RAS) check box is selected.
13. Click the Next button. The Web Server Role (HS) page is displayed.
14. Click the Next button. The Select role services page is displayed.
15. Click the Next button. The Confirm installation selections page is displayed.
16. Select the Restart the destination server automatically if required check box.
17. Click the Yes button. The Confirm installation selections page is displayed.
18. Click the Install button. The Installation progress page is displayed.
19. Click the Close button.

Task 2: Configuring the Computer to Act as a Dial-up RRAS To configure the computer to act as a dial-up RRAS, you need to perform the following steps in the Image_DC1 virtual machine:
1. Press the Windows key. The Start screen is displayed.
2. Click the Routing and Remote Access tile. The Routing and Remote Access window is displayed.
3. Select the BIAGE_DC1 (local) node in the left pane.
4. Select Action-.Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access from the menu bar.
5. Click the Next button. The Configuration page is displayed.
6. Ensure that the Remote access (dial-up or VPN) option is selected.
7. Click the Next button. The Remote Access page is displayed.
8. Select the VPN and Dial-up check boxes.
9. Click the Next button. The VPN Connection page is displayed.
10. Select the Local Area Connection option under the Name column.
11. Click the Next button. The IP Address Assignment page is displayed.
12. Ensure that the Automatically option is selected.
13. Click the Next button. The Managing Multiple Remote Access Servers page is displayed.
14. Click the Next button. The Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard page is displayed.
15. Click the Finish button. The Routing and Remote Access message box is displayed.
16. Click the OK button.

Task 3: Installing and Verifying the Dial-up Configuration To install and verify the dial-up configuration in the Image_DC1 virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Press the Windows key. The Start screen is displayed-
2. Click the Control Panel tile. The Control Panel window is displayed.
3. Click the System and Security link. The System and Security window is displayed.
4. Click the Device Manager link under the System section in the right pane. The Device Manager window is displayed.
5. Select the Image_DC1 node.
6. Select Action->Add legacy hardware.
7. Click the Next button. The The wizard can help you install other hardware page is displayed.
8. Select the Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) option.
9. Click the Next button. The From the list below, select the type of hardware you are installing page is displayed.
10. Scroll down the Common hardware types list and select the Modems option.
11. Click the Next button. The Install New Modem page is displayed.
12. Select the Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list check box.
13. Click the Next button. The Install New Modem page is displayed.
14. Scroll down the Models list and select the Standard 56000 bps Modem option.
15. Click the Next button. The Install New Modem page is displayed.
16. Ensure that the Selected ports option is selected.
17. Select the COM1 option under the Selected ports option.
18. Click the Next button.
19. Click the Finish button. The Device Manager window is displayed.
20. Close the Device Manager and System and Security windows.
21. Ensure that the Routing and Remote Access window is open and active.
22. Select the Ports node in the left pane.
23. Select Action—Properties.

Posted by rohit kumar at 4:56 AM No comments:
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Labels: Network Essentials + L@H 9

1. Infogreen Corporations is a leading finance company in the U.S. with head office in Sunnyvale. The company has employees positioned at different locations worldwide, who frequently need to travel. Often, these employees need to connect to the network of the head office. Therefore, the management needs a solution that provides a secure remote connection to these employees. For this, Jim, the Server Administrator, has been assigned the task to formulate a network policy that provides an encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to the head office for remote employees. In addition, he needs to create a VPN connection object on the employee computers for connecting to the head office network. How will Jim accomplish the assigned task?

To accomplish the given assignment, you need to perform the following tasks:
Configure RRAS as a VPN remote access solution.
Configure a new network policy for RRAS clients.
Configure logging.
Test logging levels.

Task 1: Configuring RRAS as a VPN Remote Access Solution To configure RRAS as a VPN remote access solution, you need to perform the following
1. Install the Network Policy and Access Services role in the Image_DC1 virtual machine.
2. Configure the Image DCL virtual machine as a VPN server with a static address pool for remote access clients.
3. Configure the available VPN ports on the RRAS server.

