Sunday, December 27, 2015


1. TechPro is a networking technology solutions company that provides Proof of Concept (POC) designs to its clients. These designs demonstrate the applications of technological concepts in a virtual lab environment. Now, a client is required to access some data files to verify and validate the lab design. These files are stored in the E:\Labfiles folder in the LON-CL1 machine. However, the client is using the LON-CL2 machine to access the lab design. Ryan, the Desktop Administrator, needs to provide access of this folder to the client, as per the following details: The E:\Labfiles\Mod07 folder in the LON-CL1 machine folder needs to be accessed from the LON-CL2 machine by using the share name, Share1. The folder contains certain documents that are modified regularly. These documents are the intellectual property of the company and vendors. Therefore, the folder share should be available to the client for a short period and needs to be removed after the required content is copied on LON-CL2. The E:\Labfiles\Mod06 folder in the LON-CL1 machine folder needs to be accessed from the LON-CL2 machine by using the share name, Share2. Ryan needs to use a centralized console and interface that can help in managing the shared folders. This interface should provide him quick access to all the shared folders of a machine along with details of shared folders, such as the number of client connections. The E:\Labfiles\Mod10 folder in the LON-CL1 machine needs to be accessed from the LON-CL2 machine by using the share name, Share3. This folder contains files that are required by another administrator for installing software. However, to create Share3 on LON-CL1, he needs to use the LON-DC1 server. To maintain a high-level security of the client's data on the LON-CL1 machine, physical access of the machine needs to be restricted. The share folder, Share 3, contains confidential data related to a technology vendor. As a result, this folder should be accessed only by the Administrator account on LON-CL2. How can Ryan perform this task? Experiment To accomplish the assigned task, Ryan needs to perform the following tasks: Share and access a folder using command line. Identify the number of client connections (of a shared folder) using Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Share and access a folder using MMC.
1. Share and access a folder using command line.
2. Identify the number of client connections (of a shared folder) using Microsoft Management
   Console (MMC).
3. Share and access a folder using MMC.

Task 1. Share and access a folder using command line.

To Share and access a folder using command line. you need to perform the following stesp:

2. Open the Command Prompt window.
3. Type the net Share Sharel was=E:\Labfile\Mod07 command, and then press press the Enter key. The Sharel was shared successfully
   massage is displayrd.
4. Type the net Share Share2 was=E:\Labfile\Mod06 command, and then press press the Enter key. The Share2 was shared successfully
   massage is displayrd.
5. Swirch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
6. Ensure that the Start screen is dislayed.
7. Type \\LON-CL1, and press the Enter key. the LON-CL1 window is displayed.
8. Double click the Share1 folder in the right pane to access the shared folder.
9. Copy the Windows8Docs folder to the E:\ drive of the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtul amchine.
10. Close all the open windows.
11. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
12. Type the Net share Share1/Delete command in the command prompt window, and then press the Enter key. the share1
    was Deleted Successfully massage is displayed.
13. Type the exit command in the command prompt window, and then press the Enter key. the Administrator: Command Prompt window is closed.
14. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 Virtual machine.
15. Open the Start screen.
16. Type \\LON-Cl1, and then ress the Enter key. the LON-CL1 window is displayed. Now, you will notice that the Share1 folder is not visible .
17. Close the \\LON-CL1 window.

Task 2. Identify the number of client connections Using (MMC)
To Identify the number of client connections of a shared folder using MMC, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
2. Ensure that the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine is running and active.
3. Close the Server Manager window.
4. Press the Windows key. the Start screen in displayed.
5. Type mmc.exe, the mmc.exe tile is displayed on the Apps screen.
6. Click the mmc.exe tile. the MMC window is displayed.
7. Maximize the MMc window.
8. Select the File Add/Remove snap-in option from the menu bar. The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.
9. Scroll down, and then select the Shared Folders snap-in in the Available snap-ins list box.
10. Click the Add button. the Shared folder dialog box is displayed.
11. Select the Another computer option.
12. Type the LON-CL1 text in the text box.
13. Click the Finish button.
14. Click the OK button. the Shared Folder(\\ node is dislayed in the left middle pane.
15. Expand the Shared folder (\\ node from the ieft pane.
16. Select the Shares node. Shared folders are displayed in the middle pane. the Share2 folder is Displayed and the #Clint Connection
    Column displays 0.
17. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
18. Open the Start screen.
19. Type \\LON-CL1, and then press the Enter key. the LON-CL1 window is displayed.
20. Double click the Share2 folder in the rightpane to access the shared folder.
21. Double click the malware folder.  you will notice that you have successfully
    accessed the shared folder.
22. Close the malware folder.
23. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
24. Ensure that MMC window is displayed. Shared folder are displayed in the Middle pane. the Share2 folder is displayed.
25. Select the Active Refresh option from the menu bar to refresh the Console. The #Client Connection column for the Share2 row displays 1.

