GNIIT Sem C Elective
Que-1-)Alex, the systems executive at Technosoft Pvt. Ltd., has a TCP server executing as a Well Known Service Type.The server is listening to port 12345
and has registered the component with the name TCP Remote Server and the Remote Component class nameis Remote. What will be the client code
for connecting to the server?
Ans- Optn (4)
-TcpClientChannel channel= new TcpClientChannel();ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel);Remote rem =
Catherine, is the team leader working on a online project build using .NET
. She wants to share data with other members in thenetwork.The object should be able to retain the state and share it between all the members using
that object. Which of the following objects willsuit this requriment?
Ans- Optn(2)-
Singleton object _________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following steps:step1: Catch MessageQueueException exceptions, and click the Message Queue Error Code property of the exception to
determine whether atime -out has occurred.Step2: Receive messages using MessageQueue.Receive in the normal way but include a Time Span value
saying how long the application shouldwait for a message to arrive.step3: Wrap the message receiving code in exception handling code.step4: Deal
with time-outs appropriately.Identify the correct sequence of the steps for responding to time outs in a server application.?
Ans- Optn(1)-
Consider the following steps:Step1: Add a channel element to the channels elements to specify the channel on which the server will listen for
requests.Step2: Specify the type of the remoting class by using the type attribute of the well known or activated element.step3: To register a CAO, add
an activated element to the service element.Step4: Add an application configuration file to your server project.step5: Add the channels element to the
application element. The channels element specifies the configuration for any remoting channels.step6: Add the service element to the application
element.step7: Add the system.runtime.remoting element to your server's configuration file to configure remoting.Step8: Add the application element to
specify information about the remote object that the server exposes.Identify the correct sequence of steps to configure a remoting server by using
configuration file.?
Ans- Optn(2)-
ider the following code:public class CustomerRoutingHandler{ protected override Uri
newUri(""+"/alternate/service.asmx");}}else{return base.ProcessRequestMessage(message);}
George has written the preceding code to create a custom HTTP handler for a content-based router, but it is generating an error.Identify the error to
perform the preceding task.?
Ans- Optn(1)-
George has not inherited the class fromMicrosoft.Web.Services3.Messaging.SoqpHttpRouter class._________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code:MessageQueue mq= new MessageQueue(".\MyQueue");Type[] receive Types= new
Type[1]{GetType(MyMessageContent)};mq.Formatter= new XmlMessageFormatter(receiveTypes);Message m = mq.Receive();MyMessageContent c =
(MyMessageContent)m.Body;The preceding C# code was written to receive a message though queue, but it is not able to receive the message. The
"MyMessageContent" is aninstance of the custom class. Identify the correct code to perform the preceding task.?
Ans- Optn(2)-
MessageQueue mq= new MessageQueue(@".\MyQueue");Type[] receiveTypes = new Type[1]{typeof(MyMessageContent)};mq.Formatter= new
XmlMessageFormatter(receiveTypes);Message m= mq.Receive();MyMessageContent c = (MyMessageContent)m.Body;_________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code snippet to create a referral cache file:<?xml
version="1.0"?><r:referralsxmlsn:r=""><r:ref>***</r:ref></r:referrals>Identify the code that should be
applied to the preceding code that will define the target URI for routing?
Ans- Opt(1)-
Consider the following steps:
Step1: Obtain an Ilease interface reference by calling the base implementation of the
InitializeLifetimeService method.
Step2: Ensure that your class inherits from MarshalByRefObject.
Step3: Set any or all of the three time period properties to the values you want.
Step4: Add a method override for the InitializeLifetimeService method.
Step5: Return the modified ILease object.Identify the correct sequence of
step s to configure the lifetime of an object overriding InitializeLifeTimeService method.?
Ans- Opt(1)-
Step2: Ensure that your class inherits from MarshalByRefObject.
Step4: Add a method override for the InitializeLifetimeService method.
Step1: Obtain an Ilease interface reference by calling the base implementation of the
InitializeLifetimeService method.
Step3: Set any or all of the three time period properties to the values you want.
Step5: Return the modified ILease object._________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code:RemotingConfiguration.configure("Client.exe.config");MyRemoterType myObject=new MyRemotedType();Ilease
objectLease=(Ilease)myObject.GetLifetimeService();objectLease.Register(sponser);Sam has written the preceding code to register a sponser object with
a lease, but it is generating an error. Identify the error in the preceding code.?
