Saturday, February 20, 2016



1)            “Consider the following criteria:
— Represents the overall system
— Represents a use case handler
Which of the following patterns enables you to assign the responsibility of handling the system event to the class that fulfill one or more of the preceding”
1,Expert Pattern                                                               2,Proxy
3,Creator                                                                             4,Controller

2)            How the flow of control in an operation or among use cases is represented in Interaction diagram?
1,Using Collaboration                                                     2,Using Interaction
3,Depicting Relationship                                               4,Applying Operation

3)            Which of the following UML diagrams represents interaction among actor, object, messages, and links?
1,Activity diagram                                                            2,Object diagram
3,Use case diagram                                                         4,Communication diagram

4)            “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Refactoring occurs when new methods are identified during the implementation phase.
Statement B: Refactoring occurs when methods derived from the collaboration diagram are not present in the class diagram.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B is True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

5)            Which of the following diagrams depicts the various conditions of an object during its lifecycle?
1,State Machine diagram                                              2,Communication diagram
3,Sequence diagram                                                       4,Iteration diagram

6)            “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: A state machine depicts the various states of an object that change in response to events during the lifetime of the object.
Statement B: A state refers to the condition of an object during its existence in memory.”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

7)            “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: The constituents of a Communication diagram are organized in such a manner that the unrelated objects are closely placed.
Statement B. Communication diagrams represent the interaction between objects in the form of messages.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

8)            “Consider the following conditions:
— A class contains another class
— A class records the instances of another class
— A class uses the objects of another class.
— A class provides information to initialize the objects of another class.
Which of the following Design Pattern will you use?
1,Singleton                                                                         2,Factory
3,Creator                                                                             4,Expert

9)            “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: A branch represents the set of alternative paths or a decision, which the flow takes depending on the input.
Statement B: The alternative paths are depicted by a set of transitions that flow from the branch.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

10)          “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Transformations often result in breaking an input parameter into more than one parameter to match the output parameters of the other action.
Statement B: Transformations convert the type of output parameter of the outbound action to the required parameter of inbound action.”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

11)          BlueSoftware Solutions is developing an online Railway Reservation system. The process of reservation involves a passenger enquiring about the availability of seats in trains going to a particular destination on a specific date. The reservation system then needs to check the availability of seats based on customer’s query. If the seat/seats are available, the reservation is done. The Use Case, Reserve Ticket involves the interaction of objects: P1 of passenger class, R1 of Reservation class, and T1 of Ticket class. A sequence diagram is provided to show the various objects and the messages that flow among them. Identify the methods that each class implements in the Railway Reservation System.
1,Class passenger implements the method enquiry()
Class reservation implements the checkAvailability()
Class Seat implements the reserve()
Class Ticket implements the method issue()

2,Class passenger implements the method enquiry()
Class reservation implements the method checkAvailability()
Class Seat implements the method available()
Class Ticket implements the method issue()

3,Class passenger implements the method reserve()
Class reservation implements the method checkAvailability()
Class Seat implements the method available()
Class Ticket implements the method issue()

4,Class passenger implements the method checkAvailability()
Class reservation implements the method reserve()
Class Seat implements the method available()
Class Ticket implements the method issue()

12)          RedSky Inc. is developing a software system, which implements a module for performing mathematical calculations. The module enables end-users to find sin and cosine of a specified degree. The o1 object of the operation class accepts the degree and the typ      ”
1,You need to depict the following to complete the sequence diagram:
— The operation class invokes the method, calculatesin(), of the mathematics class.

2,You need to depict the following to complete the sequence diagram:
— The operation class invokes the method, calculatesin() of the mathematics class, if the condition [operation=sin] is true.
— The operation class invokes the method, calculatecosine()

3,You need to depict the following to complete the sequence diagram:
— The operation class invokes the method, calculatesin(), and then invokes the method, calculatecosine(), of the mathematics class

4,You need to depict the following to complete the sequence diagram:
— Operation class invokes only the method, calculatecosine() of the mathematics class.

13)          Dyans Systems is developing a software system for implementing an online shopping system. Calculate Bill is one of the use cases of the system and the actor for the use case is customer. The customer selects certain product displayed on the user interface            ”
1,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:
calculateAmount() method of the customerPurchase class

2,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:
generateList() method of the customerPurchase class

3,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:
The customer invokes the calculateAmount(pc productCollection) method of the customerPurchase class .

4,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:
The customer invokes the generateList(pc productCollection ) method of the customerPurchase class .

14)          IntelliTech Inc is developing an online shopping system. Customers can pay for purchases made using their credit card. The application will display a list of products, available for purchase, on the Orders page of the Web site. A customer can obtain detai                ”
1,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:
generateList() method of the SaleItem class that is invoked by the sm object of the ShoppingMall class

2,You need to depict the following message to complete the sequence diagram:                                     processList() method of the SaleItem class that is invoked by the sm object of the ShoppingMall class

3,You need to depict the following messages to complete the sequence diagram:
— selectList() method of the sm object of ShoppingMall class is invoked by the s1 object of the SaleItem class after which
— billAfterDscount() method of the SaleItem class is”

4,You need to depict the following messages to complete the sequence diagram:
— selectList() method of the SaleItem class is invoked by the sm object of the ShoppingMall class after which
— generateFinalList() method of the SaleItem class is invoked by ”

15)          Wilson Softech is developing an online Test system for the University of Texas, distance-learning program. The various classes used in implementing this system are ExaminationHall, Test, Marks, and Student. Each student needs to login using a valid userna
1,The order of objects is: Test, ExaminationHall, Marks
2,The order of objects is: Test, Marks, ExaminationHall
3,The order of objects is: ExaminationHall, Test, Marks
4,The order of objects is: Marks, Test, ExaminationHall

16)          BlueSoftware solutions Inc. is developing an online auction system. A software developer has identified the various states of the product object as, Approved for Auction, On Bid, and Delivered. However, the system design specialist disapproves of the states of the product object. Identify the additional states that the product object may attain.
1, The identified states convey enough information about all the possible states of the product object.
2, The additional state is Sold.                                                                                                                                                    The object transits from On Bid state to the Sold state after the customers wins a bid.
3,The additional states are Sold and Out of Auction.                                                                                                The object transits from On Bid state to the Sold state after the customer wins a bid.                               The object transits from Sold state to the Out of Auction state after the product is shipped to the customer.
4, The additional state is Out of Auction.                                                                                                                       The object transits from On Bid state to the Out of Auction state after the customer wins a bid.