Task 3. Shareing and Accessing a Folder Using MMC
To Share and access folder using MMC, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Right-click the Shares node in the left pane.
2. Select the New Share option. The Welcome to the create A Shared Folder Wizard page of create A shared folder is displayed.
3. Click the Next button. the Folder Path page is displayed.
4. Type the E:\Labfiles\Mod10 text in the Folder path text box.
5. Click the Next button. the name, Description, and Setting page is displayed.
6. Type the Share3 text in the Share name text box.
7. Type the Shared through MMC text in the Description text box.
8. Click the Next button. the Shared folder Permissions page is displayed.
9. Select the Administrator have full access; others users have on access option.
10. Click the Finish button. the Sharing was successful page is displayed.
11. Click the Finishbutton. the MMC windowis displayed. the Share3 share name is
    displayed in the middle pane. the #Client Connection column in the share3 row displays 0.
12. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
13. Press the Windows key. the Start screen is displayed.
14. Type \\LONCL1 and press the Enter key. the LON-CL1 windows is displayed.
15. Double click the Share3 folder in the right pane to access the shared folder.
16. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
17. Ensure that MMC window is displayed shared folders are displayed folder.
18. Select the action refresh option from the menu bar to refresh the console.
    the#client connections cloumn for the share3 row displayed.
19. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
20. close the all the open windows.
21. press the windows key. the start screen is displayed.
22. click the administrator tile.
23. select the sing out option. after few moments,the lock screen is displayed.
24. press the space bar.
25. select the user icon.
26. type Ed in the user name text box.
27. type Pa$$word in the password text box.
28. pass the enter key. after few minutes, the start screen is displayed.
29. type//LON-CLI and press the key. the LON-CLI window is displayed.
30. Double clicke the share2 folder. the share2 window is displayed.
31. click the back button.
32. double click the share3 folder. the network Access message box is displayed.
    After few moments, the Window cannot access //LON-CLI/ share3 message is displayed.
33. click the close button.
34. close the LON-CLI window.
35. sing out and revent the 20687B-LON-CL2 virual machine.
36. switch to the 20687BLON-CL1 virtual machine.
37. sing out and revert the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
38. Switch to the 20687B-LON-DC1 virtual machine
39. Close the MMC window without saving any changes.

2. Chris is employed as a Desktop Administrator in a Madrid-based, telecom software company, TechSys Ltd. He manages around 100 desktop computers belonging to different departments. To manage these machines, Chris uses Windows PowerShell command-line interface to save time and effort. Recently, the research department is working on a new prototype database platform for managing operations of client companies. Bob, the Product Manager in the research department, wants to temporarily share a demo lab setup. This will help the rest of the team to test the prototype. The lab setup is in the E:\Labfile folder in the Bob's machine, LON-CL1. The research team will use the LON-CL2 machine to access the folder. Bob wants that no other user is able to modify the shared documents, except the Head of the research department, April Reagen. Bob also wants that the shared folder should be removed after the required data is copied. Chris is assigned the task of providing this access. How should Chris perform the task? Experiment To accomplish the assigned task, Chris needs to perform the following tasks: Share and access a folder using Windows PowerShell. Retrieve, set, and verify permission on the shared folder. Remove a folder share using Windows PowerShell.
1. Share and access a folder using Windows PowerShell.
2. Retrieve, set, and verify permission on the shared folder.
3. Remove a folder share using Windows PowerShell.

Task 1. Share and access a folder using Windows PowerShell
To Create and share a folder using Windows PowerShell, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Press the Windows+C keys. the Charms bar is displayed.
2. Click Search. the Search charm is displayed.
3. Type powerSholl, and then press the Enter key. the Administrator: Windows PowerSholl window is displayed.
4. Type the New-SmdShare-Name Share1-path E:\Labfiles command, and then press the Enter key. you will notice that
   the name and path of the shared folder are displayed.
5. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
6. Double click the share1 folder in the right pane to access the shared folder.
7. Copy the Mod10 folder to the E:\Drive.
8. Close all the open windows.

