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IBPS PO GK Questions 2013 – General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO

IBPS PO GK Questions 2013 – General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO

IBPS PO GK Questions 2013 – General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO Exam 2013: Are you looking for IBPS PO Exam GK Questions? Here in the post below we have provided the General Awareness (GK) questions which was asked in IBPS Probationary Officers (PO) III examination 2013. IBPS CWE PO/MT-III Exam is to be held on 19th, 20th, 26th and 27th October 2013. Written examination for IBPS PO Clerk exam was held in the month of October 2013. IBPS CWE PO/ MT Phase III GK Questions are given below.
GK Questions Asked in IBPS III: 19th October 2013

Bank Rate on 20th September 2013: 9.50%
Full form of SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
Which of the following is not a type of an asset? Loss
After how much time is an asset declared NPA? 90 days
SARFAESI Act: Asset Reconstruction, Recovery of debt
Which of the following terms is related to cricket? T20
Tagore Award 2013 for cultural harmony: Zubin Mehta
Father of mouse: Douglas Engelbart
MICR stands for: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
28th Prime Minister of Australia: Tony Abbot
CCTV stands for: Closed Circuit Television
28th Member of European Union: Croatia
US Federal Chief : Ben Bernanke
IMEI is related to Mobile
Debentures are: Medium to long term debt instruments
Federal Bank Head: Shyam Srinivasan
National Award for wholesome entertainment: Vicky Donor
Who has never been a Member of Parliament? Amitabh Bachchan
Limit of Micro enterprise as per MSMED Act,2006: 25lakhs
The ‘Lowland Writer’ author nominated for Man Booker award: Jhumpa Lehri
Question related to MGNREGA and BASEL
BSBDA initial minimum deposit amount : Zero balance account for BPL people.
Credit information is collected and recorded by : CIBIL
Which of the following can not be used as a proof of identification: Electricity Bill
Fiscal Deficit target: 4.8%
Microprocessor manufacturing company: INTEL
Tablet produced by Microsoft: Surface
Raghuram Rajan’s recent monitory policy
Raj Bhasa Award given by: RBI
Low housing Scheme: India signed 100 million$ agreement with World Bank

GK Questions Asked in IBPS III: 20th October 2013

Which is the rate that RBI changes in this 20 September: Bank Rate
RTGS me minimum transaction: The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is 2 lakh. There is no upper ceiling for RTGS transactions
Pension given to those people who are suffered from Muzaffarnagar riots come under which scheme – The pension, which would be anywhere between Rs 400 and Rs 500, would be given under the Rani Laxmi Bai Pension Scheme.
Who directed the bollywood film Satyagraha: – Prakash Jha
The limit of Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS) hiked to: – Rs. 12 Lakh per year
ATM wrong deduction to be refunded within:
Which of the following bank doesn’t have it’s head office in Kolkata – IOB
Which country becomes the 28th member of EU: – Croatia
When RBI wants to absorb liquidity from market increase reverse repo, decrease repo or increase crr: Increase Reverse REPO Rate
Committee on Gold – KUB Rao committee
Which book is not written by Chetan Bhagat – two people
Who becomes the first Indian-origin Miss America 2013 – Nina Davuluri
GDP Growth Forecast by CSO for 2013-14:- 5.3%
The name of the airline venture float by TATA and Singapore Airlines – Tata SIA Airlines Ltd
Which is the Most Important Stock Exchange in the World – NYSE/ Nasdaq
Which award given to Finance Minister P Chidambaram by – Business Reformer Award
Balance Sheet indicates what: company's assets
G20 Summit 2013 Venue — Saint Petersburg, Russia
Infosys launches new version of banking solution — Finacle11
R. Sodhi related to which sports: Shooting
MacMohan Line between which countries – India and China
Who developed rupee symbol – Udaya Kumar
Ceo of apple inc.: Timothy D. Cook
FCNR(B) interest rate:
REER full form: Real Effective Exchange Rate
Bhag Milka Bhag actor: Farhaan Akhtar
CEO of Women Bank: Usha Ananthasubramanian
Full form of EASIEST — Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax
ATM without the label of any bank: White label ATM
Capital of Lebanon: Beirut
Information technology Act in which year: Information Technology Act 2000 (also known as ITA-2000)
IFSC Code is needed in: Online or Net Banking Transaction
Who is the first Indian to win shooting completion in world championship –Rahi Sarnobat
726 MW ONGC power project in which North-Eastern state — Tripura
The 78-year-old RBI history book released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ‘RBI History — Looking Back and Looking Ahead’
Mandatory for companies to spend at least 2% of net profits on: CSR
If a NRI wants to deal in indian market ,he can do so by: (participatory notes)
Adjustments done by centarl bank of a country to control money is called: monetary policy
Who is the richest Indian in world 6 times continuously: Mukesh Ambani
International Women’s day: 8 March
GAAR: General Anti-Avoidance Rule
SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Area
Zimbabwe President: Robert G.Muagabe
The process of making blackmoney white: (money laundering)
Hassan rouhani is the PM of: President of Iran
Wheat ,Bajra comes under : kharif crop
New Director General of CPRF – Dilip Trivedi
HC of WTO: Geneva
Import duty on gold – 15%

