Write a C++ program that enter a students names and their grades and order them in ascending order according to names | how to sort names in C | name sorting in C
This is the simple C++ console program for sorting names. The program take the names and grade from the user and sort the names in ascending order.
Source Code
#include <iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct student { string name; int id; char grade[3]; }; //global variables student stdInstance[50]; int size = 1; //functions void welcomeScrean(void); void displayAllStudents(void); void sortAndDisplayAllStudents(void); void getStudentsWithGrade(void); int main() { system ("color F0"); welcomeScrean(); int i=0,j=0; cout<<"\t How many students do you want to enter " <<endl <<"\t ======================================" <<endl <<"\t You Endered : "; cin>>j; for(i;i<j;i++) { getStudentsWithGrade(); } displayAllStudents(); sortAndDisplayAllStudents(); return 0; } void welcomeScrean(void){ cout<<"\a" <<"\t*******************************************************"<<endl <<"\t** **"<<endl <<"\t** Welcome To **"<<endl <<"\t** **"<<endl <<"\t** Student Name Sorting and Data Entry **"<<endl <<"\t** **"<<endl <<"\t** Program **"<<endl <<"\t** **"<<endl <<"\t*******************************************************"<<endl <<endl <<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t\n"; } void displayAllStudents(void){ cout<<endl <<"\t Students added with following data" <<endl <<"\t ======================================" <<endl <<endl; for(int n=1;n<size;n++) { cout<<"\t "<<stdInstance[n].name<<endl; } } void sortAndDisplayAllStudents(void){ string temp[size]; for ( int h = 0 ; h<size ; h++ ) { temp[h]=stdInstance[h].name; } sort(temp, temp + size); cout<< "\t Sorted names are"<<endl; for(int m=1;m<size;m++) { cout<<endl<< "\t "<<temp[m]<<endl; } } void getStudentsWithGrade(void){ //system("CLS"); cout<<endl <<"\a" <<"\t *******************************************************"<<endl <<"\t ** Adding Student No # "<<size<<" **"<<endl <<"\t *******************************************************"<<endl; cout<<endl << "\n\tEnter Name : "; cin>>stdInstance[size].name; cout<< "\n\tEnter Grade TERMINATONG at \".\": "; cin.getline(stdInstance[size].grade,3,'.');//taking grade stdInstance[size].id = size;//settind customer id size++; cout<<endl <<"\t Press Enter to continue . . ." <<endl; getch(); }
Output of the Program

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