Wednesday, March 02, 2016

TopJobs Inc. Project Sem 4

TopJobs Inc. 
Project Sem 4

TopJobs Inc. is a company that renders recruitment services in the US. With a network of more than 30 offices nationwide, the company specializes in the areas of accounting, finance, sales, marketing, information technology, and engineering. It has tie-ups with the employers from various sectors. The company provides services for full-time, part-time, and contractual employment.

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The Current System

At present, TopJops advertises the new vacancies in the print media. TopJobs also has a website that is updated with vacancy details. The website also enables jobseekers to upload their resumes. A jobseeker can also visit a TopJobs office to enquire about vacancies and submit the resume.
Each TopJobs office has a Client Relationship Manager, who liaisons with the employers to understand their requirements. The office also has a Business Development Manager, who is responsible for gathering, sorting, and finally selecting jobseekers.
The current system of TopJobs has several limitations, the primary being its inability to adapt with the evolving technologies in the job marketing segment. Many competitors of the company already have their job portals and are providing recruitment services online. TopJobs is losing its clients to competitors because employers prefer viewing and selecting resumes and communicating with prospective candidates online, before meeting in person. Jobseekers also complain that even after submitting their resumes, they are not updated about the status of their applications. Further, the resumes that TopJobs receives are in different formats and need to be converted into a standard format before processing further.
As a result, many vacancies remain unplaced, and the number of jobseekers seeking TopJobs services has declined, which subsequently has resulted in loss of revenue.

The Envisioned System

The management of TopJobs has realized that in order to grow and sustain in the job recruitment market, it will need to update its current system to leverage the advantage of the Web. Accordingly, the management has tied up with a software development organization. The management has instructed the organization to create an online job recruitment application that can be used by both employers and jobseekers.
In the first phase, the TopJobs application will automate the process of posting jobs by employers and applying for jobs by jobseekers. Before posting jobs, an employer must register with the application and agree with the terms and conditions of using the application. A registered employer has to pay $300 to access resumes with a single login that expires in 30 days. Currently, the payments of registered employers will be collected by the representatives of TopJobs from the employer's office.
During the subsequent phases, the application will be scaled where employers will be able to choose from multiple pricing packages and also make payments online. In addition, the application will provide a comprehensive platform supported by a social networking infrastructure where both employers and jobseekers can interact with one another.
To implement the envisioned functionalities, the TopJobs application should have the following features during the first phase of development:
  • Application should be accessible over the Internet.
  • Application should be accessible to users assigned with the employer, jobseeker, and administrator roles.
  • System should allow an authorized employer to perform the following activities:
    • Register with the application.
    • Post job requirements.
    • View resumes submitted against a job.
    • Shortlist resumes of prospective jobseekers.
    • Purchase additional logins or extend an existing login.
  • System should allow an authorized jobseeker to perform the following activities:
    • Register with the application.
    • Create a resume online.
    • Submit their resume for published jobs.
    • Track the number of times their resume has been viewed.
  • System should have an authorization mechanism to restrict access to administrative functions.
  • System should allow an authenticated administrator to perform the following activities:
    • Manage jobs to ensure that they are assigned the correct categories.
    • Delete jobs that are closed or expired after a specified period.
  • System should have a mechanism to provide discount on the service fee to the employers who purchase more than a specified number of logins in a month through the system.

  • To implement the preceding features, the following specifications have been laid down to design the TopJobs application:

    • Application should be developed in ASP.NET MVC.
    • Design, layout, and navigation of the application should be uniform across all Web pages.
    • Job posting activities should be tracked across a user's session.
    • Job application activities should be tracked across a user's session.
    • User authentication should be form-based.
    • User authorization should be role-based.
    • Data provided by the user must be validated.
    • Service fee discounts to employers should be easily configured through an XML file.
    • Static views of the application should be cached.
    • The application should provide information on the company's profile and its contact details.

  • As an ASP.NET developer, you have been asked to create the TopJobs application.
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