GK Questions Asked in IBPS III: 26th & 27th October 2013

Full Form of IBSA? - India, Brazil, South Africa.
Who has directed the Bollywood film The Lunchbox? - Ritesh Batra
According to 2011 census which state has highest Rural Population? - Uttar Pradesh (15.51 crore- 18.16% of Indias Rural Population)
Which tennis player has retired in August 14, 2013? - Marion Bartoli
Who is the Head of WTO? - Robert Azevedo
What is the MSF rate as on October 2013? - 9%
Who is the writer of the novel 'Life of Pie'? - Yann Martel
International Children's Peace Prize 2013 was awarded to? - Malala Yousafzai
Limit of educational loans under priority sector? 10 lakh for studies in India and 20 lakh for studies abroad
Senior citizens can invest up to under Senior Citizens Saving Scheme? - 15 lakh
Duration of 12th five year plan? - 2012-2017
Full Form of FTP? - File Transfer Protocol
GDP Growth rate of India as per Central Statistics Office (CSO) for 2013? - 4.4%
Full form of CDS?- Credit Default Swap
Fairfax group head who brought blackberry? - Prem Watsa
Gujar Mal Modi award winner 2013? - Vinod Prakash Sharma
Bank which has headquarters in Bangalore? - Vijaya Bank
Aadhaar Bill name? - UIDAI bill
DAX 30 is the stock exchange of which country? - Germany
As per IMF India's GDP Growth rate? - 3.8%
CRR changed to? - 4%
Who among the following is chairman FMC (Forward Markets Commission)? - Ramesh Abhishek
What is the name of food grain scheme of Himachal Pradesh?
Which of the following is the GAAR implementation date? - April 1,2016
Who among the following is the new chairman of SBI? - Arundhati Bhattacharya
Who among the following is the new chairman of AADHAR? - Nandan Nilekani
Full form of NOFHC: Non Operative Financial Holding Company
India’s place in global competitive list by WEF 2012-13? - 59
Which of the following is the population growth rate (2001-2011)? - 1.7%
Graphic biography on of whom released by Amar Chitra Katha? - Dhyan Chand
Bank rate wef 7th October? - 9%
The book ‘Fault lines’ is written by whom? - Raghuram G Rajan
Which of the following Bank open 15000 branches? SBI
Which of the following country in BRICS? Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavana Award ? Ustad Amjad Ali Khan
One question related to INS VIKRANT.
Pullea Gopichand related to which game? Badminton
Maharashtra state launches 'Manodhairya' scheme for whom? For rape victims
What is the Maximum limit in priority sector by public sec? - 40 %
According to MSMED Act 2006, maximum limit in services is 5 crore, what is minimum limit for medium enterprises? - 2 crore
Who is the First women chief information commissioner? Deepak sandhu
Sundarban located in which state? - West Bengal
Best Foreign Language Film at the 86th Academy Awards (From India).-The Good road
Which scheme was started by Himachal Pradesh under food security program from Sept 20? Rajiv Gandhi ann Yojana
Iran’s New President? - Hassan Rouhani
India inked DTA pact with which country? Morocco
Company Bill 2013
Decadal Growth Rate according to Cesus 2011? 17.64%
Indira Gandhi peace prize was conferred on? Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
World heart day? 29th September
Who monitors 5year plan? Yojana Ayog
Which company has launched Jupiter Bike? TVS
Parsi Community new scheme to increase parsi population? Jiyo Parsi
RTI Information fees? Rs.10
Sandeep Tulsi Yadav is related to which sport? Wrestling
New High Commissioner to UK? Ranjan Mathai
UN Representative of India? Asoke Kumar Mukerji
Nobel Peace Prize in Economics: Eugene F. Fama (and Robert J. Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen)
Nikkei is the stock exchange of which country? Japan
