Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bsc-IT 4th sem Dumps of 2013 Software Engineering

Bsc-IT 4th sem Dumps of 2013 Software Engineering

KU 4th sem solved Paper
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  1. Software is a set of instructions or computer program that when executed provide desired function and performance.
  2.  Software is a process and a product.
  3.  The incremental method is also known as the iterative enhancement model.
  4. An external entity is represented using rectangle in a DFD.
  5.  The software requirements deal with the requirments of the proposed system.
  6.  The weakest coupling that is most desirable is data coupling.
  7. P.D.L. stands for program design language.
  8.  Browsing tool helps to view the source code.
  9.  Executable code tools help in code creation, debugging and testing.
  10.  The two kinds of program documentation are internal and external.
  11.  Estimation makes use of an important approach decomposition.
  12.  PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique.
  13. Adaptive maintenance results in modification to the software to accommodate changes to its external environment.
  14. Comments in a program are taxtual statement  that are meant for program readers.
  15. The important metrics used during testing is reliability.
  16.  In waterfall model, the phases in the software development are organized
in linear order.
  1.  Method is also known as the iterative enhancement model.
  2. The definition phase, of software engineering includes tasks such as system engineering, software project planning and requirements analysis
  3. Checklists are often used in review meetings to focus on the reviews and to ensure that no major source of errors is overlooked by eh reviewers.
  4. The three important levels of abstraction are procedural abstraction, data abstraction andcontrol abstraction.
  5. In object oriented design, the modules in the design represent data abstraction.
  6. Cyclomatic complexity is a software measure, that provides a quantitative measure of logical complexity of a program.
  7. COCOMO stands for constructive cost model.
  8.  Technical risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the s/w to be built.
  9.  Black-Box Testing is also known as functional testing.
  10. Software engineering is a discipline.
  11. The development approach followed in prototype model is quick and dirty.
  12. Structured analysis mainly depends on data flow diagrams and data dictionary.
  13. The weakest entity is represented using ________ in a DFD.
  14. Performance testing is mainly used for testing real-time and embedded systems.
31. The most commonly used version representations are evolution graph and Object-pool represention.
  1. ECO stands for Engineering Change Order.
SCM is an important element of  Software Quality Assurance.


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