Thursday, January 07, 2016

Software engineering Lab@home 5

Software engineering Lab@home 5

1.  Refer to the case study of MerryMeeting Event Organizers. Analyze the existing system and create a design of the proposed system by using the following UML diagrams:
Use case diagram
Class diagram
Sequence diagram (for any use case)
Communication diagram (for any use case)
State diagram (for any object)
 Activity diagram (for any use case)

Ans.  *Use Case Digram:-

A use case is used to:
Represent a list of steps or interactions between a user and a system to fulfill a requirement.
Describe the interactions between the use cases and actors of the proposed software system.
To create the use case diagram for the proposed system, first you need to identify the actors and the use cases.
The following actors will interact with the MerryMeeting system

*Class diagram:-

A class diagram is used:
For visualizing and describing the aspects of a system based on the object-oriented approach.
To describe the attributes, methods, and any constraints for the various classes that can be created for the required system.
To create the class diagram for the proposed system, you need to identify the classes, their attributes and methods, and the relationships between the classes.

*Sequence diagram(for any use case):-

Sequence diagrams represent interactions between objects in the form of messages ordered in a sequence by time.
Let us create a sequence diagram for the Event Inquiry use case.
The following table lists the various classes and their responsibilities in realizing the Event Inquiry use case.

*Communication diagram (for any use case):-

Communication diagrams represent the interaction among objects in the form of messages.

*State diagram (for any object):-

A state machine diagram represents the various states that an object may attain during its life cycle, in response to various events.
In this case, let us create a state machine diagram for the Event object.

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