Ans- Opt(4)-
Sam has not created a new sponsor object._________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code snippet to create a referral cache file:<?xml
version="1.0"?><r:referralsxmlsn:r=""><r:ref>***</r:ref></r:referrals>Identify the code that should be
applied to the preceding code that will route all requests to URIs starting with
Ans- Opt(1)-
Consider the following code:[JustinTimeActivation[true]]//line1[ObjectPooling(true,0,1000,CreationTimeout=2000)]//line2public class My
SvcComp:ServicedComponent{}The preceding code was written to configure a class for both JIT activated and pooled, with the pool containing between
0 and 1000 objects and acreation timeout of two seconds. But the code is generating an error.Identify the correct code to perform the preceding task.?
Ans- Opt(4)-
Replace Line1 with the following code:[JustinTimeActivation(true)]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code:[JustinTimeActivation[true]][ObjectPooling(false,0,1000,CreationTimeout=2)]public class My
SvcComp:ServicedComponent{}The preceding code was written to configure a class for both JIT activated and pooled, with the pool containing between
0 and 1000 objects and acreation timeout of two seconds. But the code is generating an error.Identify the correct code to perform the preceding task.?
Ans- Opt(1)-
[JustinTimeActivation(true)][ObjectPooling(true,0,1000, CreationTimeout=2000)]public class MySvcComp:ServicedComponent{}________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code:TCPChannel channel= new
TcpChannel(9932);ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel);RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(Chat,"Chat");System.Console.WriteLine("from bank server");The preceding code was written to register a Server side TCP channel, but is not able to register the channel. Identify the correct code
to performthe preceding task.?
Ans- opt(4)-
TcpServerChannel channel= new
TcpServerChannel(9932);channelServices.RegisterChannel(channel);RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(Chat),"Chat.rem",WellKnownObjectMode.From Bank Server");_________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code snippet to create a referral cache file:<?xml
version="1.0"?><r:referralsxmlsn:r=""><r:ref>***</r:ref></r:referrals>Identify the code that should be
applied to the preceding code that will specify the unique identifieer for the routing instruction.?
Ans Opt(2)-
<?xml version="1.0"?><r:referralsxmlsn:r=""><r:ref><r.refld>uuid:fa469956-0057-4e77-962a-81c5e292f2ae</</r:ref></r:referrals>_________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following steps:
Step1: Start the component services snap-in, which can be found in Administrator Tools in Control Panel.
Step2: Expand the
My Computer folder.
Step3: Expand the COM+ Application folder.
Step4: Expand the component Service folder.
step5: Enter the full path and file name for
the exported, msi file, and then click Next.
step6: Right click the application you want to export and then click export. The COM. Application export wizard will start .
step7: Click next.
step8: Click finish to close the wizard.Identify the correct sequence of steps to export a serviced components as an, msi file.?
Ans Opt(1)-
sequence of steps to export a serviced components as an, msi file.
Step1: Start the component services snap-in, which can be found in Administrator Tools in Control Panel.
Step4: Expand the component Service folder.
Step2: Expand the My Computer folder.
Step3: Expand the COM+ Application folder.
Step6: Right click the application you want to export and then
click export. The COM. Application export wizard will start .
step7: Click next.
step5: Enter the full path and file name for the exported, msi file, and then click Next.
step8: Click finish to close the wizard._________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following steps:
Step1: Open microsoft visual studio 2005.
step2: Create a console project to test the web service add a web reference to the
web service.
Step3: Add statements to retrieve the host name from the Web service URL using a Uri object.Un hostAddress = new Un(proxy.Uri);string
host = hostAddress.Host;Console.WriteLine("Host Addresss: {0}",host);
step4: Modify the Main method to include the statements that instantiate a proxy
object and replace the localhost.service with the name of yourWeb service proxy.
step5: Add statement Using System.Net.Network Information to the
start of the file that contains the main entry point method for the consoleapplication.
step6: Add statments to call the Web service host and display the reply.Identify the correct sequence of steps to determine network status of a Web service.?
Ans Opt(3)-
sequence of steps to determine network status of a Web service.
Consider the following steps:
Step1: Create a class thar inherits from ServicedComponent.