17)          Janes Technology is developing an online testing system. The testing system conducts online tests where each operation is performed at a given time for a specified duration. The developer creates a sequence diagram for depicting the interaction among the
1,Sequence diagrams can depict object lifeline whereas collaboration diagrams cannot. Therefore, the life span of the objects of the online testing system will be clearly depicted.
2,Sequence diagrams depict the invocation of methods of objects in increasing order of time. Therefore, sequence diagram for an online testing system enables you to view which method is invoked before or after a particular method.
3, In an online testing system each operation occurs after the previous operation has finished. Therefore, a sequence of operations needs to be depicted that can be shown in a sequence diagram only.
4, You need to depict the focus of control for the online testing system, because only a single object has the focus of control in an online testing system.

18)          Janes Systems is developing software for implementing a hotel management system. The software developer designs two classes, Room and Hotel. The Hotel class is assigned the responsibility of checking if a specified room is available for the duration speci
“1,The sequence diagram needs to indicate the information about:
When the h1 object of the hotel class is destroyed.
2,The sequence diagram needs to indicate the information about when the r1 object of the room class is destroyed.
3,The availability needs to be checked for a specified room for each day. Therefore, you need to do the following:
— Provide the r1 object as a parameter to the checkAvailability method.
— Iterate the method checkAvailabilty() for each day.
4,The availability needs to be checked for each day. Therefore, you need to iterate the message checkAvailabilty for each day.

19)          “SpeedStar Solutions is developing an online auction system. The various states identified by the software developer are:
Idle, Auctioning, Recording Bids, Process Bids, Finalize Bid, Close Bid, Accepting Customer Verification, Verifying, Verification Complete and Delivered Product. The Online Auction System executes operations in concurrency, therefore, while the bids are being placed and stored, the customer verification is also being done. The Auctioning State is a composite State of the System.
On the basis of the given information identify the concurrent sub-states in the composite state, Auctioning.
1, — Recording Bids containing the substates Process Bids, Finalize Bid, and Close Bid
— Accepting Customer Verification containing the substates Verifying, and Verification Complete
2, — Bid Processing containing substates Recording Bids and Process Bids
— Bid Closure containing substates , Finalize Bid and Close Bid
3, — Verifying containing substate Accepting Customer Verification
— Verified containing substate Verification Complete
4, — Bid Processing containing substates, Recording Bids, Process Bids, Finalize Bid, Close Bid
— Verification containing substates, Accepting Customer Verification, Verifying, Verification Complete

20)          Wilson Softech is developing a Payroll system for Infolite Systems. The software development team has identified the use cases and classes of the system. A software developer needs to create a sequence diagram for depicting collaboration of the use case, Process Employee Salary. The end user of the system performs all operations through the user interface of the application, thye end user enters the details of the employee for salary calculation through the user interface. The system accepts the employee details and creates an empl object of the Employee class. The salary Calculator calculates the salary based on the details in the empl object. The salary calculator stores the salary in the database which is available for access for the entire duration the application is running.
The Sequence Diagram for the Process Employee Salary use case has already been created. On the basis of the Sequence Diagram, identify the objects that interact with other objects throughout the duration the application is running.
1,Emp1 and salary calculator
2,salary calculator and database
3,Emp1 and database
4,UserInterface and database

21)          Which of the following elements of an Activity diagram represents a control flow?
1,Action State                                                    2,Activity State
3,Transition                                                        4,Decision
23)          Which of the following options is used to represent a branch in an Activity diagram?
1,Dot                                                                     2,Circle
3,Diamond                                                          4,Rectangular box

25)          Which of the following symbols depicts an action state that does not have any outgoing transition?
1,Flow final                                                         2,Fork
3,Join                                                                    4,Expansion Regions

26)          “The activity diagram of Student Registration System, consists of the following activity states:
— Verify the student detail
— Fill application form
— Assign registration number
— Deposit the fees
— Register the student
— Generate fees receipt
— Validate Student Details
— Submit application form
— Collect the Fees
The actors of the Student Registration System are Student, Faculty, Cashier and Registrar. Which one of the following Action States are associated with the student?

1,– Fill application form
— Submit application form
— Generate fees receipt

2,– Fill application form
— Register the student
— Assign registration number

3,– Fill application form
— Submit application form
— Deposit the fees
4,– Submit application form
— Deposit the fees
— Assign registration number

27)          “The exhibit represents the activity diagram of book issue process of a library management system. Which relationship is depicted between Request Book and Process Request? Click the Exhibit button to view the activity diagram.
1,Object flow                                                     2,Control flow
3,Generalization                                               4,Dependency

28)          “The exhibit provided represents the Activity diagram of book issue process of a library management system. What relationship exists between Request Book and Process Request? Click the Exhibit button to view the Activity diagram.
1,Control flow                                                   2,Object flow
3,Generalization                                               4,Dependency

29)          The input devices, mouse and keyboard are used to provide input signals to computer. Further, the mouse signals are classified in two signals, mouse move and mouse click. What is the relationship between input devices and signals if you need to design input device application Software?
1,Object flow                                                     2,Control flow
3,Generalization                                               4,Dependency

30)          “You are creating the state machine diagram for a ticket selling system. You have identified the following two states for the ticket selling system:
The Active state contains the following substates:
–Reading credit card
–Validating credi”

1,The Active state is a composite state containing the concurrent substates Reading credit car, Validating credit card information, Selecting ticket type, Printing ticket, Dispensing ticket, and Ejecting card.
2,The Active state is a composite state containing the sequential substates Reading credit car, Validating credit card information, Selecting ticket type, Printing ticket, Dispensing ticket, and Ejecting card .
3,The Active state is a stub state containing the concurrent substates Reading credit car, Validating credit card information, Selecting ticket type, Printing ticket, Dispensing ticket, and Ejecting card .
4,The Active state is a stub state containing the sequential substates Reading credit car, Validating credit card information, Selecting ticket type, Printing ticket, Dispensing ticket, and Ejecting card

31)          In a _________ environment, every variable is explicitly assigned a data type when it is declared.
1, loosely typed                                                2, strongly typed
3, common type                                               4, value type

32)          _______ is the conversion of a value type to a reference type.
1, Implicit casting                                              2, Explicit casting
3, Boxing                                                              4, Unboxing

33)          Which of the following interfaces can be used to perform sorting or ordering of object instances?
1, IComparable                                                                 2, IEquatable
3, IFormattable                                                                 4, ICloneable

34)          ______ are classes that are used to store arbitrary objects in a structured manner.
1, Structures                                                      2, Collections
3, Interfaces                                                       4, Abstract classes

35)          You use the ______ class when you need to retrieve objects in the reverse order in which you added them.
1, HashTable                                                      2, Linked List
3, Stack                                                                 4, Queue

