Computer Science Projects
Computer science essentially deals with scientific study involving computers, its uses in data processing and computation, advanced algorithms and systems control, artificial intelligence etc. Students studying computer science engineering have to learn about programming, theory and analysis and therefore computer science projects focus on designing and coming up with different application-based programs. Below is a list of computer science projects which can help students choose an interesting idea to do a project:
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary
- Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data
- Web Based Online Blood Donation System
- Filtering and Analyzing of Effective Packet System for ATM Network
- Efficient and Distribution and Secure Content Processing by Cooperative Intermediaries
- Rule Mining Algorithm for Efficient Association in Distributed Databases
- Digest Algorithm for Efficient Message for Data Security
- Storage Systems Based HBA Distributed Meta Data Management for large Cluster
- Image Analysis and Compression with PSNR and MSE Technique
- Implementation of Threshold Cryptography for MANET Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Image Processing for Resizing and Bilinear Filters
- Architecture of Distributed Database in Next Generation Mobile Networks for Global Roaming
- Recognition of Dynamic Pattern and Character Using Neural Networks
- Customer Relationship Management Based on Distributed Component Router
- Supply Chain Management System Based on Distributed Component Router
- Dynamic Logistics Management and Support Systems
- Multithreaded Socket Based Email Server
- Web Based Graphical Password Authentication System
- Identification and Matching of Robust-Face Name Graph for Movie Character
- Controlling of Topology in Ad hoc Networks by Using Cooperative Communications
- Web Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
- Voice based E-mail for the Blind
- Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless Communication Networks for Effective Cache Consistency
- Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
- Automatic Removal and Estimation of Noise in From a Single Image
- A Railway Anti-Collision System with Auto-Track Changing and Phis Plate Removal Sensing
- Computer Folders ‘Security with a Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Phone and Rinjdal Security Extension
- Speech Stress Analysis based Cheap Lie Detector for Loyalty Test
- Credit Card Reader with Face Recognition based on Webcam
- Recognition of Hand Movement for Paralytic Persons Based on a Neural Network
- Network Security Implementation Layer through Voice Biometric
- An SSL Back End Forwarding Scheme of Clusters Based On Web Servers
- Motion Extraction Techniques Based Identifying the Level of Perception Power from Video
- Approximate and Efficient Processing of Query in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Agent Based Blocking and Response, Intrusion Detection using Signature
- Load Balancing of Artificial Intelligence Network using Ant Colony Optimization
- Authentication and Adaptive Security for DNS System
- Multicasting of Bandwidth Efficient Video in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless networks
- ADHOC Networks Based Bandwidth Estimation of IEEE 802.11
- Data Mining Technique Based Building Intelligent Shopping for Web Services
- Automatic Teller Machine Network Implementation based Controlling of CAC Connection Admission
- Adaptive Coaching and Co-Operative System for MANETS
- Multidimensional and Color Imaging Projections
- Color Scheme Authentication: These schemes authenticate the user by session passwords. Session passwords are passwords that are used only once and once a session is terminated, it is no longer useful. For every login process, users input different passwords. The session passwords therefore provide better security.
- Inter Domain Packet Filters based Controlling of IP Spoofing
- Hidden Markov Models Based Credit Card Fraud Detection
- XML Enable SQL Server Based Data Storage and Minimization
- Speech coding became one of the integral part of digitized speech signal processing. High quality is attained at low bit rates by exploiting signal redundancy as well as the knowledge that certain types of coding distortion are difficult because they are masked by the signal.
- Artificial Neural Network Based Verification of Digital Signature
- Prescription Viewer App is an easy to use medication management app which helps you to monitor and keep track of your medication. It is an android app which helps you to view your medication anytime, anywhere through your phone.
- Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind Driven Snow
- Optical Character Recognition
- Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
- Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
- Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured Fingerprint Using Computational Geometry Algorithms
- Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
- DNA Micro array data processing is used in research and development of Micro array image analysis and data cleaning, per processing, semantic integration of distributed biomedical databases.
- Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
- Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
- Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture and Security of Biometric Technology
- Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on Voice
- Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
- Increased Development Process Quality Based Testing of Automotive Real Time
- SQL Based Employee Management System in ASP and C# .NET
- Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
- Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code Plagiarism Based on Program
- Graph-based Recommendation on Social Networks
- Adaptive Multi-agent System For Traffic Monitoring
- Architectural Risk Analysis of Software Systems Based on Security Patterns
- Providing Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability through Model Transformation Technologies
- SAMI: The SLA Management Instance
- The Co QUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays
- Introduction to the Domain Driven Data Mining Special Section
- Beyond Redundancies A Metric Invariant Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection
- Predicting Missing items in Shopping Carts
- Application Layer Traffic Optimization in the e-Mule System
- Efficient Peer to Peer Similarity Query Processing for High-dimensional Data
- Dependability Evaluation with Dynamic Reliability Block Diagrams and Dynamic Fault Trees
- Probabilistic Topic Models for Learning Terminological Ontologies
- Optimal Jamming Attack Strategies and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Social Surroundings Bridging the Virtual and Physical Divide
- Requirements for Distributed Event-based Awareness in PP Groupware Systems
- Data Mining Approach for Detecting Higher Level Clones in Software
- Exception Handling Patterns for Process Modeling
- Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind Driven Snow
- Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
- Speedy detection algorithm of underwater moving targets
- Online Product Recommendation on Shopping Portal
- Design and Implementation of E Secure Transaction
- Pattern Recognition and Dynamic Character Using Neural Network
- Verification of Dynamic Signature Using Pattern Signature
- Data Integrity Maintenance and Dynamic University Linking
- By Using Concurrent Engineering Train Simulation Based on Genetic Algorithm
- Travelling Salesman and Genetic Algorithm Problem Using ATL COM and C#
- Channel Rate Allocation for Scalable Video Streaming Using Genetic Algorithm over Error-Prone Networks Based on GOP
- High Speed Face Recognition Based on RBF Neural Networks and Discrete Cosine Transform
- Database Synchronization Project propose allows you to take one database, make an exact copy of it on another server, and set one of them to take all its updates from the other
- Data leakage detection: propose data allocation strategies that improve the probability of identifying leakages. In some cases, we can also inject “realistic but fake” data records to further improve chances of detecting leakage and identifying the guilty party.
- Making smart cards portable
- Coverage inference protocol for wireless sensor networks
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