Task 1.1: Installing the Network Policy and Access Services Role in the Image DC1 Virtual MachineTo install the Network Policy and Access Services role in the Image_DC1 virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Switch to the Image_DC1 virtual machine.
2. Ensure that the Server Manager window is open and active.
3. Click the Add roles and features link in the right pane.
4. Click the Next button. The Select installation type page is displayed.
5. Click the Next button. The Select destination server page is displayed.
6. Click the Next button. The Select server roles page is displayed.
7. Select the Network Policy and Access Services check box. The Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog box is displayed.
8. Click the Add Features button. The Select server roles page is displayed.
9. Click the Next button. The Select features page is displayed.
10. Click the Next button. The Network Policy and Access Services page is displayed.
11. Click the Next button. The Select role services page is displayed.
12. Ensure that the Network Policy Server check box is selected.
13. Click the Next button. The Confirm installation selections page is displayed.
14. Select the Restart the destination server automatically if required check box.
15. Click the Yes button. The Confirm installation selections page is displayed.
16. Click the Install button. The Installation progress page is displayed.
17. Click the Close button.

Task 1.2: Configuring the Image DC1 Virtual Machine as a IIPN Server with a Static Address Pool for Remote Access Clients
To configure the Image DC1 virtual machine as a VPN server with a static address pool for remote access clients, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Press the Windows key. The Start screen is displayed.
2. Click the Routing and Remote Access tile. The Routing and Remote Access window is displayed.
3. Select the DIAGE_DC1 (local) node in the left pane.
4. Right-click the IMAGE_DC1 (local) node, and then select the Disable Routing and Remote Access option. The Routing and Remote Access dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the Yes button. The Stopping Routing and Remote Access message box is displayed and disappears automatirAtly after a few moments.
6. Right-click the 1MAGE_DC1 (local) node, and then select the Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access option. The Welcome to the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard page is displayed.
7. Click the Next button. The Configuration page is displayed.
8. Click the Next button. The Remote Access page is displayed.
9. Select the VPN check box.
10. Click the Next button. The VPN Connection page is displayed.
11. Select the Local Area Connection option under the Name column in the Network interfaces list.
12. Click the Next button. The IP Address Assignment page is displayed.
13. Select the From a specified range of addresses option.
14. Click the Next button. The Address Range Assignment page is displayed.
15. Click the New button. The New IPv4 Address Range dialog box is displayed.
16. Type and in the Start IP address and End IP address text boxes, respectively.
17. Click the OK button. The Address Range Assignment page is displayed.
18. Click the Next button. The Managing Multiple Remote Access Servers page is displayed.
19. Click the Next button. The Completing the Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard page is displayed.
20. Click the Finish button. The Routing and Remote Access dialog box is displayed.
21. Click the OK button. The Routing and Remote Access message box is displayed.
22. Click the OK button. After a few moments, the Routing and Remote Access window is displayed.

Task 1.3: Configuring the Available VPN Ports on the RRAS Server
To configure the available VP/C ports on the RRAS server, you need to perform the following steps in the Image_DC1 virtual machine:
1. Ensure that the BLAGE DC1 (local) node is expanded in the left pane.
2. Select the Ports node in the left pane.
3. Right-click the Ports node in the left pane, and then select the Properties option.
4. Double-click the WAN Miniport (SSTP) option under the Name column.
5. Select and replace the existing value with 0 in the Maximum ports spin box.
6. Click the OK button. The Routing and Remote Access dialog box is displayed.
7. Click the Yes button. The Ports Properties dialog box is displayed.
8. Double-click the WAN Miniport (PPTP) option under the Name column.
9. Select and replace the existing value with 25 in the Maximum ports spin box.
10. Click the OK button. The Routing and Remote Access dialog box is displayed.
11. Click the Yes button. The Ports Properties dialog box is displayed.
12. Double-click the WAN Miniport (L2TP) option under the Name column.
13. Select and replace the existing value with 25 in the Maximum ports spin box.
14. Click the OK button. The Routing and Remote Access dialog box is displayed.
15. Click the Yes button. The Ports Properties dialog box is displayed.
16. Click the OK button. The Routing and Remote Access window is displayed.
17. Close the Routing and Remote Access window