36)          You have created an application that accepts an input value from the user through a user interface and stores it in a variable. You are not sure what type of value the user may enter, but you still have to record it. What kind of a development environment
1, Strongly typed                                              2, Loosely typed
3, Common type                                              4, Reference type

37)          John, an application programmer with EverSoft Systems Inc. is reusing an existing collection, for his own application. The collection accepts a reference type data whereas John wants to add an integer, which is a value type, to the collection. What techni
1, Unboxing                                                        2, Implicit casting
3, Boxing                                                              4, Explicit casting

38)          You are developing an application to track employees who come late to the office. The arrival time of the employees entering the building after a specific time will be stored in the ArrivalTime collection. You cannot determine the exact number of persons
1, Array                                                                2, Structure
3, Arraylist                                                           4, BitArray

39)          An application stores the details of purchase orders in the PurchaseOrder class which in turn contains a collection of  products. The PurchaseOrder class includes a display() method that needs to iterate through the collection of products and display the
2, IEnumerable
3, IComparable
4, IConvertible

40)          You are working as a programmer for a University.  After the semester-end examination, you need to publish the result of students based on their ranks. You have created the Student class to store the details of students, including the rank of a student in
1, IFormattable                                                                                 2, IEquatable
3, IEnumerable                                                                                 4, ICloneable
41)          Which of the following is NOT a form of an assembly?
1, .EXE                                                                                   2, .DLL
3, .Netmodule                                                                   4, .COM

42)          When an assembly is loaded by the CLR, ________ file is used to gather the default configuration settings for the application.
1, web.config                                                                     2, app.config
3, machine.config                                                            4, System.configuration

43)          __________ in the Performance Monitor can be used to monitor the execution of processes and view a real-time graphical display of the data collected about processes.
1, Process Monitor                                                          2, System Monitor
3, Performance Counter                                               4, Application Monitor

44)          In _______ streaming, when an application process or code calls a method, the process or the code waits for the method call to complete.
1, asynchronous                                                               2, synchronous
3, buffered                                                                         4, file

45)          _________ is a unique data compartment that helps store data of an application.
1, Object                                                                              2, Class
3, Isolated store                                                               4, Memory buffer

46           You can create assembly installers either by using Visual Studio .NET or programmatically by using the Command Prompt window. Which of the following is NOT a type of an assembly installer created using Visual Studio .NET?
1, Windows Service                                                         2, Merge Module
3, CAB                                                                                   4, Setup

47)          “During assembly installation process, you need to perform certain tasks just before all the installers commit their installations. Which of the following will you use to achieve this requirement?
1, InstallContext class                                                     2, InstallEventHandler delegate
3, AssemblyInstaller class                                             4, ConfigurationManager class

48)          Which of the following refers to the process of monitoring an application and recording information about events as they occur in the application?
1, Debugging                                                                      2, Application Tracing
3, Performance Monitoring                                         4, Garbage Collection

49)          Which of the following is TRUE about FileSystemWatcher class?
1, The FileSystemWatcher class is commonly used to perform multiple operations on a file and does not require the path to the file when working with a file.
2, The FileSystemWatcher class is very efficient in using memory resources thereby increases application performance.
3, The FileSystemWatcher class is used to monitor the current directory and its subdirectories for changes in the directories or files contained in the directory.
4, The FileSystemWatcher class watches the system configuration and can provide information about the drive, such as the drive letter, the type of drive, and the amount of free space on the drive.

50)          A stream represents a stream of bytes of data. Which of the following are the primary tasks performed by a stream?
1, Reading, writing, deleting                                        2, Reading, deleting, seeking
3, Seeking, deleting, writing                                        4, Reading, writing, seeking

51)          Which of the following software development approaches is used to show the functional capabilities of the software system to the customer to freeze the requirements?
1,Spiral approach                                                             2,Win-win spiral approach
3,Prototyping approach                                                4,Waterfall approach

52)          Which of the following approaches is used in requirement gathering and analysis phases to capture the exact requirements of the proposed system?
1,Protoyping approach                                                  2,Spiral approach
3,Waterfall approach m                                                 4,Win-Win spiral approach
53)          Which of the following does NOT refer to a phase in Software Development Life Cycle?
1,Coding                                                                              2,Design
3,Testing                                                                              4,Object oriented design

54)          Which of the following software development approaches is used when you have time-bound releases?
1,Spiral approach                                                             2,Win-win spiral approach
3,Prototyping approach                                                4, Incremental approach

55)          Which of the following represents the correct order of phases in SDLC?
1,a) Feasibility analysis                                                   b) Requirements analysis and specification
c) Design                                                                              d) Coding
e) Testing                                                                            f) Maintenance

2,a) Requirements analysis and specification       b) Feasibility analysis
c) Design                                                                              d) Coding
e) Testing                                                                            f) Maintenance

3,a) Feasibility analysis                                                   b) Requirements analysis and specification
c) Design                                                                              d) Coding
e) Maintenance                                                                                f) Testing

4,a) Requirements analysis and specification       b) Feasibility analysis
c) Design                                                                              d) Coding
e) Maintenance                                                                                f) Testing

56)          You are a Software designer at Smart solutions. You are working on the requirement phase of SDLC, where you have to identify the end user expectations of the Software System. Which of the following UML diagrams will you use to represent the end user expec
1,Use case, Class, and Activity diagrams
2,Use case, Object, and Activity diagrams
3,Use case, Sequence, and Deployment diagrams
4,Use case, Class and Package Diagram

57)          Which of the following UML diagrams is used to model the functionality of a system?
1,Component diagram                                                   2,Use Case diagram
3,Activity diagram                                                            4,Object diagram
58)          You are a part of the team involved in analyzing a software system. You are required to create a UML diagram depicting the interactions that happen over a  period of time among various objects of the system. You also want to order the interactions in sequ
1,Sequence diagram                                                       2,Use-Case diagram
3,Communication diagram                                           4,Activity diagram

59)          Wilson Inc. needs to develop an e-commerce Web site for a client. The Graphic User Interface (GUI) of the software should be user friendly because people who are new to computer usage will also use the e- commerce Web site. During the design of the Web site
1,Spiral approach                                                             2,Waterfall approach
3,Prototyping approach                                                4,Incremental approach

60)          Info Solutions needs to develop a payroll system that maintains salary information, such as basic salary and house rent allowances. The payroll system should also maintain information about the provident fund contribution of employees. Further, Info Solut
1,Prototyping approach                                                2,Incremental approach
3,Spiral approach                                                             4,Waterfall approach