Task 2. Retrieve, set, and verify permission on the shared folder
To retrieve,set, and verify permission, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Type the Get-SmbShareAccess Name Share1 command in the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, and then press the Enter
   key. you will notice the permissions for everyone account are displayed.
2. Type the Grant-SmbShareAccess Name Share1 AccountName AccessRight Full command, and then press the Enter key
   you will beprompted to confim the operation.
3. Press the Y button, and then press the Enter key. You will notice that the set parmissions for everyonee and April accounts are displayed.
4. Press the Windows key. the Start screen is displayed.
5. Double click the Share1 folder in the right pane to access the shared folder.
6. Right-click in the empty space in the right-pane, and then select the New folder option. the Destination Access Denied dialog box is Displayed.
7. Click the Cancel button.
8. Close all the open windows.
9. Press the Windows key. the Start screen is displayed.
10. Click the Administartor tile.
11. Select the Sign out option. After few moments, the lock screen is displayrd.
12. Press the space bar.
13. Click the Other user icon.
14. Type April in the password text box.
15. Type Pa$$w0rd in the password text box.
16. Press the Enter key. After few moment, the Strat screen is displayed.
17. Double click the Share1 folder in the right pane to access the shared folder.
18. Right-click in the empty space in the right-pane, and then select the new folder option. the new folder is created.
19. Press the Enter key.
20. Close the Share1 window.

Task 3. Remove a folder share using Windows PowerShell
To Remove a folder share using Windows PowerShell, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Type the Remove-SmbShare Share1 command in the powerShell window. you will be prompted to confirm the operation.
2. Press the Y key, and then press the Enter key.
3. Open the Start screen.
4. Type the exit command.
5. Press the Enter key.

3. UI Interface Inc. is a computer graphics and design company based in Canberra. The company provides Proof of Concept (POC) designs to clients in the graphics design software. Morris is the Desktop Administrator, who manages Windows desktop computers. Recently, a client is required to access some data files related to a test lab design provided by the company. The data files are contained in the E:\Labfiles folder in the LON-CL1 machine. The client is using the LON-CL2 machine. However, the Mod07 subfolder in the E:\Labfiles folder contains some vendor-specific information required by the management team of the company. Therefore, this folder should not be accessible after sharing. Moreover, Ed, the Team Lead of the design development team, is, meanwhile, operating from the client's office. Ed also needs to access the E:\Labfiles folder. Currently, he is working on the module 6 of a lab design. So, he needs permissions to create files in the Mod06 folder. At times, the E:\Labfiles folder becomes too large. As a result, the accessing of files and folders from the client side becomes very slow. Therefore, Ed also needs to clear the content of the Labfiles folder to minimize the size of the folder, as and when required. What should Morris do to meet the preceding requirements? Experiment To accomplish the assigned task, Morris needs to perform the following tasks: Block permission inheritance. Apply a special permission to create files. Apply a special permission to delete files.
1. Block permission inheritance.
2. Apply a special permission to create files.
3. Apply a special permission to delete files.

Task 1. Block permission inheritance.
To Block permission inheritance. you need to perform the following steps:

2. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
3. Type E:\, and then the Enter key. the Allfiles (E:) window is displayed.
4. Right-click the Labfiles foder, and then select the Properties option.
   the Labfiles properties dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the Sharing tab.
6. Click the Start button. the file sharing dialog box is displayed.
7. Select the Everyone option from the drop-down list beside the Add button.
8. Click the Add button. the Everyone name is displayed in the list box.
9. Click the Share button. the your folder is Shared page of file Sharing dialog box is displayed.
10. Click the Done button. the Labfiles properties dialog box is displayed.
11. Click the Close buttin.
12. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
13. Ensure that the Start screen is displayed.
14. Type \\LON-CLq, and then press the Enter key. the LON-CL1 window is dislayed.
15. Double-click the Labfile folder. the LAbfiles window is displayed.
16. Double-click the Mod07 folder. you are able to view the contert of this folder.
17. Close the Mod07 window.
18. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL1 virtual machine.
19. Double-click the Labfiles folder. The Labfiles window is displayed.
20. Right-click the Mod07 folder.
21. Select the properties option. the Mod07 Properties dialog box is displayed.
22. Click the Security tab.
23. Click the Advanced button. the Advanced security setting for Mod07 window is displayed.
24. Click the Disable inheritance button. the Block inheritance dialog box is displayrd.
25. Select the Remove all inherited permission from this object option.
26. Click the OK button. the windows security dialog box is displayed.
27. Click the Yes button. the Mod07 properties dialog box is diplayed.
28. Click the OK button.
29. Switch to the 20687B-LON-CL2 virtual machine.
30. Press the Windows+C keys. The Charms bas is displayed.
31. Click Start. the Start screen is displayed.
32. Click the Close button.
33. Close the Labfiles windiw.