Director of ‘The Good Road’: Gyan Correa
Anna Hazare received which prize? Allard Prize for International Integrity
Aircel Parternership with which mobile company? Micromax
Depreciation: Decrease in currency’s value due to market forces, not government policies or actions
Movable Assets: Movable assets are those which are 'movable'- stocks, money, shares, furniture, gold, jewel
First RBI Governor? Sir Osborne Smith
Brand Ambassador or Tobacco Abandoning : Rahul Dravid
Currency of Bhutan –Ngultrum
Microsoft bought Nokia for $7.2 billion
First Greco Roman Medal is baaged by whom in India? Sandip Tulsi Yadav
Who received Saraswati Samman? SugathaKumari
Head of financial committee on small and low income and financial inclusion? Nachiket Mor
1st Indigenous Submarine? INS Arihant
Basic point difference between MSF and Repo rate? 150points
KBC current season? 7th
‘Jo biwi se kare pyar wo prestige se kaise kare inkaar’ ad done by which couple? Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Growth forecast in 12 five yr plan? 8 per cent
Question related to dividend equity
Who is Headly? Terrorist
Who has written a book on Meena Kumari? Vinod Mehta
Question on JNNURM
Run on bank means? Heavy cash withdrawal from depositor form an account at a time
Rupay Project of? NPCI
According to 2011 census there were 640 districts in India, but how many villages? More than 600,000
Who is the author of the book ‘The first woman President in India Reinventing Leadership Pratibha Devisingh Patil’? Sunaina Singh
Which is not included in balance sheet?
Froeign Currency Limits for tourists? USD 10,000
Accounts maintained by Foreign Banks in India? Vostro
IIFCL stands for? India Infrastructure Finance company Limited
Highest remittance receiving countries? India and China
Campaign launched to promote virgin peaks of Himalayas and make India favoured tourist destination? 777 days of Incredible Indian Himalayan Campaign
The book ‘My Journey: Transforming Dreams Into Actions’ is written by? APJ Abdul Kalam
Director of the movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook’? David O. Russel
Germany Chancellor? Angela Merkel
Which one is not Credit Rating Agency?
Tennis Hall of Fame – Martina Hingis
FTSE 100? London Stock Exchange
FDI in pension sector?- 49%
Rice, pulse, millets belongs to which crop?- Kharif Crop
India’s Defense satellite recently launched by France?- GSAT-7
1% extra tax on buying property above? Rs 50lakh
Senior citizens over 80 years of age exempted from tax limit? upto Rs. 5 Lakh
India- China defense summit held in? Beijing
KYC is not for the purpose of? financial position of the account holder
RBI zero% EMI on credit card related question.
Jet and Etihad deal- 51% state of company, 24% Etihad, 25% public share
Maximum deposit amount insured by DICGC? Rs. 1 lakh
Who announced retirement from Tennis in October? Nalbandian
NEFT maximum limit? No limit; However, maximum amount per transaction is limited to Rs.50,000/- for cash-based remittances and remittances to Nepal
One question on Prithvi?
Currency swap agreement between?- India and Japan
Which Indian actor is/has been selected for a US award for his television show by the America Abroad Media (AAM)?- Aamir Khan for Satyameva Jayathe
Deeo discount bond feature?- Zero coupon bond
First cyber forensic laboratory set up in?- Tripura
If depreciation of assets is not taken into account what will happen to balance sheet of bank?
Trade deficit was how much low as on September?
Which option will be provided to voters by Election Commission in upcoming elections as per the directives of Supreme Court?- Option to Reject All(NOTA)

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