61)          Info Solutions needs to develop an operating system, which can support graphical applications that require high memory and processing speed. The company plans to first release the beta version of the operating system in the market. After incorporating the
1,Waterfall approach                                                      2,Incremental approach
3,Spiral approach                                                             4,Prototyping approach
62)          In which of the following phases of SDLC the SRS document is prepared?
1,Feasibility Analysis                                                       2,Design
3,Coding                                                                              4,Requirement Analysis and Specification
63           Which of the following phases of Waterfall approach involves conversion of design into machine-readable form?
1,Design                                                                               2,Implementation and maintenance
3,Construction                                                                  4,Integration and testing
64)          Which of the following options is NOT a part of Use Case diagram?
1,Actors                                                                               2,Relationships
3,Use cases                                                                        4,Properties of an actor

65)          Which of the following is a limitation of the Incremental approach?
1,The approach does not define the process to go back to the previous phase to handle changes in requirement.
2,The approach may compromise on the overall quality of the software in the rush to develop the prototype.
3,The development process is repeated until all the functions of the projects are implemented.
4,The approach is applicable only to large applications.
66)          Which of the following UML diagrams depicts the reaction of a class when an event occurs?
1,State Machine diagram                                                              2,Sequence diagram
3,Communication diagram                                                           4,Object diagram m        1

67)          “In the testing phase, you want to test the system to detect whether the software system works according to the requirements. Which of the following UML diagrams will help you in the test phase to check whether the system meets the specified requirements of the software.
1, Use case diagram                                                                        2,Activity diagram
3,Sequence diagram                                                                       4,Class diagram
68)          Which of the following enables an analyst to know if all the requirement are fulfilled in terms of static and dynamic constituents?
1,Use case view                                                                                2,Design view
3,Process view                                                                                  4,Implementation view

69)          “Tom is an analyst at Info Solutions Ltd. He is required to depict the behavior of static constituents of a software system by using UML diagrams. Which of the following UML Modeling techniques will help him achieve the desired requirement?
1, Requirement Modeling                                                            2, Static Modeling
3, Dynamic Modeling                                                                      4, Architectural  Modeling
70)          Wilson is project manager at Info Solutions Ltd. He has been provided a multiple view of Infosuper Bank system representing the model of the system designed using UML. He has to prepare project plans in terms of number of components involved in the projec
1, Use Case view                                                                              2, Design view
3, Process view                                                                                                 4, Implementation view
71)          Identify the actor, from which other actors are derived?
1,Derived actor                                                                                                 2,Super actor
3,Sub actor                                                                                         4,Abstract actor
72)          In the Business Modeling technique, what does Business entity represents?
1,Data or documents that flow from one sub process to another.
2,The external entity that interacts with the business process.
3,A particular functionality described in the use case during the design phase.
4,A collection of business units.
73)          Which of the following is an example of a non-human actor?
1,Date or time                                                                                   2, Business entity
3,Collaboration                                                                                                 4,Organizational unit

74)          Which of the following Business Modeling constructs represents the data or documents that flow from one sub process to another?
1,Business actor                                                                               2,Business Worker
3,Business entity                                                                              4,Business use case
75)          “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: When an actor interacts with a use case, it is called association relation.
Statement B: When the characteristics of one actor can be derived from the other abstract actor., the relationship is called generalization”
1,Both, Statements A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

77)          John has been assigned the responsibility for defining features that the Sales software system should deliver. John assessed the economic, technical, and operational feasibility for the proposed software system. He also identified the stakeholders and end users
1,Requirements gathering                                                                           2, Requirements analysis
3,Requirements specification                                                                     4,Requirements validation
78)          “The National bank offers three types of accounts to its customers: saving, current, and personal loan account. As a result, all the customers of the bank can be categorized as, saving account holders, current account holders, or loan account holders.
1, Using an association relationship                                                          2, Using a generalization relationship
3,Using an extend relationship                                                                  4,Using an include relationship
79)          In a departmental store, customers purchase goods and go to the cashier who accepts payments from the customers and generates the receipt. The store manager maintains the details of all the available goods in the store. If the quantity of any product fall
1, Customer, Departmental store, and Store manager
2, Customer, Departmental store, and Cashier
3,Customer, Cashier, and Reorder level
4,Customer, Store manager, and Reorder level
80)          A large number of books are available in the City library. The librarian is responsible for issuing and collecting books from the members. The librarian also maintains the status of all the books in the library. In addition, the librarian orders the new books
1,Business actor only                                                                      2, Business worker and entity
3,Business actor and entity                                                          4,Business actor and Business worker
81           “Wilson Infotech Inc. has been assigned the task of developing an ATM system for the National bank. The ATM system should provide functionalities, such as cash withdrawal, cash deposit, generation of transaction statements, and change PIN.  Identify the implicit requirement.”
1,Cash withdrawal and deposit                                                  2,Generate Transaction Statements
3,Change PIN                                                                                     4,Maintain cash in the cash dispenser

82)          Blue Valley Inc., a software development organization, has various departments. The organization has directed each department to place its requisition for computers to the purchase department. The purchase department invites price quotations from differen
“1,Entity: Quotations
Actor: Purchase department of Blue Valley Inc.
Business worker: Companies sending quotations
2, Entity: Quotations
Actor: Companies sending quotations
Business worker: Purchase department of Blue Valley Inc.

3,Entity: Departments giving requisition
Actor: Purchase department of Blue Valley Inc.
Business worker: Companies sending quotations

4,Entity: Purchase department of Blue Valley Inc.
Actor: Quotations
Business worker: Companies sending quotations ”
83)          “The Business Process model of the Student Registration System consists of four business use cases, which are:
–Fill the registration form
–Submit the registration form
–Fees deposit
–Get registration number
The business actors of the Student Registration System are Student, Faculty, Cashier and Registrar. Which Business Actor can act as Business Worker for the Fees Deposit Use Case.
1,Student                                                                            2, Faculty
3,Cashier                                                                             4,Registrar

84)          Wilson Inc. has an assignment of University Management System automation. The University wants to automate the student registration system, library management system, and payroll system. In the first iteration, University plans to automate the payroll sys
1,Student, Finance Registrar, and Faculty
2, Student, Librarian, and Finance Registrar
3,Student, Faculty, and Finance Registrar
4,Finance Registrar and Employee

85)          “Info Solution has been assigned to automate the Air Line Reservation system of Flyway, an airlines company. Flyway wants the following requirements in the automation system:
— Fill the reservation form
—  Submit the reservation form
— Make payment of ”
1,Fill the reservation form and Cancel the ticket online
2, Book the ticket online and Check the availability of seats
3,Check the availability of seats and Check the fare of ticket
4,Make payment of ticket online and Cancel the ticket online

