& MVC Lab@home 3
1.Write a detailed note on the MVC technology, its various components, and ASP.NET implementation.
The MVC model is an alternetive to the ASP.NET Web form model for devoping web application it is a light-wight model and suport existing ASP.NET feature. It separateds the following three main companents. It separates the following three main componets from an application:
Model: Refer to a set of classes that describes the data that the application works with. In addition, these classes define the bussines logic that governs how the login form that contains text boxes boxes an buttons.
View: Refers to the components that define an application user interface. for example, the login from that contain text boxes and buttons.
Controller: Refres to a set of classes that handle commnication from the user and the overall application flow . A controller responds to user input, communicates with the model, and decides the view to render. By seprading model, View, and controller within an application , the MVC model ensure loose compling. Therefore, it enables you to focuse on one aspect of the implementaion at a time. Foe eample, you can concentrate on designing a view without worrying about thebussiness logic.
The MVC model makes it easier to manage complexcity by dividing an application into the model, the view, an the controller. Therefore, it should be used for developing web application that are managed by larges tearms of devlopers and web designer.
The Impementaion of MVC
In MVC, incoming request are handled by controllers. Controllers are C# that contain methods. Each public method in a controller is known as an action method can be invoked by using a URL. when an HTTP request is sent to the server by using a URL is executed in order to perform the requried opration on a model. Than a view is rendered and display to the clint. The following figure displys the interation between the controller, the model, and the view.
The MVC model is an alternetive to the ASP.NET Web form model for devoping web application it is a light-wight model and suport existing ASP.NET feature. It separateds the following three main companents. It separates the following three main componets from an application:
Model: Refer to a set of classes that describes the data that the application works with. In addition, these classes define the bussines logic that governs how the login form that contains text boxes boxes an buttons.
View: Refers to the components that define an application user interface. for example, the login from that contain text boxes and buttons.
Controller: Refres to a set of classes that handle commnication from the user and the overall application flow . A controller responds to user input, communicates with the model, and decides the view to render. By seprading model, View, and controller within an application , the MVC model ensure loose compling. Therefore, it enables you to focuse on one aspect of the implementaion at a time. Foe eample, you can concentrate on designing a view without worrying about thebussiness logic.
The MVC model makes it easier to manage complexcity by dividing an application into the model, the view, an the controller. Therefore, it should be used for developing web application that are managed by larges tearms of devlopers and web designer.
The Impementaion of MVC
In MVC, incoming request are handled by controllers. Controllers are C# that contain methods. Each public method in a controller is known as an action method can be invoked by using a URL. when an HTTP request is sent to the server by using a URL is executed in order to perform the requried opration on a model. Than a view is rendered and display to the clint. The following figure displys the interation between the controller, the model, and the view.
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