Wednesday, February 17, 2016

50 Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

50 Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

Windows Key + DShow Desktop
Windows Key + COpen Charms Menu
Windows Key + FCharms Menu – Search
Windows Key + HCharms Menu – Share
Windows Key + KCharms Menu – Devices
Windows Key + ICharms Menu – Settings
Windows Key + QSearch For Installed Apps
Windows Key + WSearch Settings
Windows Key + TabCycle through open Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + Shift + TabCycle through open Modern UI Apps in reverse order
Windows Key + .Snaps app to the right (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + Shift + .Snaps app to the left (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + ,Temporarily view desktop
Alt + F4Quit Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + ELaunch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + LLock PC and go to lock screen
Windows Key + TCycle through icons on taskbar (press Enter to launch app)
Windows Key + XShow Advanced Windows Settings Menu
Windows Key + ELaunch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + Page DownMoves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Windows Key + MMinimize all Windows
Windows Key + Shift + MRestore all minimized Windows
Windows Key + ROpen Run dialog box
Windows Key + Up ArrowMaximize current window
Windows Key + Down ArrowMinimize current window
Windows Key + Left ArrowMaximize current window to left side of the screen
Windows Key + Right ArrowMaximize current window to right side of the screen
Ctrl + Shift + EscapeOpen Task Manager
Windows Key + Print ScreenTakes a Print Screen and saves it to your Pictures folder
Windows Key + Page UpMoves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the left
Windows Key + Pause BreakDisplay System Properties
Shift + DeletePermanently delete files without sending it to Recycle Bin
Windows Key + F1Open Windows Help and Support
Windows Key + VCycle through notifications
Windows Key + Shift + VCycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows Key + 0 to 9Launch/show app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Windows Key + Shift + 0 to9Launch new instance of app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Alt + EnterDisplay Properties of selected item in File Explorer
Alt + Up ArrowView upper level folder of current folder in File Explorer
Alt + Right ArrowView next folder in File Explorer
Alt + Left ArrowView previous folder in File Explorer
Windows Key + PChoose secondary display modes
Windows Key + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Alt + Print ScreenPrint Screen focused Window only

Windows Key + SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + Shift +SpacebarSwitch to previous input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + EnterOpen Narrator
Windows Key + +Zoom in using Magnifier
Windows Key + -Zoom out using Magnifier
Windows Key + EscapeExit Magnifier

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