NIIT Lab@Home 15 ICTWC
1. DelCorp Inc. is a health products company in Toronto. The company had upgraded its Windows client machines to the latest version of Windows six months ago. Recently, some users have complained that their systems have slowed down. Matt, the Desktop administrator, has been assigned the task of resolving the issue. The IT department suspects that the problem is due to malicious software. To safeguard the corporate network, the department has decided to reinstall the machines. However, the machines need to retain all user applications and files. Matt has to restore these machines to the current applications and settings levels, customized by users. He also wants to use a custom image that can reinstall all the applications that were installed in the system. However, he doesn't want to carry an image or deploy it through network. This is because he wants to avoid a removable device or choke network bandwidth to ensure security and performance of the corporate network. Therefore, Matt decides to create and use a custom image of the system in the E:\Recovery folder of the system. What should Matt do to perform the task? Experiment To test the solution, Rex needs to perform the following tasks: Create a recovery image of a system. Refresh the system.
Task 1. Create a Recovery Image of a system
to create a recovery image, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the screen is displayed.
2. Open the commanf prompt window.
3. Type the recimg / showcurrent command, and then press the Enter key. the no active custom recovery image message is displayed.
4. Type the recimg / createimage E:\Recovery command, and then press the Enter key. the recovery image creation process will initiate.
5. Type the recimg / showcurrent command, and then press the Enter key. the operation completed successfully message is displayed.
6. Type the exit command, and then press the Enter key.
7. Browse to the E:\ drive. you will notice thet the recovery folder is created.
8. Double-click the Recovery folder. the CustomRefrsh.wim file is displayed.
9. Close the Recovery window.
Task 2. Refreshing the System.
To refrsh the system, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. press the Windows key. the Start screen is displayed.
2. Type refrsh, and then click the setting otion in the search charm.
3. Click the Refrsh your PC tile. the Refrsh your Pc ribbon on the PC setting screen is displayed.
4. Click the Next button. After preparing for a few moments, the ready to refresh your PC ribbon is displayed.
5. Click the Refresh button. the virtual machine restarts. After 50-55 minutes, the lock screen will appesr.
6. Press space bar.
7. Logon in the ADATUM\Administrator user with the password as Pa$$w0rd. the Start screen is displayed.
to create a recovery image, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the screen is displayed.
2. Open the commanf prompt window.
3. Type the recimg / showcurrent command, and then press the Enter key. the no active custom recovery image message is displayed.
4. Type the recimg / createimage E:\Recovery command, and then press the Enter key. the recovery image creation process will initiate.
5. Type the recimg / showcurrent command, and then press the Enter key. the operation completed successfully message is displayed.
6. Type the exit command, and then press the Enter key.
7. Browse to the E:\ drive. you will notice thet the recovery folder is created.
8. Double-click the Recovery folder. the CustomRefrsh.wim file is displayed.
9. Close the Recovery window.
Task 2. Refreshing the System.
To refrsh the system, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. press the Windows key. the Start screen is displayed.
2. Type refrsh, and then click the setting otion in the search charm.
3. Click the Refrsh your PC tile. the Refrsh your Pc ribbon on the PC setting screen is displayed.
4. Click the Next button. After preparing for a few moments, the ready to refresh your PC ribbon is displayed.
5. Click the Refresh button. the virtual machine restarts. After 50-55 minutes, the lock screen will appesr.
6. Press space bar.
7. Logon in the ADATUM\Administrator user with the password as Pa$$w0rd. the Start screen is displayed.
2. Rex is a freelance Desktop Administrator. Recently, one of his clients raised a query after upgrading to the latest version of the Windows client operating system. The query is that in case a file is corrupted or lost, how the client will be able to recover the file. However, the client is not sure about the method to do the same in the latest version. The client is using the LON-CL1 machine, which is connected to the corporate network domain controller, LON-DC1. Rex decides to test a solution before discussing it with the client. He decides to use virtual machines with configurations similar to the client's configuration. How can Rex perform the task? Experiment To test the solution, Rex needs to perform the following tasks: Create and edit a word document. Enable and configure file history and Windows 7 file recovery. Test the file history.