Task 2: Configuring a New Network Policy for RRAS Clients To configure a new network policy for RRAS clients, you need to perform the following steps in the Image DC1 virtual machine:
1. Press the Windows key. The Start screen is displayed.
2. Click the Network Policy Server tile. The Network Policy Server window is displayed.
3. Expand the Policies node in the left pane.
4. Select the Network Policies node in the left pane.
5. Right-click the Network Policies node in the left pane, and then select the New option.
6. Type Secure LPN in the Policy name text box.
7. Select the Remote Access Server(VPN-Dial up) option from the Type of network access server drop-down list.
8. Click the Next button. The Specify Conditions page is displayed.
9. Click the Add button. The Select condition dialog box is displayed.
10. Scroll down the Select a condition, and then click Add list to locate the Connection Properties section.
11. Scroll down and double-click the Tunnel Type option under the Connection Properties section. The Tunnel Type dialog box is displayed.
12. Select the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) check boxes under the Common dial-up and %TN tunnel types section.
13. Click the OK button. The Specify Conditions page is displayed.
14. Click the Next button. The Specify- Access Permission page is displayed.
15. Click the Next button. The Configure Authentication Methods page is displayed.
16. Clear the Microsoft Encrypted Authentication (MS-CHAP) check box.
17. Click the Next button. The Configure Constraints page is displayed.
18. Select the Day and time restrictions icon in the left pane under the Constraints section.
19. Select the Allow access only on these days and at these times check box in the right pane.
20. Click the Edit button. The Day and time restrictions dialog box is displayed.
21. Select the Denied option.
22. Select 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM time range from Monday to Friday.
23. Select the Permitted option.
24. Click the OK button. The Configure Constraints page is displayed.
25. Click the Next button. The Configure Settings page is displayed.
26. Select the Encryption icon under the Settings section in the left pane.
27. Clear all the check boxes except the Strongest encryption (MPPE 128-bit) check box in the right pane.
28. Click the Next button. The Completing New Network Policy page is displayed.
29. Click the Finish button. The Network Policy Server window is displayed.
30. Ensure that the Secure VPN policy is displayed under the Policy Name column in the right pane.
31. Close the Network Policy Server window.

Task 3: Configuring Logging To configure logging, you need to perform the following steps in in the Image_DC1 virtual machine:
1. Press the Windows key. The Start screen is displayed.
2. Click the Routing and Remote Access tile. The Routing and Remote Access window is displayed.
3. Select the IMAGE_DC1 (local) node in the left pane.
4. Right-click the IMAGE DC1 (local) node, and then select the Properties option.
5. Click the Logging tab.
6. Select the Log all events option.
7. Click the OK button.
8. Close the Routing and Remote Access window

Task 4: Testing Logging Levels To test the logging levels, you need to perform the following steps in the Image Win8_CL1 virtual machine:
1. Switch to the Image_WinS_CL1 virtual machine.
2. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
3. Type Control Panel.
4. Press the Enter key. The Control Panel window is displayed.
5. Click the Network and Internet link. The Network and Internet window is displayed.
6. Click the Network and Sharing Center link in the right pane. The Network and Sharing Center window is displayed.
7. Click the Set up a new connection or network link under the Change your networking settings section. The Choose a connection option page of the Set Up a Connection or Network wizard is displayed.
8. Select the Connect to a workplace link.
9. Click the Next button.
10. Select Use my Internet connection (VPN).
11. Select I'll set up an Internet connection later.
12. Type in the Internet address text box.
13. Ensure that the Remember my credentials check box is selected.
14. Click the Create button. The Networks pane is displayed.
15. Right-click Infogreen VPN in the Networks pane, and click View connection properties.
16. Click the Security tab.
17. Select the Allow these protocols option.
18. Ensure that the Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) check box is selected.
19. Click the OK button.
20. Click the Network icon (E) in the taskbar to open the Networks pane.
21. Select Infogreen %TN, and then click the Connect button. The Network Authentication pane is displayed.
22. Type Infogreen \ Administrator and PaSSwOrd in the User name and Password text boxes, respectively.
23. Click the OK button to connect with the VPN connection.


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