86)          Which of the following functions is represented by the Organization unit construct for Business Modeling?
1,Collection of Business units and Business entities
2, How the functionality described in the use case will be realized in the design phase
3,The functionality of a particular subprocess in the existing process
4,Data flow from one sub process to another

87)          Which of the following phases of Requirement management enables you to define and represent the behavior of the software?
1,Requirements gathering                                           2, Requirements analysis and negotiation
3,Requirements validation                                           4,Requirements specification

88)          What does a Business use case represent?
1, A role involved in the existing business process.
2, The functions of a particular sub process in the existing business process.
3, The data or documents that flow from one sub process to another.
4, An external entity that interacts with the business process.
89)          What do you call the process of re-factoring and reviewing the use cases to obtain well-elaborated and specific use cases?
1,Defining                                                                                           2, Examining
3,Elaborating                                                                                      4,Refining

90           Which of the following represents a role involved in the existing business process?
1,Business worker                                                                           2, Business actor
3,Business entity                                                                              4,Collaboration
91           Consider a bank that offers personal loan service to its customers. To apply for loan, a customer needs to take appointment from a loan officer. The help desk coordinator at the bank gives the appointment to the customer after checking the appointment sch
1,Take Appointment and Sanction Loan
2,Take Appointment, Verify Customer Information, and Sanction Loan.
3,Maintaining customer information, Verification of customer information, and Sanctioning of loan
4,Verify Customer Information and Sanction Loan

92)          The existing Inventory Management System of a department store enables the store manager to maintain detailed information about all the items sold in the store. The system enables the store manager to generate an order to purchase items. Whenever any item
1,Extend                                                                              2,Realization
3,Include                                                                             4,Association

93)          Which of the following enables you to focus on the functions performed by the software system in each iteration?
1, System Boundary                                                        2, Actor
3, Use case                                                                         4, Relationship

94)          Which of the following Requirement Gathering Techniques involves Idea generation and Idea reduction activities?
1, Interviewing Stakeholders                                      2, Conducting Brainstorming Session
3, Preparing Questionnaires                                        4, Studying the existing system

95)          “Which of the following phases of requirement management refers to the process of categorizing and organizing requirements based on the document  produced in the requirement gathering activity?
1, Requirement Analysis and Negotiation             2, Requirement Gathering
3, Requirement Specification                                      4, Requirement Validation
96)          Jim, a programmer with RedSky Systems, is creating an application that accesses objects from a database and restores them to their original state before working on them. It is possible that the members of the objects may get modified in the process of tra
1, He should create a custom exception handling method.
2, He should use the UnreferencedObjectEventHandler delegate to handle the event.
3, He should use the XmlElementEventHandler delegate to handle the event.
4, He should use the XmlSerializationFixupCallback delegate to handle the event.

97)          Jonathan, an application developer with Global Soft Inc., needs to create an application targeted to be used by people of Spanish origin. He does not want to write code for creating the culture from scratch and instead wants to create a culture supplement
1, CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder  custom  =  new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(“custom”, CultureAndRegionModifiers.Neutral);
2, CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder custom = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(“custom”, CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);.
3, CultureInfo custom  =  new  CultureInfo(“custom”, CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);
4, CultureInfo custom  =  new  CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(“custom”, CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);

98)          James is creating an application that receives a stream of bytes and decodes them to display characters to the users. It is possible that the data may not always be available. Therefore, James must ensure that the state between application sessions is mai
1, He must implement the Encoding class.
2, He must implement the Decoder class with its Fallback property set to an instance of the DecoderExceptionFallback class.
3, He must implement the Encoder class with its Fallback property set to an instasnce of the EncoderExceptionFallback class.
4, He must implement the Deserialize method available in the BinaryFormatter class to convert the Bytes to characters.

99)          John, a systems programmer with EverSoft Inc. needs to receive data in his application from another application. The data will be transported in a common binary format and John will need to convert it back to its original form after receiving the data. Wh
1, Unboxing                                                                        2, Explicit Casting
3, Implicit Casting                                                             4, Deserialization

100)       Lindsay, an application programmer, has applied a Formatter class while serializing an object. There is no problem in serializing the publicly declared members. However, she is not able to serialize the private members of the object. What must be the reas
1, Lindsay has applied the BinaryFormatter class. Instead she should use the SOAPFormatter class.
2, Lindsay has applied the SOAPFormatter class. Instead she should use the BinaryFormatter class.
3, The Private members cannot be serialized. The members declared as Private should be declared as Public or Protected to enable their serialization.
4, There is some problem with the code written by Lindsay. She should rectify the code and make the Formatter class to serialize Private members explicitly.

101)       Which of the following visibility option for attributes and operation of a class indicates that the attribute or operation in the base class is visible to derived classes?
1,Public                                                                                2,Private
3,Protected                                                                        4,Package

102)       Which of the following represents the different types of relationships between classes and objects provided by UML?
1,Association, Dependency, Generalization, and Realization
2,Association, Hybrid, Generalization, and Realization
3,Association, Multiplicity, Dependency, and Generalization
4,Association, Multiplicity, Dependency, and Realization

103)       Which of the following options does not contain an attribute?
1,Factory class                                                                   2,Interface
3,Parameterized class                                                    4,Abstract class

104)       Which of the following is also called a template class?
1,Abstract class                                                                                 2,Factory class
3,Parameterized class                                                    4,Self-linked class

105)       A class that has multiple objects having the same attribute values is known as a  ____________.
1,Factory class                                                                   2,Parameterized class
3,Self-linked class                                                            4,Abstract class                                 1

106)       “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Interfaces enable you to implement multiple inheritance.
Statement B: An abstract class contains abstract methods that need to be implemented by other class that extends the abstract class.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

107)       Which of the following is a valid difference between an abstract class and an interface?
1,Abstract classes enable you to implement multiple inheritance, but interfaces do not support multiple inheritance.
,An interface may provide the definition of some of its methods, but an abstract class does not provide 2any definitions.
3,An abstract class is used in the same package as opposed to an interface that can be realized across multiple packages.
4,An interface allows you to create instances, but an abstract class does not allow you to create instances.

108)       Which of the following gives the correct description of the term Parameterized class?
1,A parameterized class represents the abstract behavior of a group of objects and the operations associated with the objects.
2,A parameterized class is an abstract class, which contains at least one abstract method.
3,A parameterized class defines operations in addition to the operations defined in the implementation class.
4,A parameterized class provides a mechanism that enables you to use operations and classes to work with different data types.