Task 2. Apply a special permission to create files
To apply special permission to create files, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Click whether the user hae a pemission to create files.
2. Provide the permission to the user.
3. Verify the permission.

Task 2.1 Click whether the user hae a pemission to create files.
To Click whether the user hae a pemission to create files, you need to perform the following steps:

1. Open the Start screen.
3. Click the Administrator tile.
4. Select the sing out option. After a few moments, the lock screen is displayed.
5. Press the space bar. the User Account screen is displayed.
6. Click the Other user icon. the Other user login screen is displayed.
7. Type ED in the User name text box.
8. Type pa$$w0rd in the Password text box.
9. Press the Enter key. After a few minites, the Start screen is displayed.
10. Type \\LON-CL1, and then press the ENter key. the LON-CL1 window is Displayed.
11. Double-click the Labfiles folder. the Labfiles window is displayed.
12. Double-click the Mod06 folder. the LAbfiles window is displayed.
13. Right-click in the empty space in the right-pane, and then select the New  text Document. the Destination folder
    Access Denied dialog box is displayed. This indicates that user, ED,does not have permission to create files.
14. Click the Cancal button.
15. Close the Mod06 window.

Task 2.2 Providing the Permission to the User
TO Providing the Permission to the User, you need to perform the following steps:
2. Browse to the Allfiles (E:) drive.
3. Right-click the Labfiles folder, and then select the properties option. the Labfiles Properties
   dialog box is displayed.
4. Click the security tab.
5. Click the Advanced button. the Advanced security setting for Labfiles window is displayed.
6. Click the Add button. the Permission Entry for Labfiles window is displayed.
7. Select the select a principal link. the select User, Computer, security Account, or Group dialog box is displayed.
8. Type ED in the Enter the object name to select (examples) text area.
9. Click the Ckeck Name button. the Multiple Name folder dialog box is displayed.
10. Ensure that the ED Meadows option in selected in the Matching name list box.
11. Click the OK button. the ED Meadows( entry is displayed.
12. Click the OK button.
13. Click the Show advanced permission link in the middle screen. the advanced permission are displayed in this screen.
14. Select the Create file/ write data ckeck box.
15. Click the OK button three times.

Tsk 2.3 Verify the permission.
TO Verify the permission, you need to perform the following setps:
1. Open the Start screen.
2. Right-click in the empty space in the right-pane, and then select press the Enter key. the Mod06 window dislayed.
3. Press the Enter key. this indicates that the user, ED, has now have permission to create files.

Task 3. Applying a Special Permission to Delete Files
To Applying a Special Permission to Delete Files, you neet to perform the following steps:
1. Check whether the has a permission to delete file.
2. Provide the permission to the user.
3. Verify the permission.

Task 3.1 Check whether the has a permission to delete file
To Check whether the has a permission to delete file, you need to perform  the following steps:
1. Ensure that New text Document is selected.
2. Right-click the new Text Document file, and then select Delete. the Delete Multiple Items dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the YEs button. the File Access Denied dialog box is displayed. this indicates that the user, Ed, does not have
   permission to delete files.
4. Click the Cancel button.

Task 3.2 Providing The Permission to the User
To Providing The Permission to the User, you nees to perform the folowing steps:
1. Right-click the Labfiles folder, and then select the properties option. the Labfiles properties dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click the Advanced button. the Avanced security setting for Labfiles window is displayed.
4. Select the ED Meadows principal in the Permission entries list-box.
5. Click the Edit button. The Permission Entry for Labfiles window is displayed.
6. Click the Show advanced permission link in the middle section. the advanced permissions are displayed in this section.
7. Select the Delete sudfolders and file check box.
8. Click the OK buttons three times.

Task 3.3 Verifying the Permission
To Verifying the Permission, you need to perform the fillowing steps:
1. Ensure that New Text Document file, and then select Delete. the Delete file dialos box is displayed.
2. Right-click the New Text Document file, and then select Delete. the Delete Fiel dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Yes Button. the file is Deleted. this indicates that the user, ED, have now permission to delete files.
4. Close the Mod06 window.
5. Close the Allfiles (E:) window.





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