Task 1. Creating and Editing a Word Document
to create and edit a word document, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
2. Press windows+C keys. the Charms bar is dislayed.
3. Click the Search charm.
4. Type word, and then select the Microsoft word 2010 tile in the Apps screen. the User name dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the ok button. After a few moments, the Welcome to Microsoft office 2010 dialog box is displayed.
6. select the Don't make changes option.
7. click the ok button.
8. Type Documant for recovery in the Documant.
9. select file--save option from ribbon. the save as dialog box is displayed.
10. click the save button.
11. nClose the Microsoft word window.
Task 2. Enabling and Configuring file Histiry and Windows 7 file History
To Enabling and Configuring file Histiry, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. Press windows+C keys. the Charms bar is displayed.
2. Click the search charm.
3. type control panel, and then press the enter key. the control panel window is displayed.
4. click the system and security link. the system and security window is displayed.
5. click the file History link. the file history window is displayed.
6. click the Turn on button in the right pane. After a few moments, the Run now link is displayed at the end of the file history is on section.
7. click the windows 7 file recovery link in the left pane.
8. click the set up backup link. the set upp backu message box is displayed. After a few moments, the select where you want to save your backup page of the set up backup wizard is displayed. the save on a network button. the select a network location page is displayed.
10. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.//
11. Type administretor in the Username text box.
12. Type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
13. click the ok button. the select where you want to save your backup page is displayed.
14. click the next button. the where do you want to back up? page is displayed.
15. click the next button. the review your backu setting page is displayed.
16. click the save setting and run backup button. the windows 7 file recovery window is displayed.
17. Click the view detail button. the windiws backup dialog box is displayed. after a few minutes, the backup is completed.
18. close the windows backu dialog box.
Task 3. Testing the file History.
to test the file histiry, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. Browse to the E\LABfile\Mod04\Data folder. the date window is displayed. Notice the content of folder. the LON-CL1 and windowsImageBackup folder are created.
2. close the data window.
3. Swerch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 machine.
4. open the File Explorer.
5. Browse to the Libraries--Docimants folder.
6. delete the documant for recovery.docx file.
7. select the history otion in the open section of the Home tab. the Documant--file history window is displayed.
8. select the Documant for recovery.docx fiel.
9. right-click, and then select restore. you will notice that the documant for recuvery.docx file is recuvered.
10. Close all the open windows.
to create and edit a word document, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
2. Press windows+C keys. the Charms bar is dislayed.
3. Click the Search charm.
4. Type word, and then select the Microsoft word 2010 tile in the Apps screen. the User name dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the ok button. After a few moments, the Welcome to Microsoft office 2010 dialog box is displayed.
6. select the Don't make changes option.
7. click the ok button.
8. Type Documant for recovery in the Documant.
9. select file--save option from ribbon. the save as dialog box is displayed.
10. click the save button.
11. nClose the Microsoft word window.
Task 2. Enabling and Configuring file Histiry and Windows 7 file History
To Enabling and Configuring file Histiry, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. Press windows+C keys. the Charms bar is displayed.
2. Click the search charm.
3. type control panel, and then press the enter key. the control panel window is displayed.
4. click the system and security link. the system and security window is displayed.
5. click the file History link. the file history window is displayed.
6. click the Turn on button in the right pane. After a few moments, the Run now link is displayed at the end of the file history is on section.
7. click the windows 7 file recovery link in the left pane.
8. click the set up backup link. the set upp backu message box is displayed. After a few moments, the select where you want to save your backup page of the set up backup wizard is displayed. the save on a network button. the select a network location page is displayed.
10. type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.//
11. Type administretor in the Username text box.
12. Type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
13. click the ok button. the select where you want to save your backup page is displayed.
14. click the next button. the where do you want to back up? page is displayed.
15. click the next button. the review your backu setting page is displayed.
16. click the save setting and run backup button. the windows 7 file recovery window is displayed.
17. Click the view detail button. the windiws backup dialog box is displayed. after a few minutes, the backup is completed.
18. close the windows backu dialog box.