Step2: Add an import or using statement for
System.EnterpriseServices namespace.
Step3: Add a reference to the System.EnterpriseServices.dll assembly to your project.
Step4: Add other members
to the class, as required by the application logic.Identify the correct sequence of step of step to create a serviced component.?
Ans Opt(3)-
Consider the following steps:
step1: Create a new sponsor object.
Step2: Obtain an Ilease interface for the remote object by calling its GetLifeTimeService
method or by using the Remoting Services class.
Step3: Pass the sponsor object to the Ilease.Register method.
Step4: Obtain a reference to a remote object using a remoting channel.Identify the correct sequence of steps to register a sponsor object with a lease.?
Ans Opt(2)-
Step4-->Step2-->step1-->step3 _________________________________________________________________________________
Consider the following code snippet to create a referral cache file:<?xml version="1.0"?><r:referrals***></r:referrals>Identify the code snippet that adds
the referral root element to the referralCache.config file.?
Ans Opt(3)-
Consider the following statements:
step1: Right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and then click Properties.
Step2: Select Sign the assembly.
Step3: Click <New…> in the Choose a strong name key file drop
-down list, or choose an existing key file.
step4: Name the key, and then optionally provide a password.
step5: Click the Signing tab.Identif the correct
sequence to create an assembly with a strong name using project properties.?
Ans Opt(2)-
Consider the following code:static void Main(string[] args){OfficeService proxy=new OfficeService();OfficeLocation location= new
OfficeLocation();location.LocationAddress="Hawett";location.LocationId=12345;double esult=proxy.GetCurrentStockValue();Console.WriteLine("Result from
web service"+result.ToString());Console.ReadLine();}sam has written the preceding code to send a custom SOAP header, object called "OfficeLocation" from
a client application to a web method called"GetCurrentStockValue" in a web service called Identify the error in the preceding code.?
Ans Opt(2)-
Sam has not assigned the SOAP header class to the public SOAP header member of the web service proxy. _________________________________________________________________________________
For which of the following options/o used in wsewsdl3.exe command is used as the short form?
Ans Opt(2)-
/out:<fileName> _________________________________________________________________________________
George wants to send a message to a queue named MyQueue on an Internet server name, using a Secure Socketslayer
Connection.He has written the following code to perform the preform the preceding task but was not able to send the message.MessageQueue mq=new
MessageQueue("FormatName="");mq.Send("Testing internet connection");Identify the correct code that George
should use to perform the preceding task.?
Ans Opt(3)-
MessageQueue mq=new MessageQueue("FormatName:DIRECT=");mq.Send("Testing internet connection");________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
George wants to generate a proxy for the Service "MyService" using wsewsdll.exe command with the following information:Namespace
name:ClientOutputfilename:NewservicesLanguage:C#He has written the following command to generate the desired WSE proxy, but it is not giving the
desired output:wsewsdl3.exesoap.tcp://localhost:8001/Myservices/type:Newservices/namespace:Client/language;Identify the correct command to perform the
preceding task.?
Ans Opt(2)-
George has created a COM+ component. He wants that object should look for the transcational status of the caller. If the caller has atransaction the new
object is inluded in the current transaction else begins a new transaction. Which of the following options of TransactionOptionenumeration should he use to
perform the preceding task?
Ans Opt(1)-
Required __
George has created a COM+ component. He wants that COM+ should ensures that any object created from the component participates ina transaction if
one exists. Which of the following options of TransactionOption enumeration should he use to perform the preceding task?
Ans Opt(1)-
Supported _________________________________________________________________________________
George has created a COM+ component. He wants that COM+ ignores the transactional requirments of the component. Which of thefollowing options of
TransactionOption enumeration should be use to perform the preceding task?
Ans Opt(4)-
Disabled _________________________________________________________________________________
In .NET remoting which of the following provides isolation and security boundaries for executing managed code?
Ans Opt(2)-
Identify the correct code of a server configuration file for a SingleCall SAO using a Transmission Control Protocol channel and port 9001.?
Ans Opt(4)-
<configuration><System.runtime.remoting><application><service><wellknown type ="RemotingServer.CustomerManager,RemotingServer"
objectUri="CustomerManager.rem" mode="Singlecall"/></service><channels><channel ref="tcp"
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