109)       Which of the following is an association relationship between two objects of the same class?
1,Recursive aggregation                                                2,Aggregation
3,Composition                                                                   4,Qualified association

110)       “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Visibility symbol “+” indicates that the attribute or operation of a class is not visible to other classes.
Statement B: Visibility symbol “-“ indicates that the attribute or operation of a class is visible to other classes.
1,Both, Statements A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statements A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
“4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

111)       “The use cases for a Student Registration System are identified as:
1. Fill up a registration form
2. Submit the registration form
3. Deposit fee
4. Generate fee receipt
5. Verify the registration form
6. Get registration number
Which of the following option represent classes for the above  Use Cases?
1,FillForm, SubmitForm, GenerateFees, and RegistrationNumber
2,FillForm, SubmitForm, and DepositFees
3,Student, RegistrationForm, and FeesReceipt
4,RegistrationForm and FeesReceipt

112)       “The responsibilities of a Library Management System are:
—  Maintaining member information, such as name, address, and contact number
—  Maintaining records of books available in the library
— Maintaining details of issued and returned books
— Calculating

1,Librarian, Library, Member, and Book
2,Library, Member, Book, and BookCopy
3,Librarian, Member, Book, and BookCopy
4,Library, Member, BookRecord, and Penalty

113)       InfoSolution wants to automate its recruitment system. The requirements for implementing the system are:
a. Store the resumes of candidates in the database.
b. Short list candidates based on the percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination.
1,Resume, TestPaper, C, C++, Java, Oracle, and Linux
2,Candidate, TestPaper, and Resume
3,C, C++, Java, Oracle, and Linux
4,Candidate, Resume, C, C++, Java, Oracle, and Linux

114)       InfoSolution wants to automate its Payroll System. The company has three categories of employees; managers, engineers, and other supporting staff. The supporting staff is further divided as part time and full time employees. Which of the following  identifies the classes for the payroll system.
1,Employee, Manager, Engineer, SupportingStaff, FullTimeStaff, and PartTimeStaff.
2,Employee, Manager, Engineer, SupportingStaff,
3,Manager, Engineer, SupportingStaff, FullTimeStaff, and PartTimeStaff.
4,Employee, SupportingStaff, FullTimeStaff, and PartTimeStaff.

115)       The Account class of a banking system has an operation called CalculateInterest. The return type of the operation is float. The operation is not visible to any other class of the system. Balance and InterestRate are the two float type parameters of the operation.
1,-float CalculateInterest(Balance:float,CalculateInterest:float)
3,+ float CalculateInterest(Balance::float,CalculateInterest::float)

116)       There are three classes in a class diagram of a Bank ATM System: Account, SavingsAccount, and CurrentAccount. The attributes of the Account class are AccountNumber and Balance. The operation of the Account class is CalculateInterest, which is implemented
1,Generalization                                                               2,Association
3,Composition                                                                   4,Realization

117)       “Consider the attribute and operation declared in a class:
-IssueDate: Date [1] =  “01-01-04” {ReadOnly}
+BookIssueRequest(BookName:String): Boolean
Which of the following represents the parameter name, default value, and return type?
1,BookIssueRequest, 01-01-04, and Boolean                        2,IssueDate, 1, and Date
3,BookName, 01-01-04, and Boolean                                      4,BookName, 01-01-04, and String

118)       “Consider the class diagram of Library Management System. What are the relationships between the following classes:
— Book and BookCopy
— Member and Library
— Book and Library
— Student and Member
Click the Exhibit button to view the class diagram.
1,– Composition
— Aggregation
— Dependency
— Generalization

2,– Aggregation
— Composition
— Dependency
— Generalization

3,– Composition
— Aggregation
— Generalization
— Dependency

4,– Aggregation
— Composition
— Generalization
— Dependency ”

119)       “Consider the four classes of a bank ATM system shown in the Exhibit:
Which of the following represents the correct relationship between:
— Transaction and Account class
— Account class and SavingsAccount and CurrentAccount
Click the Exhibit button .
“1,– Composition
— Generalization
2,– Generalization
— Composition
3,– Realization
— Generalization
4,– Generalization
— Realization ”

120)       “An ATM consists of a card scanner, display screen, and cash dispenser. What relationships should exist between the following classes of the ATM System:
— ATM and CardScanner
— ATM and CashDispenser
— ATM and DisplayScreen

1,– Generalization
— Composition
— Aggregation
2,– Aggregation
— Aggregation
— Composition
3,– Composition
— Composition
— Composition
4,– Aggregation
— Composition
— Realization ”

121)       A Payroll System consist of an Employee class and an Address class. The Employee class has attributes, such as employee code, name, and date of birth. The Address class has attributes, such as the house number and area code. Which of the following relatio
1,Generalization                                               2,Composition
3,Dependency                                                  4,Multiplicity

122)       Which of the following correctly represents a protected operation, display() that accepts an integer value and returns a string?
1,#display(name: String): int                       2,#display(num: int): String
3,~display(name: String): int                       4,~display(num: int): String

123)       Which of the following correctly represents a private operation, print() that accepts a character value and returns an integer?
1,-print (ch: char): int                                     2,- int print (ch: char)
3,-print (num: int): char                                                 4,-char print (num: int)

124)       “Consider the following scenario:    A class named Employee is a part of class Company and class Employee can exist independently.Which of the following relationships refers to the given scenario?
1, Aggregation                                                   2, , Composition
3, Dependency                                                                 4, Generalization

125)       “Consider the following scenario:
A class Employee is a base class containing Emp_details class and also controls the lifetime of class Emp_details.  Which of the following relationships refers to the given scenario?
1, Aggregation                                                   2, Composition
3, Dependency                                                                 4, Generalization
126)       Which of the following is NOT a part of Quality Context Triangle?
1,Data quality                                                    2, Code quality
3,Process quality                                              4,Design quality

127)       Which of the following class-based design metrics is used to measure the total number of edges in the inheritance tree from its lowest node to its root?
1,RFC                                                                     2,WMC
3,DIT                                                                      4,NOC

128         Which of the following options refers to the execution of a sequence of process-components with varying intensity?
1,Output                                                               2,Task
3,Iteration                                                           4,Activity

129)       Which of the following quality checks involves organizing people, planning processes, and providing appropriate implementation environment?
1, Management Quality                                2, Quality environment
3, Process Quality                                            4, Architectural Quality

130)       “Which of the following techniques ensures that the software models represent their intended meaning and their representation is consistent  across the project?
1, Syntax                                                               2, Semantics
3, Aesthetics                                                      4, Documentation

131)       Which of the following views focuses on assembling and configuring the component to release the required software system?
1,Deployment view                                        2,Implementation view
3,Process view                                                  4,Design view

132)       What type of relationship exists among packages when the constituents of one package need to access the constituents of another package to implement a particular function.
1,Realization                                                       2,Composition
3,Access dependency                                    4,Generalization