Task 3. Testing the file History.
to test the file histiry, you need to perfrom the following steps:
1. Browse to the E\LABfile\Mod04\Data folder. the date window is displayed. Notice the content of folder. the LON-CL1 and windowsImageBackup folder are created.
2. close the data window.
3. Swerch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 machine.
4. open the File Explorer.
5. Browse to the Libraries--Docimants folder.
6. delete the documant for recovery.docx file.
7. select the history otion in the open section of the Home tab. the Documant--file history window is displayed.
8. select the Documant for recovery.docx fiel.
9. right-click, and then select restore. you will notice that the documant for recuvery.docx file is recuvered.
10. Close all the open windows.
3. WRT Inc. is an energy market research company. The company provides consultancy to clients in the field of crude oil exploration and marketing in form of reposts. The company has a robust IT infrastructure to support the research and marketing operations. The IT department is planning to upgrade the client operating system. To ensure a proper transition to the new operating system, Chris, the Infrastructure Manager, has decided to set up a new virtual lab environment to test the new client operating system. The virtual lab will provide an efficient and cost effective method to test the new client operating system. Brad, the Desktop Administrator, has been assigned the task to set up the lab environment. Brad has analyzed the requirements for setup and identified the following tasks: The new lab setup will use multiple virtual machines with differencing disks based on a common base disk, Win_base, which is kept at the E:\Base location. The base disk has the latest Windows operating system installed. In case the location of the base hard disk is changed, the virtual machine needs to be created with the existing differencing disk based on the new location of the base hard disk. In case the virtual machine is required in an original state after modification, the virtual machine needs to be reverted to the original state. The virtual machine needs to be booted from a CD or a network. To test the setup, Brad decides to create a Win 8 virtual machine at the D:\VHD\Win8 location. After creating the differencing disk, the base will be moved to the D:\Base_new location. How can Brad perform the assigned tasks? Experiment To perform the assigned tasks, Brad need to perform the following tasks: Create a differencing hard disk. Create a virtual machine. Add and configure a virtual hard disk. Create and use snapshots. Boot the virtual machine from CD.
Task 1. Creating a Differencing Hard disk
To create a differecing hard disk in a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Hyper-V Manager window is active.
2. select new-- Hard Disk in the Active ane on left. the vefore you begin page of new virtual hard disk Wizard.
3. click the next button. the choose disk format page is displayed.
4. select the VHD option.
5. click the next button. the choose disk type page is displayed.
6. select the Differencing option.
7. click the next button. the specify name and location page is dislayed.
8. type win 8 in the name text box.
9. type D:\ICTWC\Images in the location text box.
10. click the next button. thye configure disk page is displayed.
11. type the D:\Base\win_base.vhd location of parent or base disk in the Location text box.
12. click the next button. the completing the new virtual hard disk wizard page is displayed.
13. click the finish button. After few moments, the hard disk is created.
Task 2. Creating a virtual Machine.
to create a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. select new-- virtual machine option in the active pane. the before you begin page of new virtual machine wizard is displayed.
2. click the next button. the specify name and location dialog box is displayed.
3. select and replace the text in the name text box with the win 8 text.
4. select the store the virtual machine in a different location check box.
5. click the button and select the D:\ICTWC\Images folder.
6. click the select folder button.
7. click the next button. the assign memory page is displayed.
8. click the next button. the configure networking page is displayed.
9. click the next button. the connect virtual hard disk page isdisplayed.
10. select the attach a virtual hard disk later option.
11. click the next button. the completing the new virtual machine wizard page is displayed.
12. click the finish button. after a few moments, win 8 virtual machine is displayed in the Hyper-V Manager window.
Task 3 Adding and configuring a virtual hard disk
to add and configure a VHD, you need to perform the following steps:
1. cut the D:\win_base.vhd file and paste to the D:\Base_new folder.
2. Ensure that the win 8 virtual machine is selected in the Hyper-V Manager window.
3. select the setting option in the active pane under the virtual machine name section. the virtual machine setting window is displayed.
4. select the IDE controller 0 option in the Hardware section in the left pane.
