Java Lab@home 6
1.Write a program to display the number of objects created for a class.

2.Take an existing application and refactor the code to implement the data access object (DAO) design pattern.

2.Take an existing application and refactor the code to implement the data access object (DAO) design pattern.
3.Create an interface and implement that interface.
1 open the petcomposition project as the main project.
a select file > open project.
b browse t d:\labs\06-interfaces\practices.
c select petcomposition and select the "open as main project chek box.
d click the open project button.
2 expand the project diretories.
3 run the project. you should see output in the output window.
4 centralize all <name> functionality.
a create a nameable interface (under the com.example package).
b complete the nameable interface with setname and getname method signatures.
public interface nameable {
public void setname(string name);
public string getname();
c create a nameable class (under the com.example package).
4.Take an existing application and refactor it to make use of composition.
5.Use the Hash-map collection to count a list of part numbers.
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