133)       Which of the following relationships exists when one constituent of a particular package calls the constituents of another package for performing a task?
1,Access Dependency                                    2,Generalization
3,Association                                                     4,Realization

134)       Which of the following viewtypes enable you to define interactions among various execution units?
1,Module                                                             2,Component
3,Connector                                                       4,Allocation

135)       “The __________ viewtype enables you to specify modules that implement a particular functionality?
1,Module                                                            2,Component
3,Connector                                                       4,Allocation

136)       “Consider the statements:
Statement A: Deployment components form the executable system.
Statement B: Execution components include the components that are the outcome of implementation phase of SDLC.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

137)       “Consider the statements:
Statement A: Executable file modeling technique models the executable components of a software system by modeling .exes, libraries, and databases contained in the system.
Statement B: Database modeling techniques model the database components by using Deployment diagram.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True

138)       “Consider the statements:
Statement A: A communication channel among nodes is represented by a straight line drawn between the communicating nodes.
Statement B: The three-tier Web application describes that the various components are distribut”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True

139)       As an analyst, you are responsible to prepare a software architecture viewtype to specify the constituents that you need to model in a software system. The viewtype should specify the resources allocated, such as designers, developers allocated, and softw
1,Module viewtype                                                        2,Component viewtype
3,Connector viewtype                                                   4,Allocation viewtype

140)       “Consider the statements:
Statement A: You can not use package diagrams to depict the various modules grouped into logical packages .
Statement B: You can use component diagrams to depict the various components and the relationships among them ”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B is False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B is True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True

141)       BlueStreak Solutions is developing an online shopping software system. The software developer designs the use cases and classes based on the requirements of the system. Some of the use cases of the system are, Fill Schedule, Report Leave, and Report Overt
1,You can create a package diagram to view use cases and classes in a single diagram. The various groups of classes based on the use cases that the classes realize are:
— The employee and schedule classes realize the Fill Schedule use case.
— The employ”
2,You need to create a package diagram to depict packages of use cases based on the functional module, which each use case represents, to view the architecture using module viewtype.

3,You need to create interaction diagrams to depict the classes that collaborate to realize a use case. As a result you can depict classes and use cases together.
4,You need to create package diagrams to group classes that belong to the same instance hierarchy and depict the use case each class realizes in collaboration with other classes.

142)       Janes Technology is developing software for the Stock exchange. The software developer analyzes that there are a large number of functional modules, nearly 10-15, which need to be implemented. Consequently, there are a large number of use cases of the sof
1,You need to create a package diagram to depict packages of use cases based on the actor associated with the use cases. Each package should contain use cases used by a particular actor.
2,You need to create a package diagram to depict packages of use cases based on the functional module, which each use case represents, to view the architecture using module viewtype.
3,You need to create a package diagram to depict packages of use cases based on include and extend relationships to view the architecture from allocation viewtype.
4,You need to create a package diagram to depict packages of use cases based on the actor associated with the use cases. Each package should contain use cases used by a particular actor. In addition each package should consist of the include and extend relationships.

143)       Dyans Systems is developing an administration system for a Steel manufacturing company. The requirement analyst gathers the requirements of the system and the developer derives the use cases and actors for the envisioned system. A meeting of the software
1,You need to create a package diagram to group the use cases based on include and extend relationships to view the architecture from allocation viewtype.
2,You need to create a package diagram to group the use cases based on the functional module each of the use cases represent to view the architecture using module viewtype.
3,You need to create a package diagram where each package contains use cases used by a single actor.
4,You need to create a package diagram to group the use cases based on the actors so that each package contains use cases used by a particular actor. In addition each package should consist of the include and extend relationships for the use cases.
144)       CadalSoft Inc. is developing a payroll system. The system is being developed on a small scale and will only be used by the accountant of the company. The various classes of the software system are employee, employeepackage, calculator, salary, and account
1,Three                                                                2,Two
3,One                                                                    4,Four

145)       BlueSoftware solutions are developing an online shopping software system. The software developer has modeled the logical system and is now modeling the physical system. There are a large number of components in the system. The developer creates a componen
1,You need to create a package diagram to group components that are dependent on each other, thus allowing visualization of the architecture through component and connector viewtype.
2,You need to create a package diagram to group components that belong to a common functional group, thus allowing visualization of the architecture through module viewtype.
3,You need to create a package diagram to group components that are dependent on each other to reduce the complexity of the UML diagram for component visualization.
4,You need to create a package diagram to group components that belong to a common functional group to depict how use cases of the system have been implemented.

146)       Dyans Systems is developing software for implementing an online movie ticket booking system. The software developers need to model the architecture to view the components of the system, the relationships between the components, and the placement of the co           ”
1,You need to create a deployment diagram to depict:
— The nodes.
— The communication channel between each node.
— The components that execute at each node.
2,You need to depict the interfaces for each of the components in the component diagram.
3,You need to:
— Create a deployment diagram to depict the nodes at which each of the components executes.
— Depict the interfaces for each of the components in the component diagram.
4,You need to:
— Depict the interfaces for each of the components in the component diagram.
— Depict the relationship between each of the components. ”

147)       “Wilson Inc. is developing an online auction system. The classes of the auction system are, Customer, AuctionHall, ProductRoom, BiddingRoom, BidHistory, Payment, and Shipping. The various activities that take place in the system are:
— An auction is initi”
1,The various packages for the system based on different use cases they collaborate to realize are:
— Auction containing Customer, AuctionHall, BiddingRoom, ProductRoom, and BidHistory classes.
— Payment containing Payment and Shipping classes.
2,The various packages for the system based on different use cases they collaborate to realize are:
— Auction containing Customer, AuctionHall, BiddingRoom, and ProductRoom classes.
— Auction closure containing BidHistory,  Payment, and Shipping classes
3,The various packages for the system based on different use cases they collaborate to realize are:
— Auction containing AuctionHall, BiddingRoom, ProductRoom, and BidHistory classes.
— Shipping containing Customer, Payment, and Shipping classes.
4,The various packages for the system based on different use cases they collaborate to realize are:
— Auction containing AuctionHall, BiddingRoom, and ProductRoom classes.
— Auction closure containing Customer, BidHistory,  Payment, and Shipping classes”

148)       “A project manager at Infosolution has created packages ATMClient and ATMCard for a Bank ATM system. A class Customer belongs to the package ATMClient, and class AC belongs to the package ATMCard. The Customer class can invoke the methods of AC class by im”
1, Access Dependency Relationship
2, Dependency Relationship
3, Generalization Relationship
4, Association Relationship
149)       “Wilson Technology Ltd. needs to create the architectural model for the prototype of the InfoSuper bank ATM system.   The prototype will include only the cash withdrawal feature of the InfoSuper bank ATM system.   The project manager has identified ATMClient”
1, a)Server: Contains the ATM.                                                                                                                           b)InfoSuper Bank ATM: Contains ATMClient, Card Scanner, and Cash Dispenser.
2, a)Server: Contains the ATM, ATMClient, Card Scanner
b)InfoSuper Bank ATM: Contains Cash Dispenser.
3, a)Server: Contains ATMClient, Card Scanner, and Cash Dispenser.                                                 b)InfoSuper Bank ATM: Contains the ATM.
4, a)Server: Contains Cash Dispenser.                                                                                                                  b)InfoSuper Bank ATM: Contains the ATM, ATMClient, Card Scanner.