5. Ensure that the Hard drive option is selected in the select the type of drive you want to attach to the controller and then click add list box.
6. Click the add button. the hard drive page is displayed.
7. click the Browse button in the Media section. the open dialog box is dislayed.
8. Browse to the D:\ICTWC\Images\win 8.vhd loction.
9. click the open button. the Hard drive page is displayed.
10. click the Inspect button. the Virtual hard disks properties window is displayed.
11. click the Reconnect button. the reconnect virtual hard disk page of edit virtual hard disk wizard is displayed.
12. click the next button. the Reconnect to parent virtual hard disk page is displayed.
13. click the Browse button. the oper dialog box is displayed.
14. Browse to the D:\Base_new location of the base VHD.
15. select the win_base.vhd file.
16. click the open button. the reconnect to parent virtual hard disk page is displayed.
17. click the next button. the completing the Edit virtual hard disk wizard page is displayed.
18. click the finish button. the virtual hard disk properties window is displayed.
19. click the close button. the hard drive page is displayed.
20. Ensure that the virtual machine setting window is displayed.
21 click the Ok button. the Hypre-V manager window is dispalyed.
Task 4. craeting and Using snapshots
To create and use snapshots, you need to perform the following task:
1. create a snapshot of a virtual machine.
2. Modify and revert the virtual machine.
Task 4.1. create a snapshot of a virtual Machine.
to create a snapshot of a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. select the win 8 virtual machine.
2. click the snapshot link in the activs pane under the win 8 section. after a few moments, a
snapshot will be displayed in the snapshots pane. the snapsht will have virtual machine name
current time stamp.
Task 4.2. Modifying and reverting the virtual machine.
to modify the virtual machine, you need to perform the following staps:
1. select the win 8 virtual machine in the middle pane.
2. select the start option in the win 8 section of the actions pane.
3. select the connect option in the win 8 section of the actions pane.after a few minutes, the lock screen is displayed.
4. press space bar. the login screen is displayed.
5. Type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box, and then press the Enter key. the start screen is displayed.
Task 5. Booting the Virtual machine from CD
to configure BIOS setting on a Hyper-V virtual machine, you con need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the win 8 virtual machine is running and active.
2. select media--DVD drive--Insert disk from the menu bar of the virtual machine. the open dialog box is displayed.
3. Browse to the D:\ICTWC\Images\2067\Drives\windows8_RTM_Eval.IOS file and click the open button. the IOS captured.
4. shut down the win 8 virtual machine.
5. ensure that the virtual machine is turnd off and selected in the Hype-V Manager window.
6. click the setting button in the virtual machine name section of Actions pane. the setting window is displayed.
7. select the BIOS option in the left pane. the BIOS page is displayed in the right pane.
8. select the CD option in the list box under the setting order section.
9. select the win 8 virtual machine in the middle pane.
10. select the start option in the win 8 section of the Actions pane.
11. select the connect option in the win 8 section of the Actions pane. you will be prompted to press any key.
12. close the virtual machine connection window.
13. click the delete button. the virtual machine is deleted from Hyper-V manager and disk.
To create a differecing hard disk in a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the Hyper-V Manager window is active.
2. select new-- Hard Disk in the Active ane on left. the vefore you begin page of new virtual hard disk Wizard.
3. click the next button. the choose disk format page is displayed.
4. select the VHD option.
5. click the next button. the choose disk type page is displayed.
6. select the Differencing option.
7. click the next button. the specify name and location page is dislayed.
8. type win 8 in the name text box.
9. type D:\ICTWC\Images in the location text box.
10. click the next button. thye configure disk page is displayed.
11. type the D:\Base\win_base.vhd location of parent or base disk in the Location text box.
12. click the next button. the completing the new virtual hard disk wizard page is displayed.
13. click the finish button. After few moments, the hard disk is created.
Task 2. Creating a virtual Machine.
to create a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. select new-- virtual machine option in the active pane. the before you begin page of new virtual machine wizard is displayed.
2. click the next button. the specify name and location dialog box is displayed.
3. select and replace the text in the name text box with the win 8 text.
