Friday, February 19, 2016

Bsc-IT 5th sem exam solutions

Bsc-IT 5th sem exam solutions

  1. What is Web? What is the difference between intranet and internet?
Ans:-A Web is a complex network of international, cross platform, and cross cultural communicating devices, connected to each other without any ordering or pattern.
Internet and Intranet are both networks. However, the Internet is a network of networks, involving all communicating devices over the Web. However, an Intranet is limited to the users, machines, and software programs of a specific organization.

  1. Describe HTML tags and elements in briefly.
An HTML tag defines the markup for a particular content in an HTML page and is represented within angular brackets. A start tag is represented as <tag_name> and an end tag is represented as </tag_name>. Most tags in HTML are in pairs of start and end tag. Only some tags such as <br> do not have an end tag.
An element contains a start tag, an end tag, and the content, which is marked up by those tags. The content in an element may comprise of data as well as nested tags. For example, the following is an HTML element:
<p>This is a nested tag</p>
An HTML page starts and end with <HTML></HTML> tags, marking the beginning and end of an HTML page. A page can be divided into the header and the body. The <HEAD></HEAD> tags represent the former and contain header information, which is not displayed in the browser window. The <HEAD></HEAD> tags also contain the <TITLE></TITLE> tags, which contain the text that will be displayed in the title bar of the browser window when the page is opened.
The <BODY></BODY> tags comprise the body element of an HTML page. The content with the <BODY></BODY> tags is displayed in the browser window.

  1. What is Java Script? List out uses of Java Script.
JavaScript is a scripting language used to make interactive web pages. It is mostly used as a client side scripting language. Its uses include:
  • Control document appearance and content
  • Control the browser
  • Interact with document content
  • Interact with user
  • Read and write client state with cookies
  • Interact with applets
  • Manipulate embedded images
  1. What are the difference between HTML and DHTML?
HTML is a markup language used to create static web pages. DHTML on the other hand is not a language by itself but a combination of different technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DOM. It is used to create dynamic pages.

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