150)       “John is a system designer. He has to design an online order processing system for Fido Fizz company. The customer can enquire, select, and order for their products.   The product is delivered to the customer within 24 hours after the order is placed.  The l”
1, Order package containing use case Order Products and Process Order.   Dispatch package containing use cases Collect Order and Deliver Order.
2, Order package containing use cases Place Order and Dispatch Order. ListOrders package containing use cases Print list of orders, Send list of orders to delivery department.
3, Order package containing use cases Place Order and Process Order.  Dispatch order containing use cases Print List of Orders and Pass List of Orders to the Delivery Department.
4, PlaceOrder package containing use cases Enquiry, Selection, and OrderProducts.   ProcessOrder package containing use cases Print details of order and Pass order to delivery department. ”

151)       GRASP is an acronym for _______________.
1,General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns
2,Generic Responsibility Assignment System Patterns
3,General Responsibility Assignment System Patterns
4,Generic Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns

152)       Which of the following structural patterns allow you to modify the behavior of individual objects without creating a new derived class?
1,Composite                                                       2,Proxy
3,Decorator                                                        4,Façade

153)       Which of the following design patterns enables you to create objects for displaying the data in various forms?
1,Composite                                                       2,Command
3,Observer                                                         4,Façade

154)       Which of the followings is a type of GRASP pattern?
1,Factory                                                              2,Creator
3,Builder                                                              4,Proxy
155         Which of the followings is NOT a type of Structural Design pattern?
1,Composite                                                       2,Decorator
3,Façade                                                              4,Builder

156)       “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Chain of responsibility represents the strong interconnection between classes.
Statement B: In the observer pattern, one of the objects contains data and other object displays data in various forms.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

157)       As a design analyst, you need to design a pattern for an Inventory system that provides guidelines for assigning responsibility of creating a new object to an object of a particular class. Which of the following patterns enables you to perform this task?
1,Creator pattern                                                              2,Expert pattern
3,Controller pattern                                                        4,High cohesion pattern

158)       As an analyst, you need to select a design pattern for defining the communication flow between objects. You need to define how classes will handle method invocation requests when implementation of method is not known. Which of the following design pattern
1,Chain of responsibility pattern                                2,Command pattern
3,Observer pattern                                                         4,Facade pattern

159)       “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Structural design patterns provide guidelines for enabling communication between two objects.
Statement B: Behavioral patterns describe how classes and objects can be combined to form lar”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

160)       As an analyst, you are responsible for providing a design pattern for implementing an ATM model. The design pattern should provide techniques for creating and managing the lifecycle of the object. It should also control the lifetime of the subclass object
1,Factory Pattern                                              2,Builder Pattern
3,Singleton Pattern                                         4,Composite Pattern

161)       Pizza station is a restaurant that serves combo meals. Children meals consist of a small pizza, a side item, a drink, and a toy. The pizza can be an onion pizza, capsicum pizza, cheese pizza, or chicken pizza, but the process is the same. The employee at
1,Factory                                                             2,Decorator
3,Singleton                                                         4,Composite
162)       “You are developing an Employee Monitoring System where the Department class contains the objects of Employee class. Additionally, the Department class initializes the object of Employee class by passing the EmployeeID as parameter in the constructor.  Id”
1,Creator                                                             2,Decorator
3,Builder                                                              4,Composite

163         “RedSky Inc, has appointed a new legal advisor for the company. According to the policies of the company there can be only one legal advisor at any given time. What kind of pattern does the legal advisor class represent?
1,Factory                                                             2,Builder
3,Singleton                                                         4,Composite

164)       You need to develop a home page of an online application. The home page is divided into three panes. One pane displays the site map of the Web site. The second pane consists of login and password textboxes from which the user can login to the Web site. Th
1,Builder                                                              2,Façade
3,Decorator                                                        4,Composite

165)       In a calculator application, the ArithmeticCalc class has the responsibility of computing the sum of integers. The ArithmeticCalc class contains operations, such as addition, subtraction, and division. Which of the following patterns represent the respons
1,Creator                                                             2,Expert
3,Controller                                                        4,Factory

166)       You have recently joined a software development company as a senior software developer. As part of your first assignment, you have to add functionality to an existing application. You are informed that the customer requirements have changed, since the app
1,Proxy                                                                                  2,Decorator
3,Façade                                                              4,Composite

167)       You have developed a Web-based application for a bank. The application stores all the information about its employees and customers. The database used in the bank application also stores photographs of its employees and customers along with their personal
1,Chain of Responsibility                                                2,Proxy
3,Composite                                                                      4,Observer

168)       Consider that you have an abstract base class, Shape, with an abstract method, makeShape(), to draw a shape on the screen. Two classes, Circle and Square, are derived from the Shape class and provide definitions of the makeShape() method. Depending upon t
1,Façade                                                                              2,Decorator
3,Factory                                                                             4,Proxy

169)       You are assigned to create an application for a bank that calculates the interest amount on each type of account in the bank. Consider that you have an abstract base class, Account, with an abstract method, CalculateInterest(), to calculate interest on sa
1,Provider                                                            2,Composite
3,Builder                                                              4,Factory

170)       “You are assigned the task of developing a retail automation system. Currently you are working in the designing phase of the application. When you create a blueprint for the application, you observe the following conditions applicable to the design:
— A c”
1,Creator                                                              2,Expert
3,Controller                                                        4,Composite

171)       “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Framework contains abstract and concrete classes that realize interfaces to conform to predefined specifications.
Statement B: Framework contains classes that can be extended by subclassing.
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

172         “Consider the following statements:
Statement A: Design pattern enables you to reuse existing solutions for addressing common design problems.
Statement B: Design pattern establishes common terminology for problems and their solutions to impro”
1,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.
2,Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.
3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.
4,Statement A is False and Statement B is True.




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