4. select the store the virtual machine in a different location check box.
5. click the button and select the D:\ICTWC\Images folder.
6. click the select folder button.
7. click the next button. the assign memory page is displayed.
8. click the next button. the configure networking page is displayed.
9. click the next button. the connect virtual hard disk page isdisplayed.
10. select the attach a virtual hard disk later option.
11. click the next button. the completing the new virtual machine wizard page is displayed.
12. click the finish button. after a few moments, win 8 virtual machine is displayed in the Hyper-V Manager window.
Task 3 Adding and configuring a virtual hard disk
to add and configure a VHD, you need to perform the following steps:
1. cut the D:\win_base.vhd file and paste to the D:\Base_new folder.
2. Ensure that the win 8 virtual machine is selected in the Hyper-V Manager window.
3. select the setting option in the active pane under the virtual machine name section. the virtual machine setting window is displayed.
4. select the IDE controller 0 option in the Hardware section in the left pane.
5. Ensure that the Hard drive option is selected in the select the type of drive you want to attach to the controller and then click add list box.
6. Click the add button. the hard drive page is displayed.
7. click the Browse button in the Media section. the open dialog box is dislayed.
8. Browse to the D:\ICTWC\Images\win 8.vhd loction.
9. click the open button. the Hard drive page is displayed.
10. click the Inspect button. the Virtual hard disks properties window is displayed.
11. click the Reconnect button. the reconnect virtual hard disk page of edit virtual hard disk wizard is displayed.
12. click the next button. the Reconnect to parent virtual hard disk page is displayed.
13. click the Browse button. the oper dialog box is displayed.
14. Browse to the D:\Base_new location of the base VHD.
15. select the win_base.vhd file.
16. click the open button. the reconnect to parent virtual hard disk page is displayed.
17. click the next button. the completing the Edit virtual hard disk wizard page is displayed.
18. click the finish button. the virtual hard disk properties window is displayed.
19. click the close button. the hard drive page is displayed.
20. Ensure that the virtual machine setting window is displayed.
21 click the Ok button. the Hypre-V manager window is dispalyed.
Task 4. craeting and Using snapshots
To create and use snapshots, you need to perform the following task:
1. create a snapshot of a virtual machine.
2. Modify and revert the virtual machine.
Task 4.1. create a snapshot of a virtual Machine.
to create a snapshot of a virtual machine, you need to perform the following steps:
1. select the win 8 virtual machine.
2. click the snapshot link in the activs pane under the win 8 section. after a few moments, a
snapshot will be displayed in the snapshots pane. the snapsht will have virtual machine name
current time stamp.
Task 4.2. Modifying and reverting the virtual machine.
to modify the virtual machine, you need to perform the following staps:
1. select the win 8 virtual machine in the middle pane.
2. select the start option in the win 8 section of the actions pane.
3. select the connect option in the win 8 section of the actions pane.after a few minutes, the lock screen is displayed.
4. press space bar. the login screen is displayed.
5. Type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box, and then press the Enter key. the start screen is displayed.
Task 5. Booting the Virtual machine from CD
to configure BIOS setting on a Hyper-V virtual machine, you con need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that the win 8 virtual machine is running and active.
2. select media--DVD drive--Insert disk from the menu bar of the virtual machine. the open dialog box is displayed.
3. Browse to the D:\ICTWC\Images\2067\Drives\windows8_RTM_Eval.IOS file and click the open button. the IOS captured.
4. shut down the win 8 virtual machine.
5. ensure that the virtual machine is turnd off and selected in the Hype-V Manager window.
6. click the setting button in the virtual machine name section of Actions pane. the setting window is displayed.
7. select the BIOS option in the left pane. the BIOS page is displayed in the right pane.
8. select the CD option in the list box under the setting order section.
9. select the win 8 virtual machine in the middle pane.
10. select the start option in the win 8 section of the Actions pane.
11. select the connect option in the win 8 section of the Actions pane. you will be prompted to press any key.
12. close the virtual machine connection window.
13. click the delete button. the virtual machine is deleted from Hyper